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2001 Washin lon Stalc Nonresidential Fner Code Com lience Form <br /> ' • • <br /> 1rot We�n�rqlm Siwe AmmiEernis�lro.Or CeOe f.orm��a�rnlam� .Wia M01.It.M <br /> Mechanlcal -Genen equlrements e��^��� ��ir'colo"ad aehTmpe. a�illTu e� <br /> 1N 1.1 Genenh Equipmenl ahall have a mimmum perfortnance at ihe mif.10D��e660f COf11f01b Ihel t11101f111[!6UQpllRIB01t I 1108�uNOB EUtlf10 <br /> specif�ed rafinp condi6ons not less I�an Ihe values shown In Tebkf 1��1 6ten�up,seFup.eiM dehoet mndilbna. Theae mnl.ab ahell entiUpale <br /> t�iou0h 1�-9.II e nel�unally recapnited cetld¢alqn pioprem aeisis for e ^e^d br heet enA use comOrceeion heatlnq es Me fin1 stepe ol heat. <br /> p�Odud wverad in Tnbles 11�1 Ihrauph 1��3,end It IncluEes provisfone for Conlrole n�e�Inelcale w�en eupphmenfel heetin0 in be���used t�rouph <br /> v��nficatian entl chr�lle.iqe o1 equlpm�nl elfkiency relinps.Ilian the product ��aual meam(e.p.,LED Indicetorn�. <br /> shxll be lisled In�hn c:N�wlron proprpm. 1N3.6 Combu�tlon H��tlnp Epulpnmt Controlc Combue�bn heellnp <br /> 1N1.2 R�tlnp ConAhlonc Coolinp epulpment s�all be rxleA nl ARI lesl aQuipment wit�a cepeciry avei 225.000 Blum shall have modulalinp or <br /> wndi�ions and pm.eNms when»vailaDle.VJhere na epP6cebla s�agM combustlon conlrot � <br /> procetlures ewisL cata shnll b�lumisaetl by I�a eQuipmenl menuladurer. Etcrptbn�. <br /> 11H.7 Combin�tl�in Sp�c�and Smica W�br Hntlnp:For 1. Bnilen. i, <br /> rombinelion epap�end eervk 5 wa�er healerb wilh a ptlnclpal Nnclion ol Z. RaCiant Hee�eie. I <br /> provitlinp;pace hoal,lhe CoinbineA Annuel Efficienq(CAE�may Oe 1NY.7 Bal�neln0:Eech eir supply outlet a etr or weler lertninel tlevke <br /> cakulxletl by usln6 ASHRAE SlandaN 12b1991 Slorapa welm haeters shall have a meens lor balanGnp.InUUEInq but no!IimlteC lo,dampeB, <br /> use I ln comninalion space hrot and waler�eat apPliceliona sholl have lemperelure entl prassure tasl wnnectbns enE Delanunp velves. I <br /> uither en Energy FActm(EF)�v e CAF o1 not less Ihan Ihe lolbwing�. 7/17 Alr EtOnomlz�n <br /> � EF CAC I 1N7•10p�nllon: Alreconom11ero6hellboolauromallfalymoAula6np <br /> U gni smrn�.�� I 0 SB 0 71 outslde enA relum eir Eempa�n to provlEe 100 parcanl ol the tlespn eupply <br /> 50 l0 70 B�I starage � 0 57 O71 eir as outeiEe eir lo mtluce or eliminale ihe nee0 for mechenicel coolirp <br /> >70 gel stornps � 0 55 0 70 ��»•=Conlrol: Air economl:an shell be cantrolled by c cnntrol eyslem <br /> 1�HA Patbp�A Elactdc HoNinp�ntl Coollnp EqulprMnC Pnckngetl �Oe61e ol Aetertnininp 11 outsiCa air can meel part or all nl lha builAmp'e <br /> eleclric epuiDmenl providinp uoi�heating anJ coolinp wilh e lolal coolmp ��liny baCs. <br /> capacily preater Ihan 20.000 BNIh shall be a heat pump. ��»���^a0nbd Op�ntlon:Bulldinp N��tlnp Eavpy:Alr ewnomiron <br /> Exuptlon:Unatalled eQulpmenl eheetlen a cabinele