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does not meet all the requirements of Section 19.70.060 of the <br />Everett Municipal Code, Paragraphs 1,2,3, & 4. <br />A hearing was held on the application of the Church of Jesus Christ <br />of Latter Day Saints, c/o Richard Fowler, 10103 23rd Drive SE, Everett, <br />WA 98204, for a variance from Section 19.12.060 of. the Everett Municipal <br />Code, for permission to construct a church with a maximum roof height <br />of thirty-five (35) feet and a steeple with a height of sixty-three <br />(63) feet rather than -the code requirement for height of twenty-five <br />(25) feet. <br />The legal description, because of it, length, is on file with the <br />building department. <br />Approximate Location: 9531 19th Ave. E (Bothell Way) (19th Ave E, & <br />95th St) <br />Zoning: R-S,,Single Family Suburban Residential <br />Mr. Fowler represented the church and he explained they had been <br />granted a special property use permit for the construction of <br />the Church and the height restriction was discovered after the <br />special use permit was granted. <br />The Chairman of the Board made the statement that the Board would' <br />not need to make a decision on the height of the steeple, but only <br />on the building height. <br />There was no opposition from the audience. <br />After hearing the testimony and considering all the facts it was <br />moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Kristiansen and unanimously <br />carried to qrant the applicant's rectuest as it meets all the require- <br />ments of Section 19.70.060 of the Everett Municipal Code Paragraph <br />112,3, & 4. <br />A hearing was held on the application of Sherstad & Williams PO Box <br />419, Kikrland, WA 98033 for a variance from Section 19.14.050 of <br />the Everett Municipal Code, Yard Requirements, Paragraph C, for <br />permission to construct a single family residence to within eleven <br />(11) feet of the rear yard property line rather than the code <br />requirement of twentv (20) feet. <br />Legal Description: Lot 9 Wellington Manor No. 2 (So. of Holly Drive) <br />Aooroximate Location: Rath St. SF. & 3rd Place SE (E. of 3rd Ave.) <br />Zoning: R-1 Single Family Low Density Residence <br />There was no representative present for Sherstad & Williams so <br />hearing the 'application is postponed for thirty days or until the <br />March 51 1979 hearing. <br />(2) <br />