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4. Permission: <br /> It is agreed that prior to any installation or modification of the Grantee's <br /> improvements within the Permit Area herein granted,the Grantee will first supply the <br /> Grantor with detailed drawings and specifications relating to such proposed <br /> construction and that no construction, installation or modification of facilities will be <br /> performed until the plans have been approved in writing by the Grantor; provided, <br /> however, that the approval of the Grantor to the performance of such construction <br /> shall not in any manner be considered as imposing any obligation upon the Grantor <br /> as to safety or propriety of such installation or construction. Upon completion of such <br /> installation or construction, the Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the <br /> ground surface to as nearly as possible to the condition in which it was at the <br /> commencement of such work. <br /> 5. Damages: <br /> Any property or right of way of the Grantor damaged or destroyed by the Grantee <br /> incident to the exercise of the privileges herein granted shall be promptly repaired or <br /> replaced by the Grantee to the satisfaction of the Grantor. If so deemed by the <br /> Grantor,the Grantee shall promptly pay to the Grantor the cost of any reconstruction, <br /> replacement, repair, alteration or restoration or any other changes or repairs to <br /> Grantor's facilities which the Grantor shall reasonably deem necessary by reason of <br /> the construction, use and maintenance of the improvements on the Right of Way. For <br /> the purpose of this paragraph, "cost" shall be defined as all direct or assignable costs <br /> of materials, labor and service including overhead, in accordance with charges for <br /> transportation of workers, material, and equipment, storage expense of material and <br /> rental equipment. <br /> 6. No Warranty: <br /> Grantor does not warrant its title and ownership of property or right-of-way nor its <br /> right to grant the rights and privileges herein provided and shall not be liable for <br /> defects thereto or failure thereof. <br /> 7. Non-Exclusive: <br /> This permit shall not be deemed an exclusive one nor shall the Grantor be prohibited <br /> from granting permission to others to occupy portions of the Right of Way where such <br /> uses are not inconsistent with the permit granted to the Grantee. <br /> 8. Hold Harmless Clause: <br /> Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph,the Grantee hereby agrees to defend <br /> and indemnify the Grantor from any and all Claims arising out of, in connection with, <br /> or incident to any acts, errors, omissions, or conduct by Grantee (or its employees, <br /> agents, representatives subcontractors/subconsultants) relating to this Agreement. <br /> The Grantee is obligated to defend and indemnify the Grantor pursuant to this <br /> paragraph whether a Claim is asserted directly against the Grantor, or whether it is <br /> Permit Grantee Signature Page 3 <br />