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5. Administration and Collection of Lodeine Charges. <br /> 5.1 It is understood and agreed that in accordance with RCW 35.101.090 the lodging <br /> charges authorized by this Agreement will be administered by the Department of <br /> Revenue and collected by lodging businesses from those persons who are taxable by the <br /> state under Chapter 82.08 RCW, that the Department of Revenue will deposit the lodging <br /> charges into the Local Tourism Promotion Account administered by Treasurer under <br /> RCW 35.101.100. and that the lodging charges are subject to Chapter 82.32 RCW. <br /> 5.2 It is understood and agreed that in accordance with RCW 35.101.100 the State <br /> Treasurer will distribute the money in the Local Tourism Promotion Account to the <br /> County on a monthly basis. <br /> 6. Establishment of Advisory Board. <br /> 6.1 It is understood and agreed that in accordance with RCW 35.101.130 the <br /> Snohomish County Council will by ordinance create an advisory board to make <br /> recommendations regarding the use of lodging charges collected pursuant to this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 6.2 It is understood and agreed that the advisory board will include representation of <br /> lodging businesses that are subject to the lodging charges authorized by this Agreement. <br /> 7. Use of Revenues for Tourism Promotion in Snohomish County. <br /> 7.1 It is understood and agreed that the revenues derived from the lodging charge will <br /> be used for tourism promotion as defined in RCW 35.101.010 and that pursuant to RCW <br /> 35.101.130 the Snohomish County Council will have sole discretion as to how such <br /> revenues will used for this purpose. The County Council will allocate revenues to <br /> specific projects after considering the recommendations of the advisory board and in <br /> accordance with the applicable TPA business plan. <br /> 7.2 In accordance with the Initiation Petition, the revenues derived from the lodging <br /> charges will be used only for the following purposes: <br /> 7.2.1 The general promotion of tourism within Snohomish County as specified <br /> in the TPA business plan to be adopted annually by the Snohomish County <br /> Council; <br /> 7.2.2 The marketing of convention and trade shows that benefit local tourism <br /> and the lodging businesses in Snohomish County; <br /> INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING <br /> ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SNOHOMISH COUNTY <br /> TOURISM PROMOTION AREA <br /> Page 5 of 12 <br />