COZ1 a. Tr
<br />TIi25 COSTILACT, mule and attercd into tas --• '• ''- "- "
<br />between
<br />hereinafter called the "ItUr,'• and .. , ..' .. r•tstr
<br />hereinafter called the "purchaacr, •
<br />WITNESSETH: That the UNcr tetras to sell t sw; sad tlm pg,v,, a,,, t, pu:chase from the seller the foliowing
<br />County, State of Washington:
<br />described real estate, With the appurennnces, in :., 1."1 ":
<br />81ti. - •, r. �OISC.^. r., i' southwest
<br />'hwest;
<br />quarter Of Sect t.
<br />Earth i io58' lit qt 47,73 f.. t ll'ril.te0
<br />Road ; ;;hence sou:a•:esrerly _ . c . South
<br />33,Q .east 260.36 feet to cis: l .. ur.
<br />quarter; thence East 120.58 feet; ro coz%" :
<br />Subject to real estate mortEn> to Lin?on Fartor I.. .. :. s nrci
<br />Association, 2':h'_ch wiis recorder 'hr, er auditor's :o. 1672777,
<br />and or uhich there is a current bs.i 2:oe 01
<br />Tb, terms and eonditmns of }}his contract arc as fol:ou-- as
<br />s: TIoc PI-- prize=-_"�""' " -• �'i Jit.:u _
<br />HULDEdil anti n V100-------------------- _ , J0.00 ) Dol:ars,of which
<br />AVlh hT.1 D3'_':: and no1100----------------------- 10.00 ) Dollars Lave
<br />been aid, the receipt whereof is hereby aeL•nowledgcd, and the balance of said pure:.:: - -- P-ld as fvL'a
<br />pws:
<br />Purchaser r.orcas t0 assume Ifle ':`ayClP.ntS ......-'._ntloned mortgagee
<br />which pfayments e Ono Humored 1:" DOW-ora t pEr FCnt First
<br />payment on Said more: a-e sho" be On or Cef,)rt t: rch le 1966.
<br />The balance of seller's o-nity snail by pv!L at tl:c rate of forty Do'_lars
<br />V(`•y4U.UG1 e Or Core at pu-cis.',.:er' : oyt!Or-, per .7.Jn::^. inc.udin,,' inteVOst
<br />at the rats of 0,", ;;%1.r annum, c.:r: .. tcf on th. i:',rlr.shing principal
<br />balancos. inter ost to begin abru::.ry 14, 1966. First payment duo On
<br />or before Eareh 1, 1966. Subf;cIzart payment.; du_ on or b f:rc the
<br />f_°fit ay Of each and evary mannh thareafter until entire ecuity has
<br />been paid. (TEAL ESTATE S;,4ES TAX
<br />ixoun.
<br />RECEIPr NO.�.�..5_l
<br />t-CU I - 1 S63
<br />AL ;a•'ments to tti made L+reurdet ahaL he mule at �U.,. ` ``•• w
<br />or at such other pike tS ae sole: may direct !n w•ritinp.s„L�e, __ CY-.•L;.-�•-' • '
<br />As referred to in this cool: act,'•date of do,:n;' aball b. __ _. //vf/�DuFtill
<br />to pay belare debit ,'+otcy all Ls
<br />(U The purchu;rr sauces one: aFrer xes and 3, 1s1menls that may as between
<br />any grant or nit:o c,
<br />hereafter become a lien on said red estate
<br />ga.ce; and if by the tern.:. at th.n con: race tLe p.,nhaxr has mwmcd
<br />contract or other rncu,r S:ance, or has assurucd µsymeni of or Agrced w purchase subset to, any taxes or aazssments now a lien on said
<br />real estate, the pacchaur agrees to pay the s,me before delinquency.
<br />(2) The pu:;hasn rasters, until the purnt to pore a age p.L,� to a t anMP d wmd.i rm in a company. actcr cept"lc wced ntheaulleraAndlate
<br />lot
<br />Insured to the actaal c>:.a value thereof agti:ut loss or damage
<br />the teller. Mnel,t. as Lis interest may aoucar, and to pay all prea::unu thendor and to deliver ON {'•oli:ies and rcncseah tLcrto[ to
<br />