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May 9, 2008 <br />Phclps Ti�e <br />3821 Rail�vay Avc <br />Evcrett WA 98201 <br />/ Pl/BL/C 5E/!Y/CE5 OEPARTAlENT <br />RE: S�'ATUS OF YOUR C17'Y OP LVLRLT"1' PLRMII' <br />Job Address: 3521 Railway Avc <br />Pcnnit: L0G12-10!i (Gquipmcnt lights) <br />FILE COPY <br />(Please rcference both permit number and address ��•hen callin� or �rritin�) <br />According to our rccorJs thcrc has bccn no rcqucst I'or inspcction of ���ork undcr this pcmiit. 1'Vc <br />���oidd apprcciatc your assistancc in darifying thc slatus of this pern�it. If you havc dccidcd not <br />to do this projcct at this timc, plcasc Ict us kno��� so �vc can cicar thc rccord. Thc G��crctt <br />Building Codc states that all pcmiits expire if the ���ork aulhorized by the perniits is suspendcd or <br />abandoncd for a period of 1 SO days a�icr thc work is commcnccd. Work imJer this pcnnit will <br />no longcr bc authorircd unlcss you: <br />I) Demonstralc continuing progress by rcqucsling inspcclion of work that has occurrcd sincc <br />your last inspcction (call 425 257-8SS1), or <br />2) Rcqucst final inspcctions of thc work that is completcd, or <br />3) Submit a ���rittcn rcqucsl for a I SO day cstcnsion, dctailingjustifiablc c:msc for cxtcnsion. <br />Plcasc responcl ���ithin 10 days. Aficr that timc your pcnnit filc will bc scnt to our Rccords <br />Departmcnt for microfilming ���ithout documentation of final approval. '1'hese records arc <br />a��ailablc to prospcctivc buycrs and Icnding institutions. If you wish to resumc work in thc <br />tuturc, a nc��� pcnnil must hc obtaincd. <br />Sinccrcly, <br />1 `�ati�an�i� 11�c �.lu� <br />1�largarct McLcod <br />BuilJing Di��ision <br />mmdcod u ci.c�� <br />cc: Gylandcr Salcs R Scrcicc <br />3601 G��crctl Avc <br />L'vcrctt \VA 95201 <br />CITY OF EVERETT • 3200 Czdar Street • Evereri, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8856 <br />