� __ __
<br /> 18-015 SPEC REV 1 90%
<br /> 1. The Contractor shall be in charge of this Contract and the Project, as well 3. Establish "hot-works" fire safety precautions required for performance of 1. Steel Framing and Furring: 2. Tensile Strength: 1,600 psi per ASTM C 307. Q. CURWG, PROTECTING, AND CLEANING
<br /> as directing and scheduling of all Work. Final responsibiliky for the Work. Clark Dietrich, Inc. 3. Flexural Strength: 4,000 psi per ASTM C 580. 1. Cure resinous flooring materiais in compliance with manufacturer's '
<br /> performance, interface, and completion of the Project shall be ti�e Steeler 4. Waker Absorption: < 1% per�ASTM C 413. directions, taking care to prevent contamination during stages of
<br /> Contractor's. G. PERFORMANCE or Approved Equal 5. Impact Resistance: > 160 in. Ibs. per ASTM D 2794. application and prior to completion of curing process. Close area of
<br /> � 2. Anticipate interrelationship of all Subcontractors and their relationship wikh 1. Execute cutting and patching work in a manner to avoid damage to other 2. Water Resistant Gypsum Wall Board: 6. Flammability: Class 1 per ASTM E-648. application for a minimum of 18 hours.
<br /> the total Work. work; Provide proper surfaces for installation of new work; and provide a Georgia-Pacific Corp. 7. Hardness: 85 to 90, Shore D per ASTM D 2240. 2. Protect resinous flooring materials from damage and wear during
<br /> 3. Resolve differences or disputes between Subcontractors and materials neat transition from existing finishes to new work. Gold Bond Building Products Div., National Gypsum Co. construction operation. Where temporary covering is required for this
<br /> suppliers concerning coordination, interference, or extent of the V1/ork. 2. Fit new work to existing pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other United States Gypsum Co. G. PATCHING AND FILL MATERIAL: Resinous product of or approved by resinous purpose, comply with manufacturer's recommendations for protective
<br /> Contractor's decisions, if consistent with Contract Document penetrations through surface. or Approved Equal flooring manufacturer and recommended by manufacturer for application materials and method of appiication. General Contractor is responsible •
<br /> requirements, shall be final. 3. For all new work made to existing work under warranty, employ original indicated. for protection and cleaning of surfaces after final coats.
<br /> 3. Cleaning: Remove temporary covering and clean resinous fiooring just
<br /> 4. Cooperation with other contractors during the term of this Project may be instalier or fabricator to perForm cutting and patching unless otherwise C. STEEL FRAMING FOR WALLS AND PARTITIONS H. JOINT SEALANT: Type recommended or produced by resinous flooring prior to final inspection. Use cleaning materials and procedures
<br /> required within the building or other adjacent locations to the construckion approved by the Owner. 1. Steel Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645. manufacturer for type of service and joint condition indicated. Include allowances recommended by resinous flooring manufacturer.
<br /> limits of this Project. The Contractor is to cooperate with the Ovvner in 4. Prepare surfaces to provide for the specified installation of new work and 2. Depth: As indicated on Drawings for Stonflex MP7 joint fill material, arid CT5 concrete crack treatment.
<br /> coordination of all work to prevent impact to this or other Owner sponsored finishes. 3. Protective Coating:ASTM A 653/A 653M, G60 (Z180) hot-dip gaivanized. 09 91 23 - INTERIOR PAIIVTING
<br /> construction projects. 5. Remove and replace or repair unsuitable substrate materials for new 4. Fla# Strap and Backing Plate: Steel sheet for blocking and bracing in
<br /> length and width indicated.
<br /> 5. The Contractor will cooperate with the Owner in coordination of all wc�rk#o applications. I. PREPARATION A. MANUFACTURERS: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products
<br /> 5. Cold-Rolled Channel Brid in 0.0538-inch 1.37-mm bars-steel
<br /> avoid impacts to the Owner's operations. 6. Restore existing building systems that are impacted by cutting and g g' 1. General: Prepare and clean substrates according to resinous flooring by one of the following:
<br /> thickness, with minimum 1/2-inch- (12.7-mm-)wide flanges. �
<br /> 1 patching work to original operating conditions. manufacturer s written instructions for substrate indicated. Provide clean, 1. Benjamin Moore &Co., Glidden or Approved Equal.
<br /> 6. Clip Angle: Not less than 1-1/2 by 1-1/2 inches (38.1 by 38.1 mm), fl.068- dr and neutral Ph substrate for resinous floorin a lication.
<br /> B. SPECIAL COORDINATION 7. For penetrations cut in existing fire-rated separations,completely seal new Y, 9 PP�
<br /> inch- (1.73-mm) thick, galvanized steel. 2. Concrete Substrates: Provide sound concrete surfaces free of laitance,
<br /> 1. The Contractor is responsible for receiving, unloading, storage and work with fire-stopping materiais to full thickness of the penetrated 7, Resilient Furring Channels: 1/2-inch- (12.7-mm-) deep, steel shset B. VOC CONTENT: Products shall compiy with VOC lirnits of authorities having
<br /> glaze, efflorescence, curing compounds, form-release agents, dust, dirt, urisdiction and,for interior aints and coatin s a lied at Pro ect site,the followin
<br /> handling of Owner Furnished Contractor Installed (OFCI) items from the element. members designed to reduce sound transmission. � p g pp � g
<br /> grease, oil, and other contaminants incompatible with resinous flooring. VOC limits, exclusive of colorants added to a tint base, when calculated accordin
<br /> time of receipt through Substantial Completion. 8. Replace existing fire-stopping materials when disturbed by new work. g •
<br /> 3. Mechanically prepare substrates as follows: to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24).
<br /> 2. The Contractor is responsible for protecting OFCI and Owner Existing 9. Remove debris and abandoned items from the work area, including from D. GYPSUM WALL BOARD: Provide gypsum board in maximum lengths aaailable Shot-blast surfaces with an a aratus that abrades the concrete surface,
<br /> Contractor Instailed (OECI) items from damage, such as: damage frotn concealed spaces. to minimize end joints. Thickness, 5/8 inch unless otherwise indicated. ASTM C pp 1. Flat Paints and Coatings: 50 g/L.
<br /> contains the dispensed shot within the apparatus,and recirculates the shot 2. Non-flat Paints and Coatings: 150 g/L.
<br /> exposure to the elements; or from damage to a warranty due to 36, tapered edges. Type X. b vacuum icku Com I with ASTM C 811
<br /> Contractor's im ro er installation and testin The costs to re air or 02 41 00 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION y p p' p y 3. Anticorrosive and Antirust Paints Applied to Ferrous Metais: 250 g/L.
<br /> P P J• p 4. Repair damaged and deteriarated concrete according to resinous flooring 4. Zinc-Rich Industrial Maintenance Primers: 340 g/L.
<br /> replace items damaged while in the Contractor's possession shall be E. TRIM ACCESSORIES: ASTM C 840, Manufacturer's standard trim accessories, manufacturer's written recommendations.
<br /> borne b the Contractor. A. GENERAL including corner bead and edge trim of beaded type with face flanges for 5. Verif that concrete substrates are dr .
<br /> 3. The Contractor shall consult with the Owner to determine the warranty 1. Contractor is responsible for determining scope and extent of demolition concealment in joint compound except where semi-finishing or exposed type is a. Perform in situ probe test, ASTM F 2170. Proceed with application 1. Primer Sealer, Interior, Institutional Low Odor/VOC, Wafer based.
<br /> requirements of OFCI and OECI items. in order to allow for installatior� of the work shown on the Drawings. indicated. Provide corner bead formed from zinc alloy. only after substrates do not exceed a maximum potential 2. Metal Primer, Water based.
<br /> � a. Coordinate with work of other Contractors. Specific demolition notes are indicated on the Drawings that are in additian equilibrium relative humidity of 75 percent.
<br /> F. GYPSUM BOARD JOINT TREATMENT b. Perform anh drous calcium chloride test, ASTM F 1869. Proceed
<br /> b. Coordinate with building occupants. to the Contractor's required scope to accommodate the new work. Y D. INTERIOR PAINTS
<br /> 2. Contractor is warned that there ma 1. Materials: ASTM C 475 and ASTM C 840, complying with with a lication onl after substrates have maximum moisture-
<br /> c. Coordinate with Owner's environmental services staff. y be unknown alterations and PP Y 1. Gypsum Drywall System, (Walls and Ceilings): Latex Satin Finish: Two
<br /> recommendations of Manufacturer of both gypsum board and joint va or-emission rate of 3 Ib. of water/1000 s ft. of slab in 24 hours.
<br /> d. Coordination with Owner's security services. unforeseen or unknown conditions above existing ceilings, behind existing P q• finish coats over primer. Total dry film thickness not less than 5.0 mils.
<br /> treatment materials for application indicated. c. Perform additional moisture tests recommended by manufacturer. 2. G sum Dr wall S stem, Walls and Ceilin s where noted in Drawin s
<br /> wali furring, below concrete floor slabs, and within existing walls, and YP Y Y � 9 J )�
<br /> C. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COORDINATION p 2. Finish: Level 4. Proceed with application only after substrates pass testing. Latex Semi-Gloss Finish: Two finish coats over rimer, with total dr film '
<br /> artitions. P Y
<br /> 1. Resolve all tight or restricted conditions involving work of various sections 3. Refer to Mechanical and Electrical drawings and specifications for 6. Verify that concrete substrates have neutral Ph and that resinous flooring thickness not less than 5.0 mils.
<br /> additional re uirements. 09 50 00 -ACOUS7ICAL PANEL CEiLINGS will adhere to them. Perform tests recommended by manufacturer. 3. Ferrous Metal, Semi-Gloss Finish: Two finish coats over primer, with total
<br /> in advance of installation. Coordinate the Work of all trades to ensure that q Proceed with application only after substrates pass testing. dry film thickness not less than 5.0 mils.
<br /> all fixtures, devices, switches, outlets, ducts, pipes, and similar items can 4. Demolition work includes protection of existing construction to remain, as A. STANDARD: ASTM E 1264 for Class A materials. Ceiling Suspension Systems:
<br /> be installed as shown, well as removal and disposai of demolished materials. ASTM C 635. J. RESINOUS MATERIALS: Mix components and prepare materials according to E. EXAMINATION: Examine substrates and conditions, with Applicator present, for
<br /> 5. Salvage: Owner will mark and retain salvageable items as determined resinous flooring manufacturer's written instructions. compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content and other conditions
<br /> D. JOB SITE FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND TEMPLRTES with the Contractor. B. ATTACHMENT DEVICES FOR SUSPENSION SYSTEM 1. Use patching and fill material to fiil holes and depressions in affecting performance of the Work.
<br /> 1. Obtain field measurements required for accurate fabrication and 1. Anchors and intermediate support members: Provide sizes capable ofi substrates according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Maximum Moisture Content of Substrates: When measured with an
<br /> installation of work included in the Contract Documents. Exact A. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: Comply with appiicable requirements of sustaining 5 times the load-carrying capabilities shown in ASTM C 635, 2. Treat control joints and other nonmoving substrate cracks to prevent electronic moisture meter as follows:
<br /> � measurements are the Contractor's responsibility. Furnish or obtain rules, regulations, laws, ordinances of governing authorities. Table 1, "Direct Hung"column. cracks from reflecting through resinous flooring according to a. Concrete: 12 percent.
<br /> templates, patterns, and setting instructions as required for installatiqn of 2. Deck inserts and hanger ciips: Fabricate from hot-dip galvanize�i steel. manufacturer's written recommendations. Ailowances should be included b. Masonry(Clay and CMU): 12 percent.
<br /> all work. Verify in field. B. PROJECT CONDITIONS: Owner will be continuously occupy the building Hanger wire: Zinc-coated (galvanized) carbon steel wire, ASTM A 641, for Stonflex MP7 joint fill material. c. Wood: 15 percent.
<br /> immediately adjacent to areas of selective demolition. Conduct demolition work in d. Gypsum Board: 12 percent.
