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_'_" <br /> EVISlll NS 1 tY <br /> 4 <br /> " i <br /> c e;c it t <br /> } '1 .r ;, at ;;„- TABLE 4��0� l; <br /> 1 ENERGY CREDITS t <br /> i OPTION DESCRIPTION CREDIT(S) OPTION DESCRIPTION CREDIT(S) E l <br /> W a � !NSW.AT I•N & MOISTURE P 'OT E C11 O 1a EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE la: p.y Sd EFFICIENT WATER HEATING 5d: 0.5 ,,,, <br /> !.•ES Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: A drain water heat recovery unit(s)shall be installed,which captures waste water heat r ,�1 <br /> . The following codes and classifications are applicable to this project and are to be enforced: , <br /> lJnless noted otherwise, insulation to beper the State Code. InsUlatiOn baffles Vertical fenestration U =0.28 from all the showers,andhasamimmumefficiencyof40%if installed for equal flow or k q <br /> WashingtonEnergyFloor R=38 a minimum efficiency of 52%if installed for unequal flow.Such units shall be rated in i f <br /> 2015 International Building Code (Structural for Residential) i <br /> are to be installed to keep a 1" air space for attic ventilation. The baffles are to extend 12" above the Slab on grade R-10 perimeter and under entire slab accordance with CSA B55.1 and be so labeled. � 1 <br /> 2015 International Residential Code (Ordinance) Below grade slab R 10 perimeter and under entire slab To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall include a plumbing i <br /> _; insulation. Insulate around all showers and tubs. Fully insulate all cavities in exterior walls. F.ce- b <br /> ) 2015 Washington State Energy Code and Ventilation Code Or diagram that specifies the drain water heat recovery units and the plumbing layout i i 1 <br /> staple all kraft-backed batty. All kr ft seams to be sealed with duct type tape. Friction fit all non kraft- ° needed to install it and labels or other documentation shall be provided that <br /> (Or adopted City of Seattle versions of these same codes.) Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total UA by 5%. s <br /> backed batts and support with wire stays. Piping for hot water heats stems or continuouslydemonstrates that the unit complies with the standard. i j 1. <br /> pp }/ p g y lb EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE ]b: 1 © 6 RENEWABLE ELECTRIC ENERGY: 0.5 j <br /> circulatinghot water systems are required to be insulated with R-3. Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402,1.1 with the following modifications: <br /> q For each 1200 kWh of electrical generation per housing unit provided annually by L ° <br /> Vertical fenestration U =0.25 i `. ` <br /> ;�UILDING on-site wind or solar equipment a 0.5 credit shall be allowed,up to 3 credits.Generation ;_.__-__.__ ____________- _---____ <br /> rtINFILTRATION ®NTR©t Wall R•21 plus R-4 �• <br /> Floor R-38 shall be calculated as follows: 1 <br /> --- <br /> 'CI Type: VD �OI�rT110On '. ryFor solar electric systems,the design shall be demonstrated to meet this requirement i <br /> Occupancy Group: Wind Speed: 85 MP1�1/ sec. 120 MPH Oust 1. All exterior joints and openings shall be Sealed, caulked, asketed ®r weather-stripped to limit Basement wall R 21 ern plus R 5 ci using the National Renewable EnergyLaboratorycalculator PVWATTs. <br /> a ; <br /> p g pp Slab on grade R 10 perimeter and under entire slab <br /> i Fire Zone: 3 Exposure Category: B Kzt, air leakage. Examples of joints or openings include: windows, doors, openings between walls Documentation noting solar access shall be included on the plans. I <br /> ?i g p Below grade slab R-10 perimeter and under entire slab ektO <br /> For wind generation projec s designs shall document annual power generation based on �s 1 <br /> and foundations, between walls and roof and between wall panels, openings at penetrations of or ° the following ratiors: A' "`-mv ,: 1 <br /> LOADING: Floor Live Load: 40psf Dead Load: 10psf Utility services and access panels Into Unheated spaces. Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total UA by 15 . The wind turbine power curve;average annual wind speed at the site;frequency '<--.