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PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT COMMENTS <br />4. As per Public Works approved plan dated <br />5. Connect side sewor per City Standard k601. <br />� Connect side sewer per City Standard #'s 601, 602, 604. <br />7. Connect all rooftop downspouts to ihe sidc� sewer. <br />8. ) Connect rooftop downspouts to the drainage system p�ovided ior this lot. <br />� <br />9. Rooftop runoM must be discharged to a roof downspout iniiltration system per City of Everett <br />Storm Manual 34.6.2. Width _, Depth __, Length _. <br />10. The contractor must meet with the Public Works Inspector to discuss potential drainage <br />rou!ing prior to beginning the project. <br />11. Install erosion control measures as determined by the Public Works inspector, such es silt <br />fence, straw bales, swales, or erosion blankets. <br />12 ;nstall erosion control measure> per Ciry oi Everett Standards tor small parcels <br />�Remove erosion control measures upon completion of the project prior to final approval of the <br />permit. <br />14 All excavated material from foundation, sidewalk and driveways shall be hauled to an <br />approved, permitted site. No wasting of material is allowed on this huilding lot. <br />15. Remove and replace curb, gutler and sidewalk as per Ciry of F.verett Standard Plan #'s 305A <br />& 306 on this proposal's frontege as directed by tho Public Works Inspector (i.e. all unused <br />driveways and any broV.en or dameged erea must be replaced). <br />16. Install a Type I concrete driveway per City of Everett Stendard 1i307. <br />17 Pave driveway irom the iront property line out to the street paving. <br />1 tl. Contact the Water District for c�nnecting provisions for this building's <br />water and sewer services. <br />19. A catch basin as per City Standard Plan p402 with a gas trap per Standard Pian #410 is <br />required for the parking area. <br />20. If a sewer pump system is to be installed, the pressure line must discharge into a private <br />manhote, then graviry flow across the public right-of-way. <br />21. A sprinkler system is required for this build?ng in compliance with !he reGuirements of NFDA <br />Standards 13D. <br />PWCon�ments <br />