� _ �
<br /> ;
<br /> Permit#: C1608-007
<br /> Site Address: 25 104TH ST SE
<br /> Owner: NERMTIU JAMES
<br /> Tenant: [TenName]
<br /> ��_____� _.1_ �WW � � _,.L �1 � aPP-�ate: 8/4/2016
<br /> ; Praposed Use: NEW SFR
<br /> ` Description: NEW SFR
<br /> -� —��� �� -��_ � Reviewed By: �� Date:� �-�/�
<br /> / � �Office Set lok�Site Set Fire/Pianning Set
<br /> � � � � � � � � � � � � �
<br /> ..E' �.�'..� .� T' �' W.�. .� � � `� C� � �
<br /> � - - - _. _ � �, ��� . Hr.�..
<br /> � Sui te # 144 N
<br /> �' � � '�� �' � � � _ Port 1 and, OR_ 97232
<br /> �' �' � �� � �' W� � � � tel �503-265-84b1
<br /> OWN��' : ST1�U� TUI�AL ; fax .503-�65-84�2
<br /> BL.I I D 1�NG A l�l�W HDUSE ON A EMP T Y L 0 T
<br /> � P
<br /> JA MES & l�A CHEL i�l EA M T U T UI�N�I� ENG I NEEI�I NG FDI� JA MES A l�l D 1`A CH�L NEA M T U _
<br /> 10� 13 ME�I D I A N A V E S A T T N . : 1��HA�D T U�N�R
<br /> E VEI�E T T WA , 98�08 T EL � 503—9�0—880�
<br /> 4 25— �80—91 �5
<br /> � � W � � � � �
<br /> DES I GNEk� � C I V I L � A .I� �'H � �'� C' T Z.�R A. �.e, �
<br /> DS I GN BU I L D SE� V I CE S, I�1 C � � C O V.E.� �'.H�� T � C C� D.� ,� �..T M 1v1..�. .�', Y
<br /> PE T El� (�A DIJL ESCU .� ,� � �N �. C O 1V,�' �'� �T C' T � C��V N C) T��
<br /> Pl� DE S I GN & C�NSUL T I NG 281 1 J- 120 T H S t . SE M��RQE �, + �,� ��, � ��� �L .�' V.� T .� t�N,�'�'
<br /> 919 NE . 19 T H SLl I T E # 155 N , W A . 982 72
<br /> P0� TL AND Dl� . 9�232 �6D— �93-9659 W � .1�I.� C� T� �' C.H�D UL E'
<br /> 3 � MA I .l� L � V�L FLC.� ��' P'�, AN
<br /> TEL : 503—�65-8461 �- � �TPP.�� _L... E V�_.L. �L O� �R 1P� .�. ..1�
<br /> FAX ; 50�-265-8462 � �: �' t� O�' F'R �. 1V1 � N� 1�L. AN �
<br /> er�a i 1 ,� pra�ch i` tec ts@cor�cas t , ne t _
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<br /> � � ..� �` T�'/1�3EA Mo'�� .�'�'�.I-� ►�'s'�.�.� ��R �` .�' �'�I.L I� UL E �,
<br /> C` � ►�' �I.11� 1�1�. .� � ~� � ..�� u�er�� �r � �.� �L .� lv .�. .zv.� .�..� �.�. .� ...i.... ,� �
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<br /> A PPL I CA BL E CODE S : � .� ►�'..�G' T I t�N 1-�. 1\1�D G' C�N S '�-'� U �' �' � O 1i� D� �'.� � L �` � �
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<br /> —�D 1 S I N T Ef�NA T I�NA L MECHA N I�A L C�L7E C I MC ) L A T'�.R.� ..L., .''',S.E .� ,�`1V1 I C` � W �
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<br /> SI TE A DD�'ESS ; 25 104 TH S T , C L Q T#2 ) SE E VEk�E T T, WA . 98�08 � -- -�.�A .� 1V�1. � E P'L A N � �
<br /> 4 --- '�'�S �' P L � .1� �
<br /> EXISTIN� USE : SII�IGLE FAMIL Y � -- ,S �pp� �O �'E�' AN.D �� '�'.�. I L ,�` �, �j
<br /> PA�'CEL NUMBEI� .� 00�96900004 70D L C7 T#2 � -- .I�� �'A � L ,�' � �
<br /> � �
<br /> L EGA� DES��I P T I L7N : � �
<br /> Bl��L7 WA Y �I�ES T BL K � 000 D—00 L Q T 4 � �
<br /> TAX AC� , IVIJMBE(� .� QQ3969-00�-04 �-00 �
<br /> L L�T A�'EA - �84 6 , 00 SF MzSo�.�.2�ontro,and o�erat�on. �
<br /> 1. Loc�tion of controls.Controls for aIl ven�i'lation � �� �� � ��
<br /> syster��s shall.be readily accessible by the occupant.