- fir <br /> `I lc EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE lc: 2.0 ` 'wf ' 1 I •• <br /> Roof Live Load: 25psf Dead Load: 15psf 2. All exterior doors, other than fire-rated doors, shall be designed to limit air leakage around their distribution of wind speed at the site and height of tower. F _ u <br /> :;t,�;,Prescriptive com liance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the followingmodifications: " ) <br /> Stairs Live Load: 10®psf Dead �Oad. 1© sfP P To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option :I' s r , ;, <br /> pperimeter when in a closed DDora between the residence and the are not Vertical fenestration U =0.22 photovoltaicequipmentp <br /> position. garagebeingselected and shall show the or wind turbine type, rovide ;" ah ii, w i <br /> Exterior and Interior Walls: Dead Load: 85p1f considered fire-rated even though they must carry a 20minute rating. Ceiling and single-ratter orjoist-vaulted R-49 advanced documentation of solar and wind access,and include a calculation of the minimum <br /> Wood frame wall R-21 int plus R 12 ci .si "I <br /> P annual energy ewer reduction. #_•; <br /> 3. All exterior windows shall be designed to admit infiltration into or from the buildingenvelope. �Y- p - - ., �_, ,,r.„ °1 <br /> P g p Floor R 38 <br /> Contractor shall verify all notes, dimensions and conditions prior to construction. During demolition Cite-built and shop- built wooden sashes are exempt from infiltration criteria, but must be made Basement wall R-21 int plus R-12 ci a. Projects using this option may not use Option la, 1 b or lc. A";�I, t j ) w <br /> t ction the Contractor shallprovide temporary bracing for support and stability until all tight fittingand weather-stripped and caulked. Slab on grade R-10 perimeter and under entire slab b. Projects may only i tclude credit teem one space heating option,3a,3b,3'c or 3d.When a housing unit has two pieces of `I°"Tl:l <br /> and construction g pP ,;: ,, _;, .1 j Et <br /> Below grade slab R 10 perimeter and under entire slab equipment(i.e.,twc furnaces)both must meet the standard to receive the credit. <br /> 1 positive connections have been installed. The Contractor shall report all discrepancies to the '§ <br /> 4. Recessed light fixtures in ceilings of unheated attic spaces to limit air leakage. Y= '°� ii <br /> 14 <br /> II <br /> 1 or c. Plumbing Fixtures Flow Ratings.Low flow plumbing fixtures(water closets and urinals)and fittings(faucets and i <br /> Designer when they are noted. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled drawings. <br /> r <br /> Compliance based on Section R402.1.4: Reduce the Total VA by 30%. showerheads)shall comply with the following requirements: rf�, �;' � <br /> i VAPOR BARRIERS / GROUND COVERS Ida EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPE ld: 0.5 1. Residential bathroom lavatory sink faucets:Maximum flow rate-3.8 L/min(1.0 gal/min)when tested in accordance 1 <br /> Prescriptive compliance is based on Table R402.1.1 with the following modifications: with ASME Ai 12.18.1/CSA B 125.1. ,y r , <br /> 1 SITE An approved vapor barrier shall be installed on all exterior walls, on the warm side of all roof decks ' <br /> ®�K Vertical fenestration U=0.24 - -- - - 2. Residential kitchen faucets:Maximum flow rate-6.6 L/min(1.75 gal/min)when tested in accordance with ASME €:,, ,, ;. _ } . ' <br /> and ®n the warm side of all rafters that are both ceiling and roof support members. The net free area : .; <br /> Unless a state approved Geotechnical Engineer has performed a soils investigation and report, the g pp OPTION DESCRIPTIOfN CREDI`TO) A112.18.1/CSA I-s125.1. I I = <br /> d for attic ventilation maybe 1/150 or 1/300 of the total attic area provided a vapor barrier, havinga 1 F T LAND EFFICIENT VENTILATION 2a: 0.5 R i en ial sh warheads:Maximum flow rate 6.6 L`min 1.75 a{/min when tested in accordance with ASME "` `tx` �=r-•�;:,= y:.