used shall be capable ol Drovidiny pemel eodinp even wl�en eddilbnal <br /> solely lor peraonal airoless eervice IaUIINea. mechankal coolinp ia mpuireG to meet the mmalntler ol tlie coolinp bed. <br /> Conlrols s�aA not preUUEe the aconomiter operation w�en mechen¢al <br /> 1N7 Conirol� coolinp Is requlrad eimutleneousty. <br /> U12.1 Ump�nturo Conlrolc Ench syslem shell be provi0ed with at Eiaptlon: Ewnomizers on intlivMuel,dired expennlon,coolinp <br /> least ane tempemlure wntrol Cevice.Each mna shell he conlrolled 6y systems with capecAiea nol Oreeter Ihen 75,000 BtuM may <br /> InAividuel thermoslatic conlwls respondin0 lo IemperaNre vnthin Ihe zono include canhols thel limfl elmWtaneous operalbn ol l�e <br /> At e minimum,each Ooo�ol e builtling shell be coneideretl es e sa0erete economizer enC machanlcal wdinp kr the purpose ol D�ventinp <br /> ione ice Mmiahon on coolinq coila. <br /> 1�t2.P De�Eb�nd Conlrol�:VJhen usetl�o conlrol 6olh comloh heeUnO 111�Dutllnp Sy�tam� <br /> and coolinp,zone tharmasln6c controla shall�e capeble ol a deadband ol ����,�g���lnq:Ducl xrork whic�i6 Ceelpnxtl lo operele al Dmssures <br /> nl leesl5 drgrees F wilhin whkh�he suOPW ol heating nnd caolmg ene�gy abova 12 Inch water column elatic praesure 6hall be sealeA in eccorAance <br /> la Ihe none rs shu�ofl or retlucetl�o n minimum wllh SlnnAerE RS-18. Extenl ol eealinp requireA le as lollows <br /> Eieaptlona: 1. Sta6c pmseum. 1/21nU l0 2 fnehea eeal traneverse lanls. <br /> 1 Special occupancy.speuel use0e,or code reQuirements Z, SIBIIC Pf06611f0�. Y IACh@b 10 J IpChE6l 6BBI811�1806VBfbB�OIOIS <br /> w�ere tleedbnnd conimis Bre nol Bppropnele enA bnplWGinel seam6. <br /> 2. BuilGmpe complymp wilh Section 11 t 1.1,il in Ihe DroposeE � Stetk OBssure: a6ave 9 irkhae:beal 811 treneverne�oinis. <br /> bulMinp energy analysis,�esllnp pnd coolinp�hermoslat IonylWCine1 eeeme and ducl wall penelretbn+. <br /> setpoinls are sel lo tha same lemperahue between ,0 Ducl tape end olher pres6ure 6enaitive lape ahell not be ueed a61he <br /> degrces F end 75 depreos F inGusive,and xssumetl to be pMmBfy 6281001 WhEfO CuC16 018 d!llpflBA 100�1@fe�!el 6fe1K P!@6bUfR6 OI <br /> ^onslanl lhrouphoul Ihe year 1 inch W D.or Brealer <br /> 9. �normoslats that require menual chanpeover between ����,Z���ul�tlon:Ducls end plenuma Ihat ero constmcted aM Nnqron <br /> hea�inp end coahng modes qs pnrl ol Ihe builtlinp envelope,by bepnralinp Intenar epace Irom etlerlar <br /> 111 Y.7 Humldlty Controlr II a system Is eQwppaA wit�x means lor <br /> PdAIfIQ If1015i11l9,p Illlflll(I15101 SA�II bP.Df0V1AEC spnce,shell meet all ep0licaDle reQWrements ol C�epter 17 TAase <br /> reqwremenls IncluAe insulalan Inalalla6an.mmsNre conlrol,air leakage. <br /> U1IA SatbatM�ntl ShuFOfl:HVAC syslems shnll De epuipped with anA UuiWmp envebpe Insulntion lavels.Unhee�ed epuipment rooms vnth <br /> automat�c wntmis cnpa6le ol