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I <br /> Ted Budden <br /> From: Ted Budden <br /> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:48 PM <br /> To: Donald Cunningham <br /> Subject: 2110 Virginia Ave <br /> Don, <br /> Here is a summary of my observations made during the inspection conducted with you this morning for the building <br /> located at 2110 Virginia Ave. Everett WA. <br /> This single family house has been altered at some time in the past to create two separate dwelling units. A records <br /> search failed to discover permits and approvals for this alteration work. <br /> A second story deck was observed to have been somewhat recently constructed on the back west side of the building. <br /> Permits and approvals have not been located for this elevated deck structure.The deck is accessed through an exterior <br /> door from the second story apartment unit. It was observed that a large non code compliant step up to this deck exists <br /> at this location. <br /> In addition to the step hazard at this location the headroom clearance at this doorway is too low and also not code <br /> compliant. <br /> No smoke alarms were provided to the upper apartment. <br /> Required smoke alarms were missing at some locations in the lower apartment. <br /> Carbon monoxide detectors have not been provided within the building. <br /> It was observed that the hot water heater serving the lower apartment lacked seismic strapping and a code compliant <br /> overflow drain pipe. <br /> Fire resistive construction to separate the two dwellings is required by code. This separation has not been provided. <br /> In summary, this building has alterations and defects that are defined by code as Unlawful and Unsafe. <br /> I recommend and support enforcement action to abate these violations and conditions. <br /> Thank you for the opportunity to provide assistance in this matter. <br /> Ted Budden <br /> Chief Inspector <br /> Everett Building Department <br /> 425.257 7271 <br /> 1 <br />