Permit#: C1705-003
<br /> Site Address: 224109TFf STSE
<br /> ' � 1 8�-O° ��-O° PATRICIA K
<br /> ST�T� G� Y�t�aHI�lGTO�I �N�Nt�1��1vt�1�T5 TO IfiZG 5�GT101� fi� 3 2 5 �� '�� Pp Pa ed.Use: SFR/DEfACHEQ
<br /> ' • �escription: GARAGE CONVERSION TO HABITA�FpR
<br /> ����T ��� Ii.Y �0��� 'Q� ADULTFAMILYHOME
<br /> � � �XISTING GONGRETE � . �
<br /> i�.32 �. 1 General. Thi� section shall apply to �II newly con�tructed adult family home� and all existing single family home5 being conVerted to adult pR�VE Reviewed6y. �1�f" Q�t�: � r�
<br /> famil homes. ThiS �ection �hall not a I to those adult famil home5 licen5ed b the State of Y�tashington department of 5ocial and health service5 �°ff`��S�t �o�s�t�s�t Fire/PlanningSet
<br /> y pf� y y y �
<br /> prior to July 1 , 2001 .
<br /> _ . ��� ��� � �� y� �
<br /> R32 �.2 �e5erved. . . . . . - �� �
<br /> EXI5TI1`! /�RKING ry �
<br /> R325.3 5leeping room cla��ification. �ach 5leeping room in an adult family home 5hall be classified a�: m ��
<br /> 1 . Type 5 - Y�there the mean5 of egre55 contain5 5tair5, elevator5 or platform lift5.
<br /> ' ��
<br /> E PAVE
<br /> 2. T e N�s 1 - Where one means of e ress is at rade level or a ram �on�tructed in ac�ordance with R� 25.q is rovided. P RKIN ,�3�0.� ��, "'�
<br /> y p 9 9 p p �� _
<br /> �. Type 1�52 - v�there two means of egres5 are at grade level or ramp5 constructed in aGcordance with R� 25.q are provided. �,
<br /> R325.4 Type� of locking devices and door actiVation. �II bedroom and bathroom door� shall be openable from the out5ide u�hen locked. �Very
<br /> + ��
<br /> �loset 5hall be re�dily openable from the inside. Oper�ble part5 of door handles, pulls, lat�he5, lock� and other deViceS in5talled in adult family home5
<br /> 5hail be operable u�ith one hand and Shall not req,uire tight grasping, pinching or tu�i5ting of the wrist. Pocket doors shall haVe gra5pable hardu�are , o�-o�� 4��-0° 22�-0�� -
<br /> aVailable u�hen in the closed or open po5ition.The force req,uired to activate operable part5 Shall be 5.0 pounds C22.2 N� maximum. Req,uired exit o
<br /> doors 5hall have no additional lockin device5. Re uired ex�it door hardware 5hall unlo�k in5ide and out�ide mechanism5 �uhen exitin the buildin +2S�� FIN. FL. � �
<br /> g a g g .
<br /> allowing reentry inta the adult family home without the u5e of a key, tool or special kr�ou�ledge.
<br /> iz325.� Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm req,uirement5. ,�II adult family home5 Shall be eq,uipped u�ith 5moke and carbon monoxide alarms , , � �
<br /> installed as req,uired in 5ections i�3 1 4 and fi�3 1 �. 1 . ,�larms shall be installed in SUGh a manner so that the detection device u�arning is audible from all � �p°� � 0 �
<br /> areas of the dwelling upon activation of a single alarm. � EXISTING RE5IDENGE _ ��j� c� � _...