accamphsMnq e�educ6on ol enerpy use combus6on air louven must De Isoleletl Irom Ihe conEilioneC epaca by <br /> �hiouyli umlrul sel7ack m e�uipmenl shul0uwn duriny penods ol non�use insulatinp interior suAacea to a minimum ol R�11 and any e�tenor <br /> or altemate usa af the spaces serve0 by the synlem The eutomalic BOVNOpB 6UdBCBS pBf ChBP12f 1�.011�61AB 81f COLh 68NI110 IIMIVIdU81 <br /> con�rols shall have a mmimum seven-Uay clock end ba capable ol beinB wppty Bir unils with less Ihan 1.800 chn ol lolnl suppty eir capeUty ehall ba <br /> sel lo�sevon dlXerenl clay types per week msuialetl to e minlmum ol R-7 enA ere not consMered bulldmp envelope <br /> E�cepilom: Olher outalAe eir Auct runs ere wneidered 6ullAinq envelope untll thay. <br /> 1 Systems servin0 ereas which reQuire continuous oDeretion at 1. wnnect In the heaUnp or coolinp equipment or <br /> I�e snme�empeiaWre setpoml 1. ere isolaled Irom Ihe e�terbr with en eutomelk shu4ofl damper <br /> 2 Fquipmenl wllh full load demnnds o12 kW(B.B2B Blu/h)or wmptyinp wilh Seclion 1�121.1. <br /> less may be wntmlled by readily ecceseible manual oH-hour Once outsWa air tlucts meet Me above Bs1eA requlrementa,eny runs <br /> conlrols wilhin candihonetl space e�ell comply wilh Te61e U-5 raquirements. <br /> 1NY.1.1 D�mps�s:OulsiAe air Intakes.ekheust oullels nnA rxliel outlets Other tlucYs ana Dlenums ehall be Ihermelly fnaulated per Table 11-5 <br /> servinp wnAitioneA spaces shnll be eQuipped wilh tlpmpers which close ERceptlont: <br /> automa�icNlly when Ihe system is ofl or upon pawor lailure <br /> E�cepUom: 1. Wilhin t�e HVAC equlpment. <br /> 2 [zheuat eir ducts not euDjxt to condeneetion. <br /> 1 Systams servmg arees which repuire coniinuous operal�on 3. EzOasad UucMrork within e ione Upl eenes Ihel zonr. <br /> 7 Combuslion nh intakes 1N6 Plpinp Sy�bm� <br /> 111t./.Y Oplimum StM Conirob:Healinp antl caolinp 6ysleins with ���6A In�ul�tlon:Pipinp ehell be Ihermelty InsulaleG In eaoi.encn r�ith <br /> desgn supply nv capaci6es e�ceedmp 10.000 clm shell hnve oplimum Table 1�$. <br /> slarl conlrols Oplimum slart controls shnll be OesipneU lo nulome6cally ERu tlon:Pi in In6ta�leA wlMin unite HVAC <br /> nd�usl Ihe statl Ome ol en HVAC syslem each dey l0 6nnp the spece to P P 0 ry eQulpment. <br /> destre0 acup�ed lemperalure levels Immediatey belore scheAuled Water pipes outeide the conditionetl 6pBte ahall be hsulalad In <br /> ocr.upancy.T�e control nlgorithm n minlmum,be e lundion ol ihe accordence wilh Weshinptoc Slale Plumbinp CoAe(WAC 51�t8) <br /> diXerence between space�empernture pnd occupied selpoinl nnd ihe 1/1!Completlon R�qulnm�nb(Reler M NREC Sechon f116 end fhe <br /> emount ol�ime pnor�o sche0uk0 a:cupnnry BuJtlmg Cammissromnp Gurtlel�nes.puD65heC Dy fne Bwldmp <br /> Commiss�oninp Assa'�ebon. Mi complele fart end pwCehnes br OwlGinp <br /> complehon ena rommiss�anmq repwremenls 1 <br /> �5 <br />