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�Uiy si, zoi� <br />LOVJELL MQNTOSH LLC <br />1516 175TN ST SW <br />LYNNWOOD, WA 98G37 <br />Everett Public Works <br />RE: STATUS OF YOUR CIIY OF EVERETf PERMIT(S) <br />)ob Address: 9220 EV[RGRFEN WAY <br />Permit S1Z07-006 VARIOUS SIGNS-BAXTER AUTO PARTS <br />(Please reference both permit number and address when callirag or writing) <br />According to our records, we do not have finat approval for the permit(s) listed abo�e. Sections 105.5 <br />and R105.5 of the Internztional Building Code and International Residential Code state that permits <br />become invalid if the �Nork is not commenced or is suspended or abandoneG for more than 180 days. <br />Worh under your permits will no longer be authorized unless you: <br />1) Demonstrate continuing progress by requesting inspedion of work that has occurred since your last <br />inspectior, or <br />2) ReGuest finai inspections of the work thaY is completed, or <br />3) Suomit a written request for a 180 day extension, detailing justifiable cause for extension. <br />It is your responsibility to ensure that pe mitted work is properly and safely completed, and that all <br />required inspections are performed. Please contact us by September 4, 2015 to schedule <br />inspections or request extension, Afte: that time the file will be sent to microflm vaithout final <br />approval. <br />Pleise note that we �vill nol be �endiny repeated Ietters if afler further inspections llu' P�.� rniY once <br />ayain rcaches expiralion. If thc permis are allowed to expire and you decide to go ahead with the <br />project in the future, you musL apply for and purdiase netiv permits, meeCing currenC Cod^ criteria. <br />To schedule inspections call our automated inspection line at (475) 257-888t, or to discuss the statu� <br />oP your project, please call our Permit Technicians at (425) 7_57-8810. <br />(�o rcS�onS� � ��-���^ <br />City of Everett Permit G`—I�� 15 , lX� W� �I`Y v <br />cc: f3axter Auto Parts <br />9220 Evergreen Way <br />[verett wA 98204 <br />����r+�er�� M a � ec4 � It�� <br />Vio R G4 LQ r 4 5 S <br />Lumin Art Signs Inc <br />3931 B St NW <br />Auburn WA 98001 <br />('ITl' OF 1=VfiRET7� Pi iRT.IC ��'(�I2RS 3300 Ced:tr St, Pverett, AV:A 9S'_'O1 (47.5) 2�7-SR 10 <br />