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r. <br />,A_en_2� <br />DESIGNZ <br />FIELD REPORT <br />1 Of 5' <br />Project Name: <br />Everett River Front- Simpson <br />Report: 064 <br />GeoDesign # : <br />Polygon-127-03 <br />Date: 07/28/2017 <br />Reports with Unresolved Nonconformance Issues: <br />Permit: <br />PW1505-005 <br />8a...., ,..... <br />Nick Abdelnour (Polygon) <br />Randy Allen (City of Everett) <br />Weather: Clear, 60-70's <br />Ron Bowen (Polygon) <br />Eddy Stevens (Polygon) <br />Arrival/Departure: 0945/1015 <br />Distribution: <br />Doug Ross (Polygon) <br />Kirk Keck (City of Everett) <br />Paul McKee (City of Everett) <br />Dave Foster (City of Everett) <br />Prepared By: Ben Weinberg, EIT <br />✓❑ Site Plan(s) <br />❑ Density Test Summary <br />Signature: 07;�_ Z44;-, <br />Attachments: <br />❑ Installation Records <br />✓❑ Other <br />Reviewed By: RL <br />PURPOSE of VISIT: GeoDesign representative, Ben Weinberg, was on -site part time at the request of Craig with DDS to <br />observe foundation subgrade for Lots 220-223 and Lot 243. <br />SUMMARY of OBSERVATIONS: <br />LOT 220: <br />Today, GeoDesign noted that DDS had completed the excavation of the footing, crawl space, and crawl space drain for Lot <br />220 prior to our arrival on -site. Previously, GeoDesign noted that the Lot 220 area had been over -excavated —3-4 feet <br />down to firm and unyielding ground (during removal of surcharge material) and brought back to plan grade with material <br />compacted to greater than 95% of its maximum dry density as determined by a Modified Proctor analysis. GeoDesign <br />noted that the exposed foundation subgrade material consisted of a brown SAND (f-m) with silt which could generally be <br />probed less than 1 inch using a 1/2 inch diameter soil probe. Relative compaction of the exposed foundation subgrade <br />material was tested using a Troxler Moisture -Density gauge; an in -place density test indicated that the material had been <br />compacted to greater than 95% of its maximum dry density as determined by a Modified Proctor analysis. <br />It is the opinion of GeoDesign that the exposed foundation subgrade material observed today is currently suitable for <br />support of the intended structure. GeoDesign recommends that any loose and saturated material be removed from the base <br />of the ff� ' s prior to placement of concrete. <br />K <br />LOT 221: <br />Today, GeoDesign noted that DDS had completed the excavation of the footing, crawl space, and crawl space drain for Lot <br />221 prior to our arrival on -site. Previously, GeoDesign noted that the Lot 221 area had been over -excavated —3-4 feet <br />down to firm and unyielding ground (during removal of surcharge material) and brought back to plan grade with material <br />compacted to greater than 95% of its maximum dry density as determined by a Modified Proctor analysis. GeoDesign <br />noted that the exposed foundation subgrade material consisted of a brown SAND (f-m) with silt which could generally be <br />probed less than 1 inch using a 1/2 inch diameter soil probe. Relative compaction of the exposed foundation subgrade <br />material was tested using a Troxler Moisture -Density gauge; an in -place density test indicated that the material had been <br />compacted to greater than 95% of its maximum dry density as determined by a Modified Proctor analysis. <br />It is the opinion of GeoDesign that the exposed foundation subgrade material observed today is currently suitable for <br />support of the intended structure. GeoDesign recommends that any loose and saturated material be removed from the base <br />of the footings prior to placement of concrete. <br />This report presents opinions formed as a result of our observation of activities relating to geotechnical engineering or environmental services. We rely on the contractor to comply with the plans and <br />specifications throughout the duration of the project irrespective of the presence of our representative. Our work does not include supervision or direction of the contractor, the contractor's employees <br />or agents. Our firm Is not responsible for site safety. This field report is a DRAFT representation of our field observations, testing, and preliminary recommendations. The report can only be considered <br />final upon review of the GeoDesign project manager, as indicated by initials in the "Reviewed By" section. <br />10700 Meridian Avenue North, Suite 402 1 Seattle, WA 98133 1 206.838.9900 <br />2502 Jefferson Avenue I Tacoma, WA 98402 1 253.203.0095 <br />