=^' I s <br /> foundation will be designed based on the assumption that the average soil bearing IS 200®psf. 2a A_R L_AKAGF.CON RO 3. es d t o ( g ) -44,i_ ,�,Vs <br /> minimum 1 " below finished reds for One-story Structures or 18" below perm rating not exceeding 1, is installed on the warm side of the insulation. A ground cover of 6 mil Compliance based on R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 3.0 air changes per Reside 8.1/CSA B125.1. a <br /> if Exterior footings shall be ag <br /> (0.006") shall be laid over the bare earth in all crawlhour maximum <br /> l' • .40T4i,,, ,, :-. <br /> finished grade for multiple-story structures on undisturbed soil. Footing drains, if required, are to be black polyethylene (visquene), or equal, spaces. and I <br /> bS <br /> its'_ & i s <br /> " The cover shall be lapped 12 minimum at all seams and extend la the foundation wall to the mudsill T'�BL R402 1 1 - ` <br /> t tied to existing or new systems. Mono--pour slabs with footings shall be a minimum 1 below finished lip p All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section MI507.3 of the •plate. International Residential Code shall be met with a high efficiency fan(maximum 0.3� INSULATION AND FENESTRATION REQUIREMENTS BY COMPONENTa WZ:,„,:Eva r i gs <br /> grade. Foundation vents shall not interfere with bearing points or be within 3" of lateral holdowns. _- <br /> watts/cfm),not interlocked with the furnace fan.Ventilation systems using a furnace t=^ i t <br /> Finish grade shall be a min. 6" below the topof foundation. )l A ZONE AN MARINE 4 - 1 °-4= <br /> includin an ECM motor are allows rovided that the are controlled to o crate at low ', .. c.,„„ <br /> T D O 0 ,I.S I N DO 'S & SKYLIGHTS seed in ventilation onl mode. 3 �� <br /> p y FENESTRATION U-FACTOR 0.30 A ,Fed . ;{ p <br /> , „ 2" To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option ; .' 13 1 LU <br /> C'0 NCRETE Doors to the exterior or from the house to the garage must have a minimum 36"x36" landing withinbeing selected and shall specify the maximum tested building air leakage and shall b ff' • ; <br /> h SKYLIGHT I-FACTOR 0.50 ^� <br /> I='C Mln. Casks/cy of the door threshold. Maximum 7.75" risers and minimum 10" treads, w/ 1" nosing, are required to all show the qualifying ventilation system. n e i iX <br /> Class a �� Slump 2b AIR LEAKAGE CONTROL AND EFFICIENT'VENTILATION 21a: 1.0 GLAZED FENESTRATION SHGC ' NR 1 yt_ry t <br /> ste s Ieadin to the landin s. All sk li hts and sk walls to be laminated lass unless noted . ` 0 <br /> A Footingsand foundations 2500 3 4 /� p g g y y Compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 2.0 air CEILING FI Vr.LUEk g9 �� <br /> B. Slabs on grade 2500 3-4 5 1/2 otherwise. French doors and sliding glass doors are to be double glazed tempered safety glass. All r� "4 _ ' <br /> changes per hour maximum , <br /> 11 1 f, "SYo. ,� Y <br /> glazing within 1 of the floor or within 24 of a door swing is to be tempered safes lass. Other gird i w��F �iI11t1LL9'm'"R=V�aI ur 21 int . <br /> 1 Air entraining agent (3% to 6%) to be used in all concrete flat work exposed to the weather. g g 9 p y g 4. i <br /> nal concreteprovider. Concrete ;locations for temperedglass are tub and shower enclosures, glazingassociated withguardrails and All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M1507.3 of the 1 Mass Well Ft-Value) s- 21/21 . i �) <br /> Retarding agents may be used, but must be installed by professional p International Residential Code shall be met with a heat recoveryventilation system '" �w l `'' ! <br /> mix design water-to-cement ratio to be in accordance to the IBC. y g g openings Y M D, l 1 <br /> g ;an window areas within 60 Of the Stair nosing Or landings. All window ® enin s within 24 of the with minimum sensible heat recovery efficiency of 0_70. FLOOR -VALUE 30 :=_vim .. <br /> k floor and greater than 6 m0 above exterior flrllshed grade must be protected against window full. To qualify to claim?his credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option I D�LO+ty-GR�®�`'`"wit L -yAL ut= 10/]5/21 int+TB <br /> being selected and shall specify the maximum tested building air leakage and shall It <br /> REINFORCING STEEL and COVER show the heat recovery ventilation system. [ Sid R-VALUEDEPTH 10,2 ft 4 i <br /> All steel reinforcing to be ASTM A615 Grade 40. All special reinforcing steel details to be approved Bedroom emergency egress window: minimum net clear opening width of 20 ; minimum net clear 2c AIR LEAKAGE CONTROL AND EFFICIENT VENTILATION 2c: 1.5 4 1. <br /> by a professional engineer. All splices are to be lapped 30 diameters. No splices to occur at opening height of 24"; minimum net clear opening of 5.7sqft; maximum finished opening height of 44" Compliance based on Section R402.4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 1.5 air ) <br /> lapFor SI: 1 foot=304.8 mm, ci =continuous insulation int=intermediate framing. 