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Section One: Recitals <br /> 1.1. The undersigned is (are) the Grantor/Covenantor/owner(s) of or has (have) a substantial interest in the value, <br /> use,enjoyment,and occupation of the real property described above("Property"); <br /> 1.2. The Grantee/Covenantee, the City of Everett (City) has a substantial interest in the effective and safe use of <br /> lands within its borders, and in the health,safety,and welfare of its citizens; <br /> 1.3. The Property is located in an environmentally sensitive area more specifically defined as a "geologically <br /> hazardous area"in Chapter 19.37 of the Everett Municipal Code; <br /> 1.4. "Geologically hazardous areas" are known by the City and undersigned to be subject to landslides and other <br /> soils movement that may result in the damage or destruction, in whole or in part, of any building, structure, <br /> dwelling,or lands within or adjacent to such areas; <br /> 1.5. This Covenant is to be signed,acknowledged and recorded in the records of Snohomish County as a restrictive <br /> covenant,restricting and limiting use of geologically hazardous property before the City will issue any Permit(s)to <br /> do any work on property within a"geologically hazardous area";and <br /> 1.6. This Convenant concerns the Covenantor/Grantor's use, occupation or enjoyment of the Property and benefits <br /> the City as Covenantee/Grantee.This Covenant is intended to bind successors and assigns and run with the land. <br /> Section Two: Restrictions on Occupation, Use, and Development of the <br /> Property <br /> 2.1. The Property may not be occupied,used or developed, and no residential or commercial building, structure, or <br /> dwelling shall be erected or constructed on the Property,without first obtaining the Permit(s)from the City. <br /> 2.2. The City will not issue any Permit(s) to Owner of Property unless and until Owner signs a contractual <br /> agreement(Agreement)with the City expressly providing that: <br /> 2.2.1. Owners(s)and his/her(their)heir(s),successor(s),legal representative(s)and assign(s)shall provide, <br /> design, construct, erect, maintain, repair, rebuild, or improve such structure(s), building(s), barriers(s), or <br /> dwelling(s) as is reasonably necessary to prevent, control or avoid damage from the adverse impacts from soils <br /> movement within or adjacent to the Property,whether caused by Owners(s) and his/her(their)heir(s), successor(s), <br /> legal representative(s),and assign(s)or otherwise,for the continued use and enjoyment of the Property; <br /> 2.2.2. It is the sole burden and responsibility of Owners(s) and his/her (their) heir(s), successor(s), legal <br /> representative(s) and assign(s) to obtain, ensure, and fund any design, approval, authorization, material, supplies, <br /> labor, services,maintenance,repairs, structural alterations, insurance,taxes, or assessments necessary or required to <br /> prevent,control or avoid damage from the adverse impacts from soils movement within or adjacent to the Property; <br /> 2.2.3. In consideration of the issuance of the Permit(s), Owner(s) on his/her (their) own behalf and on <br /> behalf of his/her(their)heirs, successors, legal representatives, and assigns hereby releases and waives any right to <br /> assert any claim or course of action related to any loss or damage to people or property either on or off the Property <br /> resulting from soils movement by reason of or arising out of issuance of the Permit(s)by the City for development <br /> on the Property and agrees to indemnify (including reasonable attorney's fees) and hold the City, its officers, <br /> employees and agents harmless from any claim(s) or courses of action related to any loss or damage to people or <br /> property either on or off the Property resulting from soils movement by reason of or arising out of issuance of the <br /> Permit(s) for development on the Property; Provided, nothing herein shall require the Owner(s) and his/her (their) <br /> heirs, successors, legal representatives, and assigns to indemnify and hold harmless the City,its officers,agents and <br /> employees from claims or courses of action caused solely by the negligence of the City, its officer, employees and <br /> agents, and provided further, that if the claims or courses of action are caused by or result from the concurrent <br /> negligence of(1) the Owner(s), his/her(their) heirs, successors, assigns and agents, and (2) the City, its officer, <br /> agents and employees, the indemnity provisions provided herein shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent <br /> provided by law;and <br /> 2.2.4. Owners(s) and/or his/her (their) heir(s), successor(s), legal representative(s) and assign(s) will <br /> inform his/her (their) heirs, successors, legal representatives, and assigns that the Property is in a geologically <br /> hazardous area,that there may be actual or potential risks associated with development thereon,of any conditions or <br /> prohibitions on development, and of any features in this design which will require maintenance or modification to <br /> address anticipated soils changes. <br /> Section Three: Subsequent Property Owners <br /> 3.1. By accepting title to any or all of the Property, any subsequent owners of the Property, including any heir(s), <br /> successor(s), legal representative(s) and assign(s) of the Owner, (Subsequent Owners) shall accept and ratify the <br /> Agreement regardless of whether such party was a signatory to that Agreement. <br />