<br /> soft temper, with Class 1 coating, minimum 12 gauge (0.1fl6 inch M. APPI�ICATION: A I com onents of resinous floorin s stem accordin to 2. G sum Board Substrates: Verif that finishin com ound is sanded
<br /> E. RFCORD DRAWINGS: Maintain black line prints of the bid set Gontract Drawings a manner that will not disrupt Owner's operations. diameter). pP y p g y g yp y g p �
<br /> and approved Shop Drawings. Mark the drawings to show new information that manufacturer's written instructions to produce a uniform, monolithic wearing smooth.
<br /> v�oas not shown on the bid set Drawin s, and on the a roved Sho Drawin s, C. EXISTING BUILDING EXITS: Contractor's materials and activities shall not block surface of thickness indicated. 3. Plaster Substrates: Verify that plaster is fully cured.
<br /> 9 pp p 9 C. Acoustical Ceiling Tile: Armstrong "Ceramaguard 605; Square lay-in, 15/16 in.; 1. Coordinate a lication of com onents to rovide o timum adhesion of 4. Verif
<br /> including the actual installation where the installation varies substantively from the any exit or impair floor-to-floor separation while the building is occupied. 24 x 48x 5/8 in; 40 CAC, or approved equal. pp p � p y suitability of substrates, including surface conditions and
<br /> resinous flooring system to substrate, and optimum intercoat adhesion. compatibility with existing finishes and primers. Proceed with coating
<br /> w�rk as originally shown. Mark drawings to show conditions fully and accurately. D. PARTIAL REMOVAL: Items of salvaged value to Contractor may be removed from application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
<br /> Where Shop Drawings are used, record a cross-reference at the corresponding D. Grid, Ed e Moldin s and Trim: Existin to remain. ,
<br /> location on the Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed elements that will structure as work progresses. Salvaged items must be transported from site as g g g 2. Cure resinous flooring components according to manufacturers writ#en Application of coating indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions.
<br /> they are removed. Storage of removed items on site will not be permitted. instructions. Prevent contamination during application and curing
<br /> be difficult to measure and record at a later date. 09 67 23- RESINOUS FLOORING F. PREPARATION: Remove hardware, covers, plates, and similar items already in
<br /> processes.
<br /> lace that are removable and are not to be ainted. If removal is im ractical or
<br /> E. FIRE PROTECTION: All practical measures shall be taken to ensure fire 3. At substrate expansion and isolation joints, provide joint in resinous p p p
<br />� 01 773 29 - CUTTING AND PATCHING protection during ail phases of the work. This shall include expediting construction A. SUBMITTALS: Furnish samples of the proposed flooring system indicating flooring to comply with resinous flooring manufacturer's writ#en impossible because of size or weight of item, provide surface-applied protection
<br /> of fire division walls, temporary cross hailway fire stop at the division walis, and aggregate color, broadcast media texture color, gloss, finish and sealer. Provide recommendations. before surface preparation and painting. Clean substrates ofi substances that
<br /> A. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY securin the buildin from unauthorized entr . No flammable li uids, (2) samples for each of (3} three options of broadcast media slip resistance, wet could impair bond of paints, including dust,dirt,oil,grease,and incompatible paints
<br /> 9 J Y q a. Apply joint sealar�t to comply with manufacturer's written
<br /> The Contractor shall bear all cost of correcting damaged or destroyed work, indicated to welding/cutting equipment, or compressed gases shall be used, except under coefficient of friction: .65, .75, .85 per ANSI B101.1. Review and selection by recommendations. and encapsulants.
<br /> remain on the Contract Documents, which is caused from failure to comply with the specific approval from the Owner. Owner prior to beginning the Work. b. Apply primer where required by resinous system, over prepared •
<br /> requirements of the Contract Documents or failure to exercise reasonable care by the substrate at manufacturer's recommended spreading rate. G. APPLICATION
<br /> Contractor and/or the Subcontractors' work. F. PROTECTION B. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Stonhard, Basis of Design. c. Integral Cove Base: Stonshield cove mortar, apply cove base mix 1. Paint a!I exposed conduit, mechanical ductwork and fire sprinkler piping.
<br /> 1. Provide temporary barricades and other forms of protection as required to to wall surfaces before applying flooring. Apply according to 2• Do not paint fire sprinkler heads.