<br /> 2. Insiruc�ions.Qperating instructions foz whole-house
<br /> ventilatiozi systems shall be provided to the occupant ������� iJ ��j�l � �,� /// � These p!ans and the des i gns
<br /> bytheinstal!er ofthe systern. �y � �•�'' V�� � �� ��'"�r� � here i n ore copyr i ghted under
<br /> ' 3,- Loca1 e�aust systems.Local e�aust systems skiall �Jsij� Federo 1 L o w by Pe ter Rodu 1 escu
<br /> be conirolled bymanual switches,dehumidistats, / Des i gne�s ]999.
<br /> � � � � � �'" � � � � � � � �� � � 7� q � � ")" � � � T '7'� � �� � t—'�/ � fimers,or other approved means �
<br /> 1 V 1V1 1�l 1 �l �� 4. Continuous whole-house ventilation systems. I MPOR Z'A NT I NFDRMA T I ON
<br /> ��_�,
<br /> Continuous whQle-house venfilation systems shall `i
<br /> f�'ESI DEN T I A L USE : SI NGL E——FA MI L Y o�erdte�ont�u�usjy�d be equlp�ed,�th� PLEASE IZEAD:
<br /> override control.A"fan on"swztch shall be permitted
<br /> as an overzide control.Controls shall be eapable of The p 1 on5 you ho ve purchnsed ar
<br /> for the constructiqn of ONE hon
<br /> operating the ventilarion system without energizing , , or apar tnen t corop 1 ex on 1 y. Unde
<br /> L D T A�'EA- 784 6 . �� SI� other energy-consuaung applianees.A clearly visible no c i reur�5 ttances i s i t 1 ega 1 to
<br /> Mi507.3.5 Whole-hoease ventilatioa�integrated with a bu i f d fron these p f ons nore tf-�a
<br /> label shall be affi�edto the controls thatreads foreed-air system.This secfian establishes minimum once w i�hout the wr i t ten Consen
<br /> prescriptive xequirements for whole-house ventilation f ror� the des i gner Pe ter
<br /> � Y L T in�ucti no}se Ventilation(see operating systems integrated withfbrced-airventIlation systems.A Rodu 1 escu. Tf�ese p f cans are
<br /> 5. Intermiitent whole-house ventilafion systems. system which meets all the requirements of this section shall e op yr i gh ted and i t i s a
<br /> Z�NE❑ �— � Intermittent whole-house ventilation systems shali be deemed to satisfy the requirements for a whole-house v i o!o t i on o f f ede+^a! cop yr i 9h t
<br /> 1 —F�'�N T A S PEI� SEC . 30 . 1 SO , 9 DPEN F�DN T PDR�H °°m�ly Wi��e f°il°W�g: ventllatzon Sys�em. �o�5 to reproduce then. Pe ter
<br /> 5.1. They shall be capable of operafing RQ du 1 escu Des i gners
<br /> M1907.3.5.1Inte rafedwhole-houseventalation wi t 1 ful f y prosecute ony
<br /> I S AL L DWED TD ENCI�'D�l CHE 6 FT I NT� FI`�NT AND PRO�AN�TANi(S, HEAT f�UMpS A�NU � :��1zci��ark I� �c ��a.ir� �" � �te��en�ly�d°°Ilt�'-�°uszy. � �
<br /> I�EA R SE T BA CK OTNER EQUIPMENI'OFt APPURTENANC�S ' ' � � �� '�'��'' S.2. The shall have controls ca able of o eratin systems.Integrated whole-house ventilation s stems
<br /> �"� '���.�� � y P P g y viotation of it's copyrighted
<br /> MAY NO7 gE LOCA7E� IN 1'HE F�ONl' 'y ��a����� 8�11(��,T��' ,��� ��� the e�aust fans,forced-air system fans,or shall provide outdoor air at the rate calculated using des i gns and p 1 ons. Fur thernore
<br /> � supply fans without energizing other energy- , Section M1507,3.3.Integrated forced-an-venfilation i t i 5 unders tood thQ t i t r 5
