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February 18,2009 <br /> Council Member Nielsen stated that there are Iwo problems Intertwined: <br /> 1)what action is appropriate for the city to take now to the extent that they <br /> might impose a requirement on the hospital to do something?He stated <br /> that the city attorney has addressed this and that he is in agreement with <br /> regard to the law.2)What is the city's long term plan with regard to the <br /> possibility that later development might occur on the athletic field and <br /> would it then metre sense to change the entrance? He stated that with <br /> regard to what we can Impose on the hospital now,the door is shut;but <br /> as to what we can do in the future,itis very much an open question. <br /> GaMk Hudson Falcon,1418 Lombard Avenue,brought forth that now <br /> there is a concentration of traffic between Broadway and to the hospital <br /> on 13.and 14e Streets.He emphasized the need for something to be <br /> done now.He also raised safety concems. <br /> Council Member Stonecipher stated that future development is still <br /> uncertain and More are certain restrictions that have to be met It doesn't <br /> make sense to speculate now on the future development and that is why <br /> traffic studies are done at the time of development. <br /> Barb Lamoureux questioned what future meetings are scheduled.Allan <br /> G8fen responded that there is the open house tomorrow night,a design <br /> review meeting next Tuesday night,and two weeks later the design review <br /> committee will make a recommendation on the utility building on the ECC <br /> property. <br /> Nancy Hecht,1330 Lombard,stated that Providence Is now a regional <br /> hospital and that the traffic congestion Is mining the neighborhood.There <br /> is a need for one way in and one way out of the hospital In order to relieve <br /> the traffic congestion. <br /> Laura White,1300 Lombard,brought forth safety concerns revolving <br /> around the?-11 and Volunteers of America. <br /> CONSENT ITEMS: <br /> Moved by Council Member Affholter,seconded by Council Member <br /> Gipson to approve the following consent items: <br /> 43 <br />