<br /> � 2�4 1 OqTH 5T. 5E EVERETT, W,4. �Q ,,� �
<br /> R3 2 5.6 �scape u�indows and doors. �very sleeping room shall be pr~ovided u�ith emergency e5cape and re5cue windou�s as req,uired by section �x 4 SINGLE STORY FLOOR ARE,4 1,358 J.�. - ..,,�
<br /> � l� �
<br /> R3 1 O. l�o alternative5 to the 5ill hei ht such a5 ste 5 rai5ed latform5 or other deviGes IaGed b the o enin 5 u�ill be a roVed a5 meetin thi5 �' � � �'
<br /> 9 p � p I� y p 9 pp 9 � � O
<br /> req,uirement. . � ��;�
<br /> �� 2 5.�i Fire apparatus acce55 roads and u�ater supply for f ire protection. ,�dult family homes shall be 5erved by f ire apparatus acce55 road5 � � �
<br /> and water supplies meeting the req,uirement5 of the lo�al jurisdi�tion. � -�
<br /> �
<br /> R325.8 Grab bar general req,uirements. Where fa�ilities are de5ignated for use by adult family home client5, grab bar5 for water clo5ets, � , � �
<br /> bathtubs and Shower 5tall5 Shall be installed according ta this Section. P,hTlO - O - �.1
<br /> R� 2 5.8. 1 G r a b b a r c r o s s S e c t i o n. G r a b b a r s w i t h � c i r c u l a r c r o 5 5 5 e c t i o n 5 h a l l h a V e a n o u t 5 i d e d i a m e t e r o f 1 1 /4 i n c h e s m i n i m u m a n d 2 . � �
<br /> inches maximum. Grab bars u�ith non�ircular cross se�tion shall have a �ro55 5e�tion dimen5ion of 2 inche5 maximum and a perimeter dimension of 4 � = � -
<br /> � �
<br /> inches minimum and 4 5/8 inches maximum. `� � �
<br /> � . r � � �
<br /> R325.8.2 Grab bar installation. Grab bars shall have a spacing of 1 1 /2 in�hes betu�een the wal! and the bar. Pra je�ting ob jects, eontrol ry � �
<br /> � � �
<br /> valves and bathtub or shou�er stall en�losure feature5 aboVe, belou� and at the ends of the grab bar 5hall haVe a clear space of 1 1 /2 inches to the BUILDING SETB�4GK LIMITS � '�
<br /> grab bar. --1 � �, �
<br /> w
<br /> �XG��'T I Ol�l: �- � � .� ,� �
<br /> 5wing-up grab bars 5hall not be req,uired to meet the 1 1 �2 inch spacing req,uirement. • • - •
<br /> < � 1.� o �
<br /> Grabs bar5 shall have a 5tructural 5trength of 250 pounds applied at any point on the grab bar, fastener, mounting device or 5upporting structural �I.r.� �L�� ���,��� - �- ,� .�
<br /> member. Grab bars 5hall not be Supported directly by any residential grade f ibergla5s bathing or showering unit. ,�cryliG bar5 found in bathing units � � �" �
<br /> shail be remoVed. -.; � ° _ � o� - o° c.�. � �Q �-
<br /> 0
<br /> �ixed position grab bars, u�hen mounted, 5hall not rotate, �pin or moVe and have a gra5pable 5ur:fa�e f ini5h. o.��o� -� Q � � �-
<br /> fi�3 2 5.8.� Grab bar5 at u�ater closets. Y�tater closets 5hall have grab bars mounted on both 5ides. Grab bars can be a combination of f ixed T�X P�RGEL # 006 � b50000 1000 �' � �
<br /> 'EDG�OF SHOWER 1 1/4'�M,hX.DIA. � � N
