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2.` EXISTING CONDITIONS SUMMARY <br />The site covers approximately 0.14 acres. The existing site consists of lawn. <br />Approximately 2,371 sf (0.06 acres) of the site will be impacted by new impervious <br />surfaces. Approximately 6,000 sf (0.14 acres) of the site being disturbed as needed for <br />the clearing/.grubbing and restoration of the existing site. <br />Soil logs, provided by Cobalt Geosciences were used to determine the on -site soils. Test <br />Pit 4 on this lot found silty -fine to medium sand to approximately 8 feet below grade with <br />no indications of groundwater (Refer to Appendix A for soil geotechnical report). The <br />USDA Websoil Survey shows the soils as being Alderwood-Urban Land Complex. The <br />general. site slopes in the area of disturbance are flat and average less than 3 percent <br />down to the no Based on the existing soil information and the setbacks of <br />the proposed improvements from any of the property lines and steep slopes, there is little <br />potential for erosion or sