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Ted de Budden <br /> From: Ted de Budden <br /> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:15 PM <br /> To: Donald Cunningham <br /> Subject: 10601 and 10605 Washington Way <br /> Don, <br /> Here is a brief summary of my observations made during the inspection I conducted with you today at the apartment <br /> buildings located at 10601 and 10605 Washington Way. <br /> 1.The stairway that serves the carport area lacks a required handrail. IPMC section 307.1 <br /> 2. Electrical conduits and communication cables located at the east wall of apartment building 10605 have become <br /> detached from the structure.These electrical components present an electrical hazard and partially block access and <br /> egress through doors compromised by this condition. IPMC section 605.1 and 702.1 respectively. <br /> 3.The main electrical service mast on building 10605 lacks adequate bracing.This electrical mast is visibly deflecting. <br /> IPMC section 605.1 <br /> 4. Patio lights were observed to be missing and broken in both buildings. Baseboard type electrical heaters are not <br /> working in several locations in both buildings. Exposed "romex" type wiring was observed in the carport area. Outlets <br /> are damaged or not working. IPMC section 605 <br /> 5. Flexible cords are being used in some locations of both buildings for permanent wiring. IPMC section 605.4 <br /> 6. Smoke alarms are missing in sleeping rooms throughout both buildings. IPMC section 704 <br /> 7.An access ramp has been constructed to access one of the apartment located in building 10605.This ramp is steeper <br /> than allowed by code the ramp should be removed or replaced by a code compliant ramp. IBC Section 1012 <br /> 8. Rodent shields or screening is damaged and missing at several underfloor ventilation openings. IPMC section 304.14 <br /> and 304.16 <br /> These conditions are unsafe and violations of code. I fully support and encourage enforcement action to abate these <br /> conditions. <br /> This list is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all defects in these buildings.Additional defects likely exist within <br /> these structures. <br /> Thank you for the opportunity to provide assistance in this matter. <br /> Regards <br /> Ted de Budden <br /> Chief Inspector <br /> Everett Building Department <br /> 425.257 7271 <br /> 1 <br />