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1616 E Marine View Dr. Boring Application <br /> The 6 boring locations in the road will require that the 48" sewer main and the 21" sewer main and the <br /> 8" storm line be located (eyes on actual pipe not green paint marks), before any borings are started.All <br /> borings are to be no closer than 2 foot from the edge of either the 48" and 21". Contractor is <br /> responsible for any damage caused by the boring and any all cost due to the damage. <br /> There is a major sewer construction project starting on Hayes street and will require the coordination of <br /> both contractors for traffic control for this job. <br /> Thanks, Brian 5/16/17 <br /> Brian Doolan <br /> Maintenance &Operations Supervisor <br /> Sewer& Drainage Department <br /> City of Everett Public Works <br />