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January 10,2001 <br /> PROCLAMATION <br /> President Simpson proclaimed January 11 through January 15,2001 as"Dr. <br /> Martin Luther King,Jr.Days in the City of Everett. He presented the <br /> proclamation to Frederick Bletson who spoke regarding the events which are <br /> scheduled to celebrate Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.'s life. <br /> APPOINTMENT <br /> Moved by Couac0member Overstreet,seconded by Coune0membef Pope to <br /> appoint Frank McCord to a four year term to the Everest Citizen's <br /> Commission on Salaries of Elated Officials beginning January I,2001 <br /> through December 31,2004. <br /> Roll was called with all muncilmembers voting yes. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> President Simpson stated that he had received an additional agenda item that had <br /> arrived late and that each councilmember had been given a copy of the item. <br /> AGREEMENT-ACCESS PERMIT/BOER% <br /> Moved by CauocOmember Warnock,seconded by Couacilmember Gipson <br /> to authorize the Mayor to approve and sign an access permit agreement and <br /> hold harmless with the Boeing Company for Everett Police Department <br /> training at the Boeing facility for calendar year 2001. <br /> Roll was called with all councilmembers voting yes. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 1] <br />