<br /> po5ition and su�ing-up bars. Grab bar5 5hali meet the req,uirements of R32 �.8. Grab bars 5hall mount between 33 inches and 36 inche5 aboVe floor GURRENT GITY OF EYERETT ZONING: � - � � STALLISBEGENING STAINLE555TEEL �
<br /> grade. Genterline di5tance between rab bars re ardles� of t e used 5hall be between 25 in�hes minimum and 30 inche5 maximum. kU�FFLER - TUL�4RE'S FIRST ,�I7DITION OPSLOPEDFLOOR GRABB�R O �
<br /> � � g yp i 4" PROVIDE 2X 50LID
<br /> BLK 400 D-00 LOT 1 O BLOGKING IN W,�LL � �
<br /> �325.8.3. 1 Fixed po5ition grab bar5. �ixed po5ition grab bars shall be a minimum of 36 inches in length and start 1 2 inche5 from the rear u�all. ,4TGOlVT,4GTPOINTS � �
<br /> �32 �.8.�.2 su�ing-up grab bars. Su�ing-up grab bar5 Shall be a minimum of 28 inGhes in length from the rear u�all. f�N51GOMPLIf�NT �.�� �,,.�, 3 �
<br /> R 2 5.8.4 rab bar5 at bathtub5. Horizontal and Yertical rab bars shall meet the re uir�ments of R3 2 5.8. HANDRAIL ����,�,, �,�s� _ � �
<br /> � � g a : � O
<br /> R325.8.4. 1 �ertical rab bars. �ertical rab bars �hall be a minimum of 1 S in�hes long and installed at the control end u�all and head end wall. PORDR?.Nt�G��°�G� � z � � �
<br /> 9 9 , � �
<br /> G r a b b a r 5 �h a l l m o u n t u�i t h i n 4 i n G h e S o f t h e e x t e r i o r o f t h e b a t h t u b e d g e o r w i t h i n 4 i n c h e 5 u�i t h i n t h e b a t h t u b. T h e b o t t o m e n d o f t h e b a r S h a l l 2 X 6 F O R M E D G E D�4 R �
<br /> R,hIL G�P WITH 2X3 �
<br /> 5tart betu�een 36 in�hes and 42 inGheS above floor grade. STRONGBP.GK 6" X � 6" 6" 6" �
<br /> r �j4 X 4 P.T. P 0 5 T 8' � �
<br /> �X��I- T(O�: MAX.O.G.GONGRETE M XI UM � � M XI UM M XIM M h
<br /> The req,uired vertical grab bar can be Substituted u�ith a floor to �eiling grab bar meeting the req,uirements of i�325.8 at the control end and hear� _ - B,��KF��L�° m ° y �
<br /> m 2X4 TRE,4TED R�rIL 8 z �
<br /> m 2X3 STRONG BAGK �
<br /> end entry points. � �
<br /> R3 2 Horizontal rab bar5. Horizontal grab bars shall be provided at the control end, head end, and the back wall u�ithin the bathtub � _ ���GONGRETE 51D�WALK m m �
<br /> � � W/ 6X6 1 O/1 O W.W.M. _
<br /> ��� �
<br /> area. Grab bar5 Shall be mounted between 33 inches and 3C� inche5 above floor grade. Gontrol end and head end grab bars Shall be 24 inches ,:. .� ����.� _: .��� �� �.��� �� � . � - � �� � � ;4�, (;
<br /> ',.• •.► �,; GONGRETE � � ���_,� 1�`%�
<br /> minimum in length. Sack wall grab bar 5hall be 36 inches minimum in length. � a• ,• � �� ; � B?�GKFILL�TP05T f ;
<br /> i�325.8.� Grab bars at Shower 5talls. Y�here Shou�er 5talls are rovided to meet the re/��uirement5 for b�thin facilities, rab bar5 Shall meet �ti.�_J �. J� 1-OG�tTIONS. ����� � � ���� �
<br /> � "I, 9 9 2`�' GENTER LINE OF ��O! 1�� ���� ����� �� I �I i.� ������� � ,� �. . .
