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;rs.N q M'G MtYs!H,q(So;UkN6 <br />Hillis Homes, Inc. <br />826 South Broadway <br />Everett, Washington 91204 <br />Gentlemen: <br />Following are the calculated heating requirements which gnu rcque,t,,d. <br />The figures noted below are based on 10" outdoor an(! 70" indoor- design <br />temperatures and a 5,500 clegree day year, which is avcroge for this area. <br />We have used insulation values of R-19 in the ceilinq; K-7 in hoth ,,ails <br />and garage ceiling per your plans. <br />The minimum heating requirements for Ihit, 11,111r are 16,955 ,,;rtt•, an,l we <br />recommend the installation of a 20 to 22.5 K.W, clrctric furnace f..r <br />the entire house. <br />rot, this installation, our ealculatee annual I,catin9 cost i•, '194.:38 or <br />a monthly average of $16.25. It should be recognized that th k coat <br />estimate is a customer service and not a guaranteed or warranted f;gure. <br />However, our past experience, based upon meter records, has shotm actual <br />costs are generally very close to the calculated costs, dependinu rn 0-c <br />living habits of the occupants. <br />Since an electric furnace is desired, the District recommends the installation <br />of a balanced warm air supply system with dampers and it return air system <br />which will return as close to lo07_ of all the furnace fan CFm output as possihl, <br />The Dlstrlc: further recommends all duct work installed in non -heated spaces be <br />adequately insulated. This would include warm air supply ducts and return air <br />ducts in crawl spaces or attics and warm and cold air plenums on the, furnace <br />installed in an unheated area. <br />We hope this information will be helpful to y0r.1, however, if we rainy be of <br />further assistance, please call ue;, <br />Sincerely, <br />R. C. "Swede" Johnson <br />Commercial Represent.rtive <br />