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CITY OF EVERETT <br />EVERETT Permit services <br />WASHINOTON <br />July 29, 2022 <br />APF EVERETT LLC <br />101 LARKSPUR LANDING CIR STE 120 <br />LARKSPUR, CA 94939 <br />RE: New Building Address Assignment In the City of Everett <br />ACTION: Owner to post new address of 11245E EVERETT MALL WAY on site until permanently Installed. <br />We wish to express our appreciation to you for helping to build and Improve the City of Everett. Permit 162205-011) <br />has been Issued for a new building. In accordance with Everett Municipal Code chapter 13.44, a new address Is <br />assigned to the building on parcel described as: SEC 18 TWP 28 RGE 05W "El SE1/4 DAF-COM SW OCR SE114 TH <br />NO1'43 32W ALG W LN SEV41204.46FT TO INT WITH 5 MGN PSH NO 1 TH N67'4500E ALG SO S MGN 103.44ETTPB <br />TH CORE N67e45 DOE ALG SD S MGN180.91FT TO INT WITH W MGN PNT CO R/W TH 502•I3 ODE AEG SO W MGN <br />319.37FTTH 587"45 DOW 170FT TH NO2a1500W 257.5FT TPA TGW PDT -COM SW COR SEl/4 TH NO1'4332W AUG W <br />LN SEIM 1204.46FT TO INT WITH 5 MGN PSH NO 1 TPB TH N6704500E ALG SO S MGN 103.44FT TH S0201500E <br />257.51ET TH S87'45 OM 99.23FT TH NO1'4332W 222.13FT TER, parcel number 28051900401400. <br />11245E EVERETT MALL WAY <br />Everett, WA 98208 <br />Numbers conforming to the following table should be posted facing SE EVERETT MALL WAY: <br />ADDRESS NUMBERING FIGURE SIZE TABLE per PAR: 36.oko3o(F) <br />Dis tome Tram Road or Fire Lane Minimum Flows Size <br />0-50feet r4"Hx 1.5"W, A- strokewidth <br />51-100fset 6"Hx3"W, Nestrokewldth <br />101-150feet 8"Hx4"W N"stmkewldth <br />151-200feet 10'Hx5"W, N"strokewidth <br />201 feet and up 12"Hx6'W, N"strokewidth <br />'Minimum figure sireforthe primary address ofmultipmily or commercial buildings B six Inches (r). <br />Height -to -width ratio offlDures shall be approximately 2H:1 W, contrasting in color with their background (black or <br />white on glazbg). Ifasslgned addresses cannot be vkwedfmm a public way, address numbers should also be posted <br />at the roadentxanre on apple, orslgo, to cloudy Identify which driveway orroodway serves the poskdaddress. Owner <br />to post numbers or lettersfor tenant suite and ooartmem ancestor bath the Interlorand exterior of the building, with <br />minimum figure size otleast 4 Inches high. Please contact the Everett Fire Department tofina0az address posting <br />requirements: 425-252-8120. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Everett Post Office and other Interested parties of the new address assignment <br />to obtain postal delivery and other services. <br />Sincerely, <br />Sabrina Good <br />Pennit Services Manager l Everett Permit Services <br />tt. USPSPostmrste4 CbrderAnnep Address Management5yshm: Snohomish County E9-1-1 Addressing Concentrator GG; <br />Snolwmkh CoursyMsesmis OTf a Addressing Supervlsw, Glt FarcelAnnres Levy Partel GWnerAddress Lean; Aahwnkh <br />CounyAWlta/s office Elections Addressing SupeNMG GIS; sNWAC911; Snohomish COunryPUO; Pa9etSimanEnesurs Qry <br />of Everett Polke, Fire MarshaYS OJ(re, Plannln& Utility Doing Manager ontl5mff, today Moves G6 UtRhy, Mewhas Puhlk <br />Works M&O, Public Works TSG, TmHic Engineer Address Type: COMMERCIAL <br />Page t of I <br />