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, <br /> 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS SUMMARY <br /> The site covers approximately 0.22 acres. As previously mentioned the site is developed <br /> and contains an existing SFR (to be replaced with the new duplex), driveway (to be <br /> removed) and a couple sheds. Oaks Ave right-of-way runs along the east side of the <br /> property and Lexington Ave right-of-way runs along the south side of the property. Since <br /> the existing site contains an SFR and driveway, which will be replaced by a new duplex <br /> and driveways, the net new impervious after final construction of the project totals less <br /> than 2,000 sf. The site previously contained approximately 2,084 sf and the site after final <br /> construction will contain approximately 3,917 sf. Access to the site will be from the alley to <br /> the west which takes access from Lexington Ave to the south. Approximately 3,917 sf <br /> (0.09 acres) of the site will be impacted by new plus replaced impervious surfaces with the <br /> entire site, approximately 9,576 sf (0.22 acres) being disturbed as needed for the <br /> clearing/grubbing and restoration of the existing site. <br /> The proposed area of disturbance drains to the east. This project will not affect any off- <br /> site flows from passing through the site as in the existing condition. All of the proposed <br /> impervious surfaces for this project will be dispersed on-site over existing lawn or <br /> amended soils. By not grading or compacting the majority of the pervious surfaces to <br /> remain after construction in the area of disturbance a maximWm amount of site runoff from <br /> the developed project will be absorbed into the existing on-site soils. <br /> The USDA Web-Soil Survey was used to determine the existing soil conditions for the <br /> parcel. Refer to Figure 4. The soils are mapped as Alderwood-urban land complex. The <br /> general site slopes, in the area of disturbance, are flat to moderate and average <br /> approximately 7 percent down to the east. Based on the existing soil information and the <br /> setbacks of the proposed improvements from any of the property lines or critical areas <br /> there is little potential for erosion or sedimentation during construction, assuming the basic <br /> BMPs included in the SWPPP are installed and maintained properly. Refer to Figure 2 for <br /> an existing basin map. <br /> Haack—Lexington Duplex 16-1112 <br /> January 2017 Page 4 <br />