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CITY OF EVERETT <br />PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT <br />BUILDING DIVISION <br />NOT:CE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR <br />FILING OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION <br />Applicant: <br />Address: 3$" ooetSe. -r29F01�- <br />Project Name: / 1,) (,C' - <br />Project Address: <br />At this time, your building permit application is being conditionally <br />accepted fix filing, pending the determination of its completeness and <br />whether any additional land use approval(s) including but not limited to: <br />Zoning Code <br />State Environmental Policy Act <br />Shoreline Management Act <br />is required in order to complete your application. <br />If the City review determines that any additional land use approval or any <br />additional information is required to complete your building Permit <br />application, it will be necessary to submit this additional information or <br />acquire the additional land use approval prior to your application being <br />considered complete .for filing. If no other land use approval or additional <br />information is required, your building permit application will be considered <br />filed as of this date. <br />Fees charged or refunded will be in accordance with Section 304(c)(f) of the <br />Uniform Building Code. <br />Valid only when signed by both parties: <br />Applidant or nut orl gent <br />7fFY--0T—Lvere tt I n tak o. TecTun cian <br />(4456) <br />'� a (L ( > <br />ate e <br />N <br />ii-Fe--- <br />