<br /> RAMP �� � �� �`'�rt�il 9R�-yic�s
<br /> the req,uirement5 o R325.8. �����,���
<br /> �XG��'TION:
<br /> 1 /� = 1 - O
<br /> 5hower 5tall5 with permanent built-in seats are not req,uired to have Vertical or hori�ontal grab bars at the 5eat end u�all. ,� vertical flo�r to ceiling ��M�-' S��',�"10� s�r���tir�n�l ��rmi���r� ��q�i��� � � ��Q��
<br /> grab bar shall be installed within 4 inches of the exterior of the Shower �ligned with the nose of the built-in seat. - ��� ��»� ������� �Q ��C����� PROPANE7�Ni(5, ���rpu��5��� • •
<br /> fi�32 �.8.�. 1 �ertical rab bar�. �ertical rab bars �5hall be 18 in�hes minimum in len th and installed at the Gontrol end wall and head end u�all. 1 /2° = 1 � - o° � �������� � �pr���i�r 9AYN07BEILOGA7 D�INTF�R��ONTG�`� Design
<br /> 9 9 9
<br /> �ertical bars shall be mounted u�ithin 4 inches of the exterior of the shou�er stall or within 4 inche� inside the shou�er Stall. The bottom end o.f � ������ic�� � �,�����rm RE����A�DI�70NALF�ERMITSISSl1��� �
<br /> � , �Y THE EVEFt�TT FIRE DEPARTM�NT Gonstruction
<br /> Verti�al bars mount between 3 6 in�hes and 4 2 inches above f loor grade. � ����tri��� p��Q� -�� ,r��YA„�71��. Management
<br /> fi�325.8.�.2 �+orizontal grab bar5. Horizontal grab bars 5hall be in5talled on all Sides of the 5hou�er Stall mounted between � 3 inGhes and 36 _ 2ooa �+oyt �venue
<br /> -�8" j'ljl; Everett, W,� 98332
<br /> inche5 aboVe the floor grade. Horizontal grab bars shall be a maximum of b inche5 from ad ja�ent u��ll5. Horizontal grab bars shall not interfere with , 1/4��M,4X.DIf�. 18�� 25��M,N. �o� Max ;; ;; 206-992-4982
<br /> STAINLE55 ST��L i i i�
<br /> GRP�B BAR i i i i
<br /> PROVIDE2X50LID 3 " 12" 1�2' 15" �i �� 28 05/04/ 1 �
<br /> 5 DUJef GOntl^OI VaIVeS. BLOGKING IN WALL - „ „
<br /> i z 3 2 5.q R a m p s. �I I i n t e r i o r a n d e x t e r i o r r a m p s u�h e n p r o V i d e d S h a l l b e c o n 5 t r u c t e d i n a c c o r d a n�e u�i t h S e c t i o n 1 z 3 1 1 .8 u�i t h a m a x i m u m s l o p e 6���t I N I M U O N E 5 I D E � M�X. �, „
<br /> � • P�T GONTAGT POINTS , �, „ D��w�
<br /> of 1 Vertical to 1 2 horizontal. The exception to i�3 1 1 .8. 1 is not allowed for adult family homes. Handrail5 Shall be in5talled in accordan�e u�ith �B� OPPO ITE51-D� o ;; ;;
<br /> �. BROWN
<br /> fiZ32 �.q. 1 . � °
<br /> i�325.Q. 1 �+andrails for ramp5. Handrails 5hall be installed on both SideS of ramps betu��en the slope of 1 vertical to 1 2 horizontal and 1 �
<br /> �
<br /> vertical and 20 horizontal in a�cordanGe with R3 1 1 .8.3. 1 through R3 1 1 .8.3.3. "'
<br /> z
<br /> �32 �. 1 o stair treads and riser5. Stair treads and risers Shall be constructed in accordance u�ith R3 1 1 .�.5. Handrails 5hall be installed in m
<br /> A�PRnV�D m 5 T-I ��T
<br /> accordan�e u�ith R 3 2 �. 10. 1 . � �����+�� � co,v�Mu�,f�rv
<br /> � R� 2 �. 10. 1 Handrails for tre�d5 and ri5er�. Handrail5 shall be in5t�lled on both SideS of treads and ri5er5 numbering from one riser to multiple °�"��°������D���:
<br /> :
<br /> riser5. Handrails shall be installed in aGGordance with R3 1 1 .�.8. 1 throu h R3 1 1 .7.8.4. ���-�
<br /> g ��T���!� z.�� TOIL�T Gfi�,��3 �3�i� I��T�IL.
<br /> R325. 1 1 shower stall5. Y�there provided to meet the req,uirement5 for bathing facilitie5, the minimum size of shou�er 5ta115 for an adult family
<br /> � �
<br /> home shall be �C? inches deep by �8 inche5 long. � �2�� _ � � - o��
<br /> ,'
<br /> 0
<br /> ., . . ,, _..
<br />