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INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING <br />AGREEMENT <br />Pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW and to other provisions of the law, <br />The Klickitat County Fire Protection District #7, hereinafter <br />called "K.C.F.P.D.#7" and the following named municipal corporation, <br />political subdivision, or other public agency of'the State of <br />Washington, THE CITY OF EVERETT, 49ASHINGTON hereinafter called "The <br />political subdivision", hereby agree to cooperative governmental <br />purchasing upon the following terms and conditions. <br />(1) The K.C.F.P.D.#7 in contracting for the purchase of goods <br />and services for the county, agrees to extend said contracts <br />to other political subdivisions to the extend permitted <br />by law, and agreed upon by the parties. <br />(2) The politicalsubdivision accepts responsibility for com- <br />plianc`with any additional or varying laws and regulations <br />governing purchases by or on behalf of the political sub- <br />division in question. A purchase by a political subdivision <br />shall be effected by a purchase order from the political <br />subdivision, directed to the vendor or other party con- <br />tracting to furnish goods or services to K.C.F.P.D.#7. <br />(3) The K.C.F.P.D.#7 accepts no responsibility for the perfor- <br />mance of any purchasing contract by the vendor, and the <br />K.C.F.P.D.#7, accepts no responsibility for payment of the <br />purchase price by the political subdivision. <br />(4) The political subdivision reserves the right to contract <br />independently for the purchase of any goods or services, <br />with or without notice to K.C.F.P.D.#7. <br />