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nCAit �•r AnJU SlTfd1'14'A& <br />)APPLICATION 17011 VARIANCIE.' <br />• <br />hPPELLANT SHERSTAD k WILLIAMS, INC. ADDRESS P 0. #419, Kirkland. Wa_ 98019 <br />.Lrux DESCRIPTION OP PROPERTY Ill QUESTION (Including T.ddreas if <br />)applicable) : Lot 9, WELLINGTON .MANOR NO. 2 _ <br />commonly knopn as 3rd Place S.E. Everett. Wa. <br />(CHECI: 011E) Ovner in fee simple ' x ContracL'•Purchaser — <br />Date of present orm ership of property (if owner) 12-15-77 19 <br />• .Are you the owner of or purchasing a portion of a forr.,arly larger <br />recorded lot or tract which included the lot or tract in question? <br />Lot 9 is one of 11 lots in this development of Wallington Manor No. Z on which we <br />will be constructing new single-family residences <br />Description of prior lot or tract:: see above <br />•• = AITrD 1;XPLA:MION OP THE SPECIrIC •IA amlc1E R1 Ci1;STED: <br />We request this variance yo enable us to construct•a barrier -free home for did handi-.• <br />capped living. This house plan w!11 fit only on this lot due to topography (flat <br />terrain). Variance requested is for a 11.0' rear -yard setback instead of 20.0'. <br />•SHERSTAD,&.WILLIAMS, INC. <br />- I •ZM. <br />jiw�_ ams, ec y- teas. <br />P1101)n : 827-0491ti <br />