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VII. PROVISIONS REGARDING BLOOD-BORNE PATHOGENS <br /> A. School certifies that it has trained each student it sends to Training Site in <br /> universal precautions and transmission of blood-borne pathogens and that it will send to <br /> Training Site only students who have been trained in and have practiced using universal <br /> precautions. School has recommended the Hepatitis B (HBV) screening to all education <br /> program students before assignment to Training Site. Students may waive the HBV <br /> series, but are required to have a TB screening and be up-to-date on all other <br /> immunizations. Training Site will provide personal protection equipment that is appropriate <br /> for the tasks assigned to School's students. <br /> B. In the event a student sustains a needle-stick injury or other substantial <br /> exposure to bodily fluids of another or other potentially infectious material while <br /> participating in the education program at Training Site, Training Site agrees to provide the <br /> following services: <br /> • Emergency medical care following the injury; <br /> • Initiation of HBV, Hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV protocol; <br /> • HIV counseling and appropriate testing. <br /> The student will be responsible for the costs of any and all care, testing, counseling, and <br /> obtaining necessary follow-up care. <br /> C. The source patient's HBV, HCV and HIV status will be determined by <br /> Training Site in the usual manner to the extent possible. <br /> VIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br /> A. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement <br /> between the parties, and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, commitments, or <br /> understandings concerning the matters provided for herein. <br /> B. Amendment. This Agreement may be modified only by a subsequent written <br /> Agreement executed by the parties. The provisions in this Agreement may not be <br /> modified by any attachment or letter agreement as described elsewhere in this <br /> Agreement. <br /> C. Order of Precedence. Any conflict or inconsistency in this Agreement and its <br /> attachments will be resolved by giving the documents precedence in the following order: <br /> 1. This Agreement; <br /> 2. Attachments to this Agreement in reverse chronological order. <br /> Affiliation Agreement <br /> Page 6 <br />