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Drew Martin <br /> From: Drew Martin <br /> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 10:59 AM <br /> To: <br /> Subject: City of Everett Permit Services: 5103 S 4th Avenue (B2108-036) - First Building Intake <br /> Review <br /> Hello, Ms. McLean. <br /> Your application has been received and a permit set up. However, the submitted documents are not sufficient <br /> for us to perform a review at this time. Construction-level documents need to be submitted for <br /> review. Information is attached to provide guidance. Preliminary comments are provided below to assist in <br /> preparing the drawings, but these are not intended to provide a comprehensive review. Depending on your <br /> experience with the model codes and preparing documents, we recommend consulting with a design <br /> professional to assist you. <br /> 1. The submitted drawings are concept-level sketches. Construction-level drawings prepared using <br /> established drafting standards should be submitted for review. The drawings should include framing <br /> plans, building sections, details, material specifications, design loads, architectural and structural <br /> notes, etc. as needed to clearly show the proposed work. The plans should clearly delineate between <br /> existing construction including proposed demolition, and new construction. The current editions of the <br /> building codes applicable to the project should be specified. <br /> 2. The plans should include all levels of the house. Areas not included in the project scope do not need to <br /> be extensively detailed. Minimum requirements include wall, door, and window placement, and use of <br /> each room. <br /> 3. The project may involve structural modifications that do not comply with the prescriptive limitations of <br /> the IRC. Where a structural design is performed complying with Section R301.1.3, structural drawings <br /> and calculations should be prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington; <br /> the drawings and calculations should bear the seal and signature of the engineer. <br /> 4. The project appears to include modifications to the stairs. Details for the construction should be <br /> included. Handrails should be specified. Headroom clearances should be specified. Structural <br /> modifications may be required. <br /> 5. All smoke and CO alarms should be shown. The alarms should be hardwired, interconnected, and <br /> provided with back-up battery power per IRC Sections R314 and R315. <br /> Review of your project will be performed in the order received once the required documentation has been <br /> submitted. Please let me know if you have questions. <br /> — Drew Martin, P.E.,S.E. <br /> Associate Engineer—Commercial Plans Examiner I Permit Services <br /> 425.257.8810 13200 Cedar Street, 2nd Floor, Everett,WA 98201 <br /> EVERETT Phone Hours: M/W/T: 8 am - 12 pm & 1 pm—3 pm;Tu: 1:OOpm-3:OOpm <br /> I Facebook I Twitter <br /> Note:Emails and attachments sent to and from the City of Everett are public records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public <br /> Records Act. <br /> 1 <br />