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FMBL/C WORKS <br />April 16, 2015 <br />SEATTLE PACIFIC HOMES <br />120 SW EVERETT MALL WAY <br />EVERETT, WA 98204 <br />Rt: New Building Address Assignment in the City of Everett <br />ACTIONS: Owner to post address until permanently Installed. Add address to permanent records. <br />We wish to express our appreciation to you for helping to build and improve the City of Everett. <br />Permit (C1SO4-004) has been issued approving the construction of the building on the following <br />described parcel: Lot 29 CASCADE PARK SUB13-001, parcel number 28051800302200. In <br />accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.44, the building has been assigned the followi g <br />primary address: <br />411 92ND PL SE <br />EVERFTT, WA 98208-1918 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be posted facing 92ND PL SE: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE SIZE TABLE, per EMC 16.03.030 (F) <br />Ddlance LrpQ} QW or fire Lane MMV?u¢Lfig r i _ <br />0 - 50 feel 14"H x l.5" W, !A "stroke width <br />51 -100 feet 6"H x 3"W, 14 "stroke width <br />101 -150 feet 8'H x 4'W, 33 "stroke width <br />1S1 -100 feet 10' H x 5" 111 34 "stroke width <br />201 feet and up 11"Hx 6"W, dG"stroke width <br />'Minimum figure size for the primary address ofmulti-family or Commercial buildings is sir inches (6"). <br />Height -to -width ratio of figures shall be approximately 2H: IW, contrasting in color with their background <br />(black or white on glazing). If ass/gned addresses cannot be vlelved from a public way, address numbers <br />should also be posted at the road entrance on a pole, or sign, to clearly Identify which driveway or roadway <br />serves the posted address. Owner to post numbers or letters for Jellpnf suite�pd�pa[fq>P11f1F�+11K1)1 <br />Lc mterio�01hd.exfgpQr of the building, with a minimum 1",gure sire at least 4 inches high. Please contact <br />the Everett Fire Department to finalize address posting requirements: 425-257.8120. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Off1-e and other interested parties of the new <br />address assignment to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Paul McKee, Permit Services Manager, Everett Public Works <br />cc: USPS Postmaster, Carrier Annex Address Management System; Snohomish County E9-1-1 Addressing <br />Coordinator, GIS Snohomish County Assessor's Office Addressing Supervisor, GIS, Parcel Address Lead, <br />Parcel Owner Address lead- Snohomish County Auditor's Office Electrons Addressing Supervisor, GIS; <br />SNOPAC 911; Snohomish County PUD; Puget Sound Energy; City of Everett Police, Fire Marshal's Office, <br />Planning, Utility Bilhrg Manager and Stag; Utility Records, GIS Utility Flapping, Public Works AM0, Public <br />Works 756:, Traffic Engineer and Staff, Permit Services Manager and Staff <br />Chart No.: SW18285 Address Type: SFR <br />CITY OF EVERETT" 3200 Cedar Streol • Everett, WA 98201 • (425) 257-8800 - Fax (425) 257.8882 <br />