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• CITY OF EVERETT 0 <br />PLANNING DIRECTOR DECISION <br />Review Process I #16-022 <br />Landscape Modification <br />March 23, 2017 <br />Applicant: Julie Margetich <br />2044 California Avenue <br />Corona, CA 92881 <br />Project Location: 1031 SE Everett Mall Way, Everett, WA 98208 <br />Requested Modifications: An exception from EMC 19.35.060 which requires perimeter landscaping to <br />consist of: <br />1. Ten feet or distance between lot line and building, whichever is less <br />landscaped with Type III landscaping along front property line; <br />2. Five feet of Type III landscaping along the west property line; <br />Zoning: C-1R, Regional Commercial -Office <br />Project Planner: Grace Pollard, Assistant Planner 425.257.8807 <br />The City of Everett Planning Department grants APPROVAL of a landscape modification request by Julie <br />Margetich for 1031 SE Everett Mall Way with the following conditions: <br />1. Provide landscaping as shown on the approved landscape plan dated March 23, 2017. All landscape areas <br />must be maintained with respect to creating a healthy growing condition and attractive appearance as <br />well as being free of weeds and trash as specified in the Everett Municipal Code 19.35.130. <br />2. At the time of planting, shrubs must be at least two -gallon size and a minimum of 24 inches in height, <br />deciduous trees must have a minimum trunk diameter of 3inches, evergreen trees must be at least eight <br />(8) feet high, and groundcover must be planted 18 inches on center. <br />The Planning Director approved the landscape modifications based on the following: <br />Subsection 35.070.A(5) of the City of Everett Zoning Code gives the Planning Director, using Review Process I, <br />the authority to modify the required landscaping if the applicant proposes an alternative method of landscaping <br />that would achieve the intent and purpose of the landscaping required and which the Planning Director determines <br />to provide superior quality. <br />Approved landscape modifications are shown on the landscape plan dated March 23, 2017 and include the <br />following: <br />Landscape Modification No. 1—West Property Line Perimeter Landscaping. A reduction of the required 5 feet <br />landscaping strip along the west property line to zero feet. Due to the existing width of the drive aisle, location of <br />the existing building, the increase in perimeter landscaping width along the north property line, and using plants <br />that exceed the minimum height and trunk caliper as well as exceeding the density standards,the Director has <br />approved an exemption to the required 5 foot wide landscape strip along the west property line. <br />Landscape Modification No. 2 —South Property Line Frontage Landscaping. Relocate the required 10 feet of <br />landscaping along the south property line to the right-of-way behind the sidewalk. To make accommodations for a <br />proposed parking lot between SE Everett Mall Way and the existing building,10 feet of frontage landscaping will <br />be installed behind the sidewalk. Plants will exceed minimum height as well as minimum density standards to <br />mitigate for the modification request. The Director finds the design to meet the intent and purpose of the <br />landscaping code. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />REVI#16-022 <br />