1 , <br /> changes per hour maximum <br /> ' locations of tension. <br /> above finished floor. and l a R-values are minimums. Li-factors and SHGC are maximums. When insulation is installed in a cavity which :I <br /> All whole house ventilation requirements as determined by Section M 1507.3 of the I l is less than the label or design thickness of the insulation,the compressed R-value of the insulation from b <br /> ' Cover:3" Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth M ECH A,SN;CAL International Residential Code shall be met with a heat recovery ventilation system I Appendix Table A101.4 shall not be less than the R-value specified in the table. <br /> with minimum sensible heat recovery efficiency of 0.85. b +' r <br /> 1 'l/" Concrete exposed to weather or temporarily to earth The U-factor column excludes skylights.The SHGC column applies to all glazed fenestration. r I x� / �- -ram ;� <br /> Solid fuel burning appliances include airtight stoves, fireplace stoves and smaller room heater To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option b The fenestration+TB"mean R-(0 continuous insulation on the exterior # <br /> • 1 1/2" Beams and columns not exposed to earth or weather versions, factory built fireplaces, and fireplace inserts. All solid fuel burning appliances shall comply being selected and shall specify the maximum tested building air leakage and shall s of the wall,or R-15 continuous insulation ti i <br /> show the heat recovery ventilation system. a! on the interior of the wall,or R-21 cavity insulation plus a thermal break between the slab and the ,, , :t : <br /> /�" Slabs or walls not exposed to earth or weather with theprovisions of the IBC, IRC and IMC. 3a HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT 3a: 1.0 permitted ;li <br /> n basement wall at the interior of the basement wall. "10/15121 +TB"shall be to be met with <br /> Gas,propane or oil-fired furnace with minimum AFUE of 94%.or R-13 cavity insulation on the interior of the basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulation on the"-i to•nor i <br /> ���I�I®ffl�! Permits Are Required ulir�d s ) , <br /> a� CARPENTRY Gas,propane or oiled-fired boiler with minimum AFUE of 92% or exterior of the wall. "TB"means thermal break between floor slab and basement wall. q t';�-0 - ✓// o .=- <br /> each dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a temperature of 7�0 <br /> 1 To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option d R-10 continuous insulation is required under heated slab on grade floors. See R402.2.9.1. For This ��®���$ �� ldl9d�• <br /> All structural framing and nailing are to conform to the requirements in the IBC or IRC-. All wood in degrees F. a$ a height of 36" above the floor in all habitable rooms when the outside temperature is q <br /> q . <br /> beingselectedand shall specify the heatingequipment marttype and the '_ <br /> contact with concrete to be pressure treated. All structural wood exposed to the weather to h' 30 degrees F. A centrally located, programmable, heat-regulating device is required in each P q P minimum a <br /> There are no SHGC requirements in the Marine Zone. r` <br /> equipment efficiency. ( i___-_„-- i <br /> k pressure treated. Wood bearing against or within 1" of masonry to be pressure treated. Solid 2x residence. Fuel burning equipment located within the building envelope shall obtain combustion air 3b6 HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT-3b: 1.0 f Reserved. I___I Plumbing !