<br /> B. SUBMITTALS: Submit written request two (2) weeks in advance of cutting or protect Owner's personnel and general public from injury due to selective C. PRODUCTS: Stonhard, Inc.; Stonshield SLT. manufacturer's written instructions and details including those for 3. Do not paint over labels of independent testing agencies or equipment
<br /> alteration which affects: demolition, taping, mixing, priming, troweling, sanding, of cove base. Round
<br /> name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates.
<br /> 1. Structural integrity of any element of the Project; 2. Provide protective measures as required to ensure free and safe passage D. SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS: internal and external corners.
<br /> 2. Integrity of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements; of Owner's personnel and general public to and from occupied portions of 1. Color and Pattern: Choose from Mfg. Standards 4. Apply primer where required by resinous system, over prepared substrate H. CLEANING AND PROTECTION
<br /> 3. Efficiency, maintenance, or safety of any operational element; the building. 2. Wearing Surface: As approved by Owner. at manufacturer's recommended spreading rate: 1. At end of each workday, remove rubbish, empty cans, rags, and other
<br /> 4. Visual qualities of sight exposed elements; and 3. Protect from dama e existin finish work that is to remain in lace and 3. Integral Gove Base: 6 inches. 5. Broadcast: Immediately broadcast quartz silica aggregate into the discarded materials from Project site.
<br /> i 5. Work of Owner or separate contractor. g g p 4. Overall System Thickness: nominal 2mm. undercoat using manufacturer's specially designed spray caster. Strictly 2. After completing paint application, clean spattered surFaces. Remove
<br /> becomes exposed during demolition operations. adhere to manufacturer's installation procedures and coverage rates. spattered paints by washing, scraping, or other methods. Do not scratch
<br /> 4. Protect floors with suitable coverings when necessary. E. SYSTEM COMPONENTS: Manufacturer's standard components that are 6. Undercoat: Remove any surface irregularities by lightly abrading and or damage adjacent finished surfaces.
<br /> C. VISUAL MATCHING: When indicated to"match existing," submit products and/or 5. Construct tem orar dust roof artitions to se arate areas where nois 3. Protect work of other trades a ainst dama e from aint a lication.
<br /> P Y p P P Y compatible with each other and as follows: vacuumin the floor surface. Mix and a I undercoat with strict g g p pp
<br /> finishes to match existing adjacent finishes for Owner's review and approval or,for g pp Y Correct dama e to work of other trades b cleanin
<br /> patching new work, use the specified materials and finishes in the Contract or extensive dirt or dust operations are performed. Equip partitions with 1. Primer: adherence to manufacturer's installation procedures and coverage rates. 9 y g, repairing, replacing,
<br /> Documents. dust proof doors and security locks, if required. a. Material Sasis: Stonhard Standard Primer 7. Broadcast: Immediately broadcast quartz silica aggregate into the and refinishing, as approved by Owner, and leave in an undamaged
<br /> 6. Remove protections at completion of work and restore effected finishes. b. Resin: Epoxy undercoat using manufacturer's specially designed spray caster. Strict condition.
<br /> D. PATCHING AND EXTENDING WORK: Provide products specified in the Contract 7. Promptly repair damages caused to adjacent facilities by demolition work c. Formulation Description: (2) two component, 100 percent solids. adherence to manufacturer's installation procedures and coverage rates 4. At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and
<br /> Documents and/or match existing products with an alternate product of the most at no cost to Owner. d. Application Method: Squeegee and roller. is imperative. restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces.
<br /> e. Number of Coats: (1) one. 8. A I to coat s in number of coats indicated for floorin s stem and at
<br /> suitable grade for the intended purpose. The Contractor shall determine the type pp y p � � g Y
<br /> and quality of existing products and finishes by inspection and/or testing, where I. UTILITY SERVICES: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain, keep in 2• Broadcast Media: spreading rates to match Owner's approved sample.
<br /> necessary. service,and protect against damage during demolition operations. Do not interrupt a. Material Basis: Stonshield quartz aggregate.
