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Ted Budden <br /> From: Ted Budden <br /> Sent: Friday,January 15,2016 4:29 PM <br /> To: Donald Cunningham <br /> Subject: 5105 South 3rd Ave <br /> Don, <br /> We received a complaint reported as"converting a garage into bedrooms" at 5105 South 3rd Ave. <br /> I visited the site this afternoon to investigate the complaint. An individual greeted me and allowed access to view the <br /> interior of the attached garage. It did not appear that any construction activity had taken place. <br /> However,several beds,furniture, and other possessions were observed consistent with people using the garage for <br /> habitable space and sleeping purposes. During the visit it was also noticed that the garage area was being heated by <br /> some means. <br /> I advised the individual that using the garage in this manner is prohibited by code. He responded that the garage is no <br /> longer being used for occupied space and that the garage occupants had been moved into the house. <br /> This house appears to be used as a boarding house. I realize that this sort of boarding activity has become something of <br /> a specialty of yours. <br /> Please look into this matter as your schedule allows. <br /> Thank you <br /> Ted Budden <br /> Chief inspector <br /> Everett Building Department <br /> 425.257 7271 <br />