<br /> AND SIDE SET�8ACk5. PROPANE TANK"� s stems shail distribute outdoor air to each habitable con 1 ete I the res ons i b i ! i t
<br /> 2—GAI�A�E 20 FT REQUIf�E ADDITIONAL PE�2Ml�'S 15Sll�f� ���,�,.��,����p�������� ����;`����� consumingappliances.5.3 Y p y p y
<br /> BY THE EVERETT FIR� DEP�IRTA��NT 5.3. The system shall be deslgned so th2t?t can space through the forced-air system ducfs.Integrated o f the eon trae tor to eons true t
<br /> forced-air ventilation s stems shall have an outdoor air the hor�e descr i bed f�ere i n, on
<br /> 3—SI�DE 5 F T ��io►� ro ir�srA��rio�. ������ ���s���} �������� ���er��e a«t���fz����y�:�s��l���t�e ty�e o� y
<br /> 4 —S T�'EE T SI DE 10 F T ��� ��� ���,�� �o���p��er�stalle�. �iet�u�t�o�e��g ater�al eze�e�t o��ne out5z�e of Q�,, Fart���,►ar ���e ond ��t��n
<br /> a 5.4. The intermittent mechanical ventilation system the building to the retum air plentun of fhe forced-air t�e con f i nes o f the gove�n i ny
<br /> �—��A� 2� F T F�aof trusses fo be de�igfit�d ����J��'�'�� �'�' ��„�������� s stem,at a ointwithin 4feetu j ur i sd i ct i on. Peter f2adulescu
<br /> � shall operafe at least one hour out o£every Y P pstream of the air Des r gner^s takes no
<br /> MA X I MUM B�D� . H T , -28 F T and dra�ving pr�pared by four. handzer.�rh�olltdoor a��zet du���o�z�tzo�to�e
<br /> � St�te �IC�I1�8� �tt'LlG$�1��� 5.5. T'he sysiem s1ia1Z hac�e a��anuaZ contzol and return air stream shall be located upstream of the forced- respons i b i J i t y f or the
<br /> conforroance of this plan to
<br /> automatic control,such as a 24-hour clocic ' air system blower and shall not be connected dixeetly info nn y codes or pny bu i 1 d r n s i te.
<br /> ��g�����° • a furnace cabinet to revent thermal shock fo the heat
<br /> PI�DPOSED HT-27 . 00 FT �►dditi�n�i ��r�����,re f��c�u'r�d �er. . . _ `l �
<br /> , ,_ ,.u xchaager.The system will be e qui p ped with a motozized `/ n
<br /> -°; ..°; � � `-' ` , ':.'- -' . `�° :'Y �r IS �' � � �� � �. damper connected to the automatic ventilation control as 1 ; f
<br /> _ � �n' � e�� t � � � d • 5.6. . D�'A WN B �'
<br /> ,q,�_.::..,., ,. .
<br /> ��ADI N G AN� L�RAI IVf1�� 5.7. At the time of final inspect[on,the automatic spec�ed in Section M1507:32:The required flowrate
<br /> fi . � �������� � �pri����� con�rol shall be set to operate the whole-house shali be verified by field testing wifh a flow hood or a DA T E �
<br /> �� Provisians sh�ll h� made r"or the cantrol ancl drainage af 5urfac� p--y fan according to the schedule usedto calculate flow measuring station
<br /> lc��l �����jnf��� � �lr������ the whole-house fan sizing. I�i1507.3.5.2 Ventilation duct insulation.All supply
<br /> . v�ter around buildings by: gutters, drain lines, Inl�'ts and catch ,.� 5.8. A label shall be aff'�ted to the conirol that reads duets in the conditioned space shall be insulated to a �E V I SED B Y ,�
<br /> basins or other necessary drainage structures and shall be ins#allP�+ �`�-� �����1����� "Whole House Ventilatian(see operating zninimum ofR-4.
