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4 <br /> This permit is granted subject to the following terms and conditions which Grantee <br /> hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform: <br /> 1. Use of Grantor's Right of Way by Grantor: <br /> Grantee's rights herein shall at all times be subordinate to such rights of Grantor as <br /> are necessary to preserve and maintain the capabilities of the Grantor and the public <br /> to use the Right of Way for any use as determined by the Grantor to be in the public's <br /> interest, and nothing herein contained shall prevent or preclude the Grantor from <br /> undertaking the construction, reconstruction, installation, operation maintenance or <br /> repair, and use of any improvements or other utilities within the Right of Way; <br /> provided however that, except to the extent otherwise contemplated by this <br /> Agreement, the Grantor shall at all times use reasonable care in its activities on the <br /> Right of Way not to interfere with, obstruct or endanger the usefulness of Grantee's <br /> improvements or use of the Permit Area. <br /> 2. Grantee's Use and Activities: <br /> Grantee shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize and avoid, <br /> insofar as possible, interference with the use by Grantor of the Right of Way for any <br /> other future use as determined by the Grantor, and shall at all times conduct its <br /> activities on the Permit Area so as not to interfere with, obstruct or endanger the <br /> Grantor's operations,facilities or utilities. Grantee shall install the improvements and <br /> conduct any other activity on the Right of Way as may be communicated to Grantee <br /> by the Grantor for the purpose of protecting the Grantor's facilities, preventing <br /> hazardous conditions and interruptions to the Grantor's facilities, operations and <br /> utilities. <br /> Grantee shall, at its expense, conform to all applicable laws, regulations, permits or <br /> requirements of any governing authority affecting the Right of Way and the Permit <br /> Area and the use thereof. Upon request, Grantee shall supply Grantor with copies of <br /> permits or orders. <br /> 3. Coordination of Activities: <br /> Grantee shall give at least 15 days advanced written notice of the proposed dates of <br /> its construction, repair and maintenance activities on the Right of Way to Grantor at <br /> the address in Section 19 or at such address or office as Grantor may from time to <br /> time designate. Grantee shall cooperate in the revision of such dates and/or the <br /> coordination of its activities with those of Grantors if deemed necessary by Grantor <br /> to minimize conflicts, insure protection to each parties facilities, prevent hazardous <br /> conditions,or minimize interruption of Grantor's operations. Provided, however that <br /> in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the <br /> protection of its improvements or other persons or property, Grantee may take such <br /> action upon notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the circumstances. <br /> Permit Grantee Signature Page 2 <br />