_� �rl����r <br /> g g Air-source heat pumpwith minimum HSPF of 9.0 '' i , �� ,�� -` <br /> p Reserved. <br /> blocking shall be installed at ends and at all support points of all joists and rafters. Also, solid 2x - from outdoors. All warm-air furnaces shall be listed and labeled by an approved agency and installed To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option h s <br /> ��_-_ l���l����a��! Fire Alarm � � � <br /> blocking or approved bridging shall be Installed at the mid-span of all joists spanning more than 10'- to manufacturer s specifications. Appliances intended for installation in closets, alcoves or confined being selected and shall specify the heating equipment type and the minimum Reserved. I'0 i E 1 <br /> 9 pp g g � �l��'��l��! ` ` <br /> A <br /> 0". Typical anchor bolts, tying sill plate to foundation, shall be minimum 5/8" diameter and embedded spaces shall be so listed. No warm-air fuel burning furnaces shall be installed in room used as equipment efficiency. 'The second R-value applies when more than half the insulation is on the interior of the mass wall. <br /> bedroom, bathroom, closet or any enclosed space with access only through such room or space. No 3cb HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT Sc: 1.5 t Reserved. 3 <br /> Bolt heads1 , <br /> ix into the foundation minimum 3" at �'-0"oC and 1�" from all corners and plate separations. Closed-loop ground source heat pump;with a minimum COP of 3.3 k ;, <br /> r, 11 „ q warm-air furnace shall be installed In Space less than 1 wider than the furnace or clearance Of For single rafter-or jcat-vaulted ceilings,the insulation may be reduced to R-38. I ; , ,, <br /> 4 and nuts bearing against wood to have 3 x3 x1/4 square washers. All metal framinganchors, or <br /> connectors and hangers called out on drawings to be Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors or designer 3" along the sides, back and top. All enclosed furnaces shall have a minimum 10sq inch fresh air OpenP P P P P g Y Reserved_ <br /> loo water source heat um with a maximum um in h draulic head of 150 i <br /> " intake, unless located in the garage, attic or crawlspace. feet and minimum COP of3.6 "int.(intermediate framing)denotes standard-framing 16 inches on center with headers insulated with a 1 i F <br /> approved equal. <br /> wood-to-earth clearances: 6" Anyuntreated wood to earth To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option minimum of R-10 insulation. Roof tr1:1�i�� tD bm d��i9fi0d I ' l <br /> re �P €Tb� <br /> beingselected and shall specify the heatingequipment t e and the minimum n �� t�r�ialltl� I� <br /> Minimum Building envelope air leakage control shall be considered acceptable when tested to have an air p y type Log and solid timber walls with a minimum average thickness of 3.5 inches are exempt from this insulation 8 �t�t� •licerl$¢d 5tWCtUl l 5 <br /> 1�" Crawlspace floor beams $© earth g p g p equipment effici€ncy. <br /> 4 n requirement. t <br /> }1 18" Crawlspace floor joists to earth leakage less than 5air changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a pressure of 50 Pascals 3d HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC EQUIPMENT 3d: 1.0 , erlgirl:or. <br /> J Ductless Split System Heat Pumps,Zonal Control:In homes where the primary space <br /> (0.2 inch w.g.). Testing shall occur at any time after rough in and after creation of penetrations of the t . r <br /> heating system is zonal electric heating_a ductless heat pump system shall be installed ._ . _ _. - ( 1 l <br /> LUMBER STRENGTH (Units in_psi) building thermal envelope, including penetrations for utilities, plumbing, electrical, ventilation, and and provide heating to the largest zone of the housing unit. t - .t a <br /> combustion • <br /> appliances and thereof. When re uired the official, the test shall be To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option CHECKLIST _ <br /> 'Fv Fb [Fsealing q by building <br /> 75 500 1200K conducted in the presence of department staff. The blower door test results shall be recorded on the being selected and shall specify the heating equipment type and the minimum 1 ELECTRIC RESISTANCE _OTHER FUELS t i , <br /> Studs: Hem-Fir - - -- -- <br /> _ eq�mzat efficiency - - - - � § ., <br /> Stud grade 75 675 1200K certificate. A Residential Energy Compliance Certificate complying with WSEC 401.3 is required to 4 HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: - -- - •1 - -- - --. - - --- -- - ���0�®��D INSULATION - <br /> j g (2x12) 75 850 130®!