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October 22, 1962 <br />Atfe Smith <br />415 - 92nd Street <br />Everett, Washington <br />Dear Sir: <br />t'l,i,a is to inform you that your application, Permit s1683, to onatruct <br />Psi asphalt,c concrete driveway in the position shown on sketch, has been <br />approved by the City Engineer. A copy of the sketch, showing the <br />approved work, is enclosed. All work :oust conform to thia sketch. <br />We are also enclosing a copy of our rules and regulations governing work <br />on City streets. Please notify us when you Etart this work, so an <br />inEpection can be macie. <br />This permit is valid for a period of 60 days, If the work has not boen <br />clone at the end of that time, it will be necessary for you to obtain a rew <br />permit. <br />Since rely, <br />RODNEY V. COLVIN <br />City x-�ngineo <br />RVC:m <br />encl - 2 <br />