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[CORPORA.TION] <br />STATE OF WASEINGTON <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF SNOHMUSH <br />I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 4,,.LL (J. Fs keris the person who <br />appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that said person signed this instrument, on oath stated t at <br />said person was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the R hesil,,14 of <br />FFCC oi, LLC a corporation, to be the free and voluntary, act of such corporation for the uses and <br />purposes mentioned in the instrument. <br />Dated this 3c, day of <br />(Signature of Notary) <br />Notary Public gibly Print or Stamp Name of Notary) <br />State of Washington otary public in and for the state of Washington, <br />KIMBERLY HOLDEN <br />My Appointment Expires Nov 5, 2018 siding at <br />ILY appointment expires 45, �� <br />