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601 92ND ST SE 2018-01-02 MF Import
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601 92ND ST SE 2018-01-02 MF Import
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r <br />CITY OF EVERETI <br />City Hall PHONE: Arpin•. J-il!1 <br />Everett, '.�ashington <br />INSPECTIONgDEPtRT'dENT LOT APFC4)VAL SHEET <br />NAik .4kl.V S y- . (frkL= _ ADDRESS 7f6 - %y 1'T. kEty Lo7 <br />A21)RcSS OF PROFOSED BUILDING 6 <br />x <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: O 4LOCK ADDITION k,4 <br />TYPE OF USE iu, NO. CF BEDFOOMS SIZE OF LOT G•2 X 162 <br />SOURCE OF DRINKING .DATER: PUBLIC SUPFLY PRIVATE BELL <br />A. SURFACE DRAINAGE <br />1. Is disposal field site well drained`] <br />2. Any water course (stream, drainage ditch, etc.) through site? 7 i f' <br />B. TOPOGRAPHY <br />1. Any heavy slopes in field area? '1 mot-- <br />2. Will present topsoil in field area be removed or graded before field tiles are <br />installed? <br />3. dill any fill material be used in the disposal field site?_ , If yes, how <br />much <br />C. SOIL OUNDITIONS <br />1. Has a hole at least 4 feet deep been dug ' the disposal field area to determine <br />the type of soil present? Y_ Tr'r'- <br />2. After hole is dug record the soil conditions at the following depths: <br />(Record as sand, grave � clay, packed sandloam, etc ) <br />12 inches e" 3b inches <br />IS inches r.,` 36 inches <br />24 inches 48 inches <br />s. Any ground water encountered before reaching a depth of 4 feet? .:I <br />If so, at what depth? <br />D. WATER TEST <br />A simple water test will show how well this soil will drain or percolate water. <br />To perform this test: <br />1. Dig a hole it least 36 inches deep. Use a shovel or post hole digger; size <br />of hole makes no difference - only depth. <br />2. Fill ho)e with water. Now let all water run out of hole. This soaks the <br />round and will give a more accurate reading. <br />3. gain pour water in hole to a height of 12 inches from the bottom. Let <br />water run out until there is just 6 inches from bottom left in hole. <br />4. Note how many minutes it takes for this last 6 inches to seep awayy. <br />5. Divide this time by 6 to obtain the rate <br />6. Date water test was performed.- 6 '/ - (G <br />I hereby certify the above information to be correct and the above tests were per- <br />formed by me as prescribed. 1. <br />Signed t?' : i <br />Address <br />WlE: A septic tank permit is i rued on the basis of the above information. If r <br />there are any ..ranges or alter.sticns in the above stated soil conditions, it may <br />result in the installation bei,.g rejected at the time of inspection. <br />
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