<br /> existing utilities serving occupied or used facilities, except when aukhorized in b. Type: pigmented. N. TERMINATIONS
<br /> E. EXAMINATION: Prior to commencing work the Contractor shall inspect existing writing by authorities having jurisdiction and the Owner. Provide temporary c. Finish: as approved Owner. 1. Chase edges to "lock" the flooring system into the concrete substrate
<br /> conditions to ascertain elements sub ect to dama e or movement and to determine d. Number of Coats: one. along lines of termination.
<br />� 1 9 services during interruptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to governing e. Pattern: Tweed. 2. Penetration Treatment: La and seal resinous s stem onto the erimeter
<br /> the need for temporary bracing during cutting and patching work. Verify that authorities. p Y p
<br /> materials to be worked-on or removed have been evaluated in the Owner's 3. Undercoat: of the penetrating item by bridging over compatible elastomer at the
<br /> a. Material Basis: Stonshield undercoat. interface to compensate for possible movernent.
<br /> Regulated Materials "Good Faith" Survey report. �. REMOVALS: Remove debris, rubbish and other materials resultin from b. Resin: E ox
<br /> 1. Beginning of cutting or patching means acceptance of existing conditions. g p y 3. Treat floor drains by chasing the flooring system to lock in place at point
<br /> 2. After cutting and/or removing existing work the Contractor shall inspect demolition operations from building on a daily basis. Transport and legally dispose c. Formulation: Two-component, 100% solids, UV Stable. of termination. '
<br /> of material off-site. d. Type: Clear.
<br /> conditions affecting performance of new work and notify Owner of any e. Finish: Gloss. O. JOINTS AND CRACKS
<br /> unforeseen physicat conditions and verify that demolition is complete and 09 20 00 - GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEMS f. Number of Coats: one. 1. Treat control joints to bridge potential cracks and to maintain monolithic
<br /> areas are ready for installation of new work. 4. Sealer:
<br /> protection.
<br /> A. QUALITY ASSURANCE a. Material Basis: Stonshield Sealer. 2. Treat cold joints and construction joints to bridge potential cracks and to
<br /> F. PREPARATION 1. Perform work in accordance with GA 216-Standard Specifications for the b. Resin: Epoxy maintain monolithic protection on horizontal and vertical surfaces as well
<br /> 1. Move, or remove, items as necessary for access to cutting and patching c. Formulation: (2) two-component, 100% solids, UV Stable. as horizontal and vertical interfaces.
<br /> Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board, published by the Gypsum
<br /> work. Schedule shut-downs and obtain permits required for performance Association. d. Type: Clear. 3. Discontinue floor coating system at vertical and horizontal contraction and
<br /> of the Work. e. Finish: Gloss, expansion joints by installing backer rod and compatible sealant after
<br />� 2. Provide temparary supports to ensure structural integrity of the Work. f. Number of Coats: one. coating installation is completed. Provide sealant type recommended by
<br /> 2. Fire rating requirements take precedence over construction requirements Texture level: As a roved b Owner.
<br /> indicated. In event of conflict, notify Owner and do not proceed in area of g� pp y manufacturer for traffic conditions and chemical exposures to be
<br /> encountered.
<br /> conflict until resolved. F. SYSTEM PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Provide resinous flooring system with the
<br /> following minimum physical property requirements when tested according to test P. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: Owner may at any time and any numbers of times .
<br /> B. MANUFACTURERS: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide steel methods indicated: during resinous flooring application require material samples for testing for
<br /> framing, gypsum board and related products by one of the listed Manufacturers. 1. Compressive Strength: 9,000 psi after 7 days per ASTM C 579. compliance with requirements.
<br />;
<br /> W5741115 .
<br /> � arcniteci�re � interiors
<br /> ,52�fo��rh��e IFC 5UBMITTAL
<br /> s��ite 4C0
<br /> . seqttle,wa 07.02.18
<br /> 98101
<br /> 206 467 5306
<br /> b�ffalodesign.com
<br /> �� � APPROVED BY DEPT. DATE � � � �
<br /> , C�� � CHECKED
<br /> � �UILDING 40-023 40-030 40-037
<br /> W5741115
<br />