<br /> where storrn wat?r disposal cannot be obtained withGu# their use or
<br /> instructions),° P/I=(5�%,3,5,3�i�#iloai•��ia•iniets.Izilets shall be screened
<br /> vvhere erosian cannot be prevented by finish grading and planting. M1507.3.2.7.Operatang instructions.instailers sha11
<br /> � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � or otherwise pzofeeted&oin entry by le�lves oz other
<br /> provide fhe manufacturer`s installation,opezating material.Outdoor air inlets shall be located so as not to
<br /> D�y well� shall noi b2 installed in areas where the soil is not we�i (j �S �,�ners responsibility to 2stablist� and stak� a!1 instructions,and awhole-house ventilat�on s ste�
<br /> Y take air from the following areas:
<br /> �t�aitleC{ dCld�4Y pOCOUS. proae+ty �Ines. operation description. 1. Closer than 10 feetfrom an appliauce vent outlet,
<br /> MX507.3.3 l�'Iechanical ventilation rate.'Che whole- unless such vent ouflet is 3#eet above the outdoor air
<br /> A S PE�' I 8C 201 S ED SEC . 1 704 SI—C(_.. I A L house mechanical ventilation sysfem shaIl provide inlet D� T� ;
<br /> I NSPEC T I C1NS SHA L L BE P�'L7 V I D�D A S FOL L Q WS : �u �Ya(�Ing �hall be provided to insure: outdoor air to each dwelling unit at a continuous rate of 2• Where it will pick Up objectionable odors,fumes or �
<br /> —�EINFl7(�CED CCIN��ETE 1 �05 . 3 (a) Diversian of water away frorn building�. Il°tless�anthat dete�ne��a��or����wi��abze �t�dble�apors.
<br /> M1507.33(1). 3. A hazardous or unsanitary location. ]� `7 jT r �
<br /> y �b} �'revention of sianding water andf soil saturation cf.etrimen�t�s€ 1�' �C17.C..L�11�1�i I5 I'���' ���1�'Yd7��',� 1�� Excepfio�i:`t'hewhole-housemechanicalventilation 4• Aroomorspacehavinganyfuel-burningappliances j�� V s �� V �L •
<br /> —SH�P FABI�I CA T I DN/WEL DI NG 1 ��S � � � 1 I F A N Y to structures and lot usz. rn�j������ �� �I�I?IZ�)t��;i� �17'E .l'LA1W, system is permitted to operate intermittently wheze the therein.
<br /> !� I`�EW SITE PLA�'� ,s�if�]L,L �� ,s U$M[T- system has controls that enable opezation for not less 5. Closez than 10 feet from a vent opening of a v
<br /> —SHEAt�' WAL L S AND H�L D�WNS 1 705 . 3 . 4 & 1 705 . 4 � t � SCALE. 1/4 "�1 ' -0�'
<br /> �e) Tt�a� r�akural drainage criannels ar basir►s are t�r�R b�ocked ar , than 25 ezcent of each 4-hour segment and the plumbing drainage system unless the vent opening is
<br /> —EPDX Y AN�H�I�'S 1 �05 . � fi��e�� ��D. NO FU�'I'FiE£{. Il`�(;iI ECTiOI*1S O�VfL�., ventilat�on rate pzesczibed'ui Table_NI150733(1}is at least 3 feet above the air inIet.
<br /> �E I�ADE Ol'd THI,`i f'ikUJEC I' UNTiL�'�� multiplied by#he factoz determined in accordance with �• Attic,crawl spaces,or garages. � u���# � o
<br /> �d) Provisians for the disposal af water.fr'�m a ���� REVISED SITE PLAN��b�,�IEEl�r.4r'P�OV- �able M15o7.3.�(2). j d (
<br /> te) �'rotection oi' a�joining prop�rty_, Ei) �.Y �'I-�� BUIT..DT2�dG�PU�3L,IC 'NO�tK� �
<br /> D
<br />