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i <br /> Finding: The communicution fncility will be unmanned. The facility will generate one <br /> monthly vehicle trip for periodic maintenance. <br /> Conclusion: There will be no adverse traffic impacts generuted by the proposed use. <br /> 4. The provislon of adequete ofl-street parking,on•sile circulatlon,and site eccess. <br /> Ffnding: One new off-strcel pnrking space will be provided. Onc space is nceded for the <br /> once a month muintenance and security check. <br /> Conclusion: Onc parking space is udequate to scrve thc new usc. <br /> 5. Compatlbllity of proposed struclurcs and improvemenla wlth surrounding <br /> properties, including the slie, height, IocaUon, selback and arrangement of all <br /> proposed bufldings and fecilldes, especlally as they relale to light and shadow <br /> impacls on more sensltive land uses end less fnlensive zones. <br /> Finding: The new 80-foot tall, wood pole will replace u 37.5-foot tUll wood pole. A! thc <br /> top of thc pole will be thrce nntennas upproximutcly one-foot widc by six feet tnll. Thc <br /> antennas will be brown to blend in with the pole. Four 4-inch conduits will extend from <br /> the base of the pole up to the three antennus. The communication facility's equipment <br /> compound of four 6.5-foot lnll cabinets will be scrcened with u six-foot high cednr fence <br /> and vegetution. <br /> The polc will exceed the 65-foot height limilution of the M-M zone. Chapter 39.040.A.1 <br /> of the City of Everett Zoning Code allows a maximum height of 70 feeL Per Chapter <br /> 41.150.D.b.(6), this height can be exceeded without a variance if lhe npplicant cnn <br /> demonstrute that such heighl is necessnry to udequatcly scrve the needs of the public. <br /> Voicestream has submitted RF plot maps which document the need for an 80-foot high <br /> pole. <br /> Conclusion: The utiliry pole will bc similar to other utiliry poles in the area. The <br /> amennas should not be noticeable. The eyuipmcnt compound will hnve no light or <br /> shadou� impacts on nearb�� properties. <br /> 6. The number, size and location of signs, especlally as they relate to more sensitfve <br /> land uses. <br /> Flnding: Sign Cutegory C upplies. <br /> Canclusion: Ne new signs nre proposed. <br /> 7. The landscaping, buffering and screening of bulldings, parking, loading and atorage <br /> areas,especlally as they relate to more sensitive laud uses. <br /> , r�/ <br /> /7 <br />