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607 47TH ST SE 2018-04-13
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607 47TH ST SE 2018-04-13
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Northwood Apartments <br /> Design Number: IHD-156-15A- Compliance and Technical Data <br /> Reference Document: ASTM F1487 <br /> Pre- Post- <br /> Unit Total Consumer CO2e Active <br /> Ref. ASTM Weight Recycled Content Footprint Install Concrete Play <br /> No. Part No. Qty. Description Status (lbs) (lbs) (kgs) Users Hours (Yds3) Events <br /> ASTM F1487 <br /> The lay-out for this custom playscape, design number IHD-156-15A, has been configured to meet the requirements of the ASTM F1487 standard. In <br /> addition, each of the above components listed as "Certified" have been tested and are IPEMA certified. Components listed as"Not Applicable"do not fall <br /> within the scope of the ASTM F1487 standard and have not been tested. IPEMA certification can be verified on the IPEMA website, In the <br /> interest of playground safety, IPEMA provides a Third Party Certification Service which validates compliance. <br /> 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design <br /> The lay-out was also designed to meet the 2010 Standards published 15-Sep-2010, by the Department of Justice when installed over a properly maintained <br /> surfacing material that is in compliance with ASTM F1951 "Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment"as well as <br /> ASTM F1292, "Impact Attenuation of Surfacing Materials Within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment", appropriate for the fall height of the structure. <br /> Installation Times <br /> Installation times are based on one experienced installer. A crew of three experienced individuals can perform the installation within the given time, each <br /> member working 1/3 of the given hours. [Eg. Installation Time = 30 hours. For a crew of three, each member will work 10 hours on the installation for a <br /> total of 30 hours on the project.] <br /> Carbon Footprint <br /> The CO2e (carbon footprint given in Kilograms and Metric Tons) listed above is a measure of the environmental impact this play structure represents from <br /> harvesting raw materials to the time it leaves our shipping dock. Playworld Systems nurtures a total corporate culture that is focused on eliminating carbon <br /> producing processes and products, reducing our use of precious raw materials, reusing materials whenever possible and recycling materials at every <br /> opportunity. Playworld Systems elected to adopt the Publicly Available Specification; PAS 2050 as published by the British Standards Institute and <br /> sponsored by Defra and the Carbon Trust. The PAS 2050 has gained international acceptance as a specification that measures the greenhouse gas <br /> emissions in services and goods throughout their entire life cycle. <br /> Pre-Consumer Recycle Content <br /> A measurement, in pounds, that qualifies the amount of material that was captured as waste and diverted from landfill during an initial manufacturing <br /> process and is being redirected to a separate manufacturing process to become a different product. E.g. 100% of our Aluminum Tubing is made from <br /> captured waste material during the manufacturing process of extruded Aluminum products such as rods,flat bars and H-channels. <br /> 4 Post-Consumer Recycle Content <br /> A measurement, in pounds,that qualifies the amount of material that was once another product that has completed its lifecycle and has been diverted from <br /> a landfill as a solid waste through recycling and is now being used in a Playworld Systems' product. E.g. **20%to 40% of the steel in our steel tubing and <br /> sheet steel have been diverted from landfills. Automobiles are scrapped and recyclable steel is purchased by the steel mill that produces our raw product. <br /> **The amount of Post-Consumer recycled steel fluctuates daily based on the availability of the recycled steel. <br /> 44" PLANWORLD <br /> Wednesday,August 31,2016 Page <br /> (/ f/ ) <br />
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