� be completed by the design professional or the builder and perm nently posted within 36 Of the All heating and cooling system components installed inside the conditioned space.This MAX.yGLA�ING PERCENTAGE ALLOWED FLAT CEILINGS/ATTICS ;I ] <br /> Joists & Rafters: Hem-Fir 2 2x10 & - - - - -- - ____ -- - , ; <br /> = ( ) includ€s all e ui mint and distribution system com onents such as forced air ducts, � ' =�°-�==-� �r �` <br /> t, Beams & Headers: 4x Doug-Fir #2/#1 95 875/1000 16001 /1700K electrical panel prior to final inspection. q p P PROPOSED GLAZING PERCENTAGE - -__ VAULTED CEILINGS -- - - t ; <br /> hydronic piping,hydronic floor heating loop,convectors and radiators.All combustion ; <br /> 6x Doug-Fir#2/#1 85 875/1350 1300K/1600K equipment shall be direct vent or sealed combustion. MAX. VERTICAL U-VALUE ALLOWED EXTERIOR WALLS i <br /> - 4 -V4 190 2400 1800K Liquefied petroleum g..s burning appliances shall not be installed in a pit, basement or similar location For forced air ducts:A maximum of 10 linear feet of return ducts and 5 linear feet of PROPOSED VERTICAL U_VAILUE EXTERIOR BELOW GRACE WALLS s ' <br /> Glulam Deaf�1s: ®tJg Doug-Fir Larch 2 rF supply ducts may be located outside the conditioned space.All metallic ducts located - -- Z �' <br /> VL 1.9 290 2900 19®0K where heavier than air gas might collect. Appliances so fueled shall not be installed in an above MAX. OVERHAED U-VALUE ALLOWED INTERIOR HOUSE GARAGE WALLS <br /> Micro-Lam: outside the conditioned space must have both transverse and longitudinal joints sealed b 1 <br /> grade under floors ace or basement unless such location is provided with an approved means for with mastic.if flex ducts are used,they cannot contains splices.Flex duct connections = I- ' <br /> � p p pp p RROR®�,ED OVERHEAD U-VALUE FLOORC OVER UNHEATED SPACES <br /> removal of unburnedgas. Heatingand coolingequipment located in garage and whichgenerates a must be made with nylon straps and installed using a plastic strapping tensioning tool. �- - -- - - j <br /> g 9 MAX. DOOR U-VALUE ALLOWED SLAB PERIMETER ° <br /> all <br /> Loading: Ducts located outside the conditioned space must be insulated to a minimum of R-8. _ 4 i <br /> Roof 15 sf Dead Load 25psf Live Load 40psf glow, spark or flame capable of igniting flammable vapors shall be installed Wi$h $he pilots, burners or Locating system components in conditioned crawl spaces is not permitted under this PROPOSED DOOR U VALUE DUCTS IN UNHEATED SPACES ;T i <br /> n <br /> j p �, 1t <br /> {door 10 sf Dead Load 40 sr' Live Load SOpsf heating elements and switches at least 18 above the finished floor. All air ducts passing from the option. �a - - . ---m --_�_ .' > • <br /> p pG DING AND DRAiP`,lAGE I i .s <br /> 10 sf Live L® d 15 sf garage to the residence are to be constructed of steel not less than 0.019" thick and have no Electric resistance heat and ductless heat pumps are not permitted under this option. >11��� �� �1�� } ' <br /> Ceiling 5psf Dead Load p p ° ���caxk Is Fs i <br /> 14.1 <br /> i Deck 10 sf Dead Load + 40psf Live Load c 50psf openings into the garage. Warm-air furnaces installed in attics and/or crawlspaces shall havey, <br /> Direct combustion heating equipment with AFUE less than 80/o is not permitted under s j �'i< ibt I t <br /> p LProvisions shell be made for the control and drainage of surface ©vcd g>Jb1�lY1 i p <br /> a 80 If oversized accesses for maintenance. All factory-built chimneys shall be installed per manufacturer's this option. p <br /> `�o �lelrify � � ; ,�� � <br /> a Interior Partition p To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option water around buildings by: gutters, drain lines,- inn=t'e and catch i l <br /> 1 Exterior Partition p s ecifications. All flues or chimne s for solid fuel fire laces shall terminate minimum 24 hi her than , b i - <br /> 9D If p Y p g being selected and shall specify the heating equipment type and shall show the location ��alrla � other necessary drainage structures and sin!! ,>� installed I � <br /> any roof or building structure within 10'-0". Vent connectors shall be installed within the space or area of the heating and cooling equipment and all the ductwork. • <br /> F 1 �'3��. "E ` <br /> re storm 'Hater disposal cannot be obtained '‘,':'ith,��:t Their use or � �t ] Tlu m �� D � �t RED # 1 <br /> `] Sa EFFICIENT WATER HEATING 5a: 0.5 1 , <br /> iin which the appliance is located and shall be connected to a chimney or vent in such ways as to <br /> PLYWOOD All showerhead and kitchen sink faucets installed in the house shall be rated at 1.75 where erosion cannot be prevented by finish grading and planting. (LIFER GROUND) REQUIRED <br /> 1 Plywood wall and roof sheathing shall be '/2" CDX or 7/16" OSB, Unless otherwise specified. ; ilaintain proper distance from all combustibles. Heating and HVAC equipment for low-rise residential GPM or less.All other lavatory faucets shall be rated at 1.0 GPM or less.` i u�.=;.- <br /> y g <br /> p ]fir wails shall not be. installed in areas where the soil is not well PER NEC 260,50 <br /> " !shall be shed no realer than 15Q% of the desi n load. To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify p a K } , - i <br /> Minimum nulling shall be 8d 6"oe on all panel edges and 12 oc in the field. The span index shall g g q Y g P g P Y the o ?ion dined anddcr porous. (INSPECTED AT FOOTINGS) q _ ; Z <br /> be 24/0 Plywood subflooring shall be 3" CDX or 1 1/16" OSB tongue-and-grove, unless otherwise being selected and shall specify the maximum flow rates for all showerheads,kitchen ' <br /> 6 oC onpanel edges bearingon supports and 1 oC in the DUCTWORK sink faucets,and other lavatory faucets. y t ,. �,2) ri�i 1 ��o i" ! Z 0 ' <br /> specified. Minimum nailing shall be 1©d9 pp � -r a 1 <br /> pSb EFFICIENT WATER HEATING 5b: 1 0 �, Grading , i�� red insure: , <br /> field. The span index shall be 40/20. Roof and floor sheathingshould be staggered a minimum 24". All ducts shall be of metal or facto <br /> p 99 factory-made air ducts complying with and installed per the DMC. All Water heating system shall include one of the following: AUG2018 f .f ; + <br /> propane ta) Diversion of water away from buildings. G 1 1 � ,f/ l i <br /> p W <br /> Gas, ro one or oil water heater with a minimum EF of 0.74 i - y„Z , <br /> joint and seams shall be substantially airtight. All warm-air ducts in unheated areas are to have R-8 <br /> or �i�) 6'rev�iitirilt of standing meter and miltlat�arltrirlPitZtl <br /> Insulation. All ducts, air handlers, filter boxes, and building Cavities used as ducts shall be sealed. Water heater heated by ground source heat pump meeting the requirements of Option tq structures o sty lot use.w ,3a <br /> WOOD TRUSSES gCITYAll roof and floor trusses shall be designed by a State approved engineer and fabricated only from the Joints and seams shall comply with the IRC or the lMC. Duct tightness testing shall be conducted $0 3c' Permit Services ; ' -' j <br /> or ._r ., t�r� cirairtage c�ar`ire3r� or Isirla are not bust blocked or <br /> approved designs. The trusses are to be stamped by the manufacturer or by an approved quality verify that the ducts are sealed. A signed affidavit documenting the test results shall be provided to For R z occupancy,a central heat pump water heater with an EF greater than 2.0 that • V Tillery, 4 i <br /> 04 <br /> control agency. All truss designs are to be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to the jurisdiction having authority by the testing agent. would supply DHW to all the units through a central water loop insulated with R-8 : ' 0 <br /> fabrication and a copy of the approved designs to go to the Designer. Nonbearing walls shall not be <br /> ¶¶(_' ,=rnv ice: , ','n-the dispoeaJ of water from P 1r+:- Permit#: CI806 <br /> L U M B I N G minimum pipe insulation. <br /> ' tied directly to the roof truss bottom chord unless with an approved connector. All truss-to-truss metal To qualify to claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option <br /> connections are to be specified by the designing engineer. The roof trusses shall be tied into the being selected and shall specify the water heater equipment type and the minimum Site Address: 2222 HIGHLAND.ST 1 <br /> equipment efficiency. PROPANE TANKS, HEAT PUMPS AND Owner: GREENWAY DEVIN K&JOY L <br /> All water heaters installed in garages or other unheated areas to have R-10 rigid insulation at the I �U' IS NOTPOSITIONED AS OTHER EQUIPMET OR APPURTENANCES Tenant: [TenName] <br /> framework and the Supporting walls So as to form an integral part of the whole structure. Temporary rl 5c EFFICIENT WATER HEATING Sc: 1.5 IP `�')l � ON APPROVED MAY NOT @E LOCATED IN T81: FRONT <br /> base. Water heaters to be installed 1$ above Concrete subs, have pressure release valves that /�i Water heating system shall include one of the following: i App.Date: 6/R/2O�R <br /> _ I Y `� � IT� PI A � i ,' ,i� I9dbY1� PERMITS IUD proposed Use: SFR DETACHED <br /> diagonal and sway bracing shape Used until all required bracing and roof Sheathing IS Ins$alle terminate to the exterior of the structure and have Seismic straps Installed top and bottom of the tank. Gas,propane or oil water heater with a minimum EF of ! L o (� I;i Jff INSPECTIONS <br /> AND SIDE SETBACKS. PROPANE TANKS <br /> tic do 2 STORY I�DDlT1oN AT REAR OF HOME <br /> All showers, tubs and Kitchen sinks shall have 1.75gpm flow resisters. All toilets and water closets Ira <br /> or � � WII,I, REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PE Qescnp <br /> Solar water heating supplementing a minimum standard water heater.Solar water `+Y / �' �,���� � BY THE EVERETT FIRE DEPARTMENT <br /> FIREPLACES g p g j.}•}v+4 c , BE MAD(_ ON THIS PROJECT PRIOR TLC INSTALLATION. REROOF ENTIRE SI RUCTIJRE <br /> have maximum 1.Sgal Ion flush. All other lavatories to have 1,0gpm flow resisters. heatin will rovide a rated minimum savin s of 85 therms or 2000 kWh based on the r <br /> Masonry fireplaces and chimneys are to be constructed to conform to all applicable portions of the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation(SRCC)Annual Performance of OG-300 , l''t , REVISED S1�i iE PLAN D l AM®Y", . <br /> IBC, IFC and International Mechanical Code. Chimneys shall support their own weight unless LIGHTING Certified Solar Water Heating Systems. ED ®X 'CIE BUII., Goa . <br /> s ecificall desi ned to su tart additional loads. All fire laces are to be rovided with ti ht! fittin ��� " <br /> or DEPTS.S. Cate: ,� �� <br /> specifically 0 pp p p tightly g Reviewed ay: <br /> o Electric heat pump water heater with a minimum EF of 2.0 and meeting the standards of )� <br /> flue dampers and operated with a readily accessible manual or approved automatic control. An A minimum:of_75i/o of_larnps in permanent y._installe_d_.lightiog fixtures_ shall-be_i�jgh-effjeac lamps. Specificationsf r Heat P m water H s�i bra � ia�ti ado office Set roe site set Fire/Punning set <br /> p _ e y p NEEA's Northern Climate o Pump eaters. it j� owners P�� O a ll � <br /> outside source of combustion air is to be provided with a minimum 10 square inch duct. � � qualify g P specify p <br /> p q �y. s � - �•�; "r meAr <br /> polott ) - <br /> To uali to claim this credit,the building ermit drawings shall s ecif the option property IiPIes. <br /> Prefabricated fireplaces, chimneys and related components to bear UL or ICBO seals of approval and /WV - v � 9 Pr j bein selected and shall s eci the water heater e ui ment t e and the minimum <br /> installed per manufacturers specifications. Masonry hearths are to extend 20 in front of and 12» C-71:6A ® equipment efficiency and,for solar water heating systems,the calculation of the ; E <br /> beyond each side of the fireplace mouth. All fireplaces are to be provided with tight fitting tempered ,;¢ minimum energy Swings. <br /> ootzeo: iv' l 4 Rom `' r give At/ i <br /> glass or metal doors. _ _ Sheep <br /> W76iC <br /> r, := � X / <br /> F EVE i E l <br /> „ RE\AFWED FOR PERMIT <br /> _.._ _ , _ .n -' Of Sheets <br /> �.,- _ ..,. .s-.....� �» -.s.. �.=.Ply'_± .::..-a•r,., -'r'-,.-. "r _. -- _.`'�- ' _-_ . .. - 1 <br /> 24)11,g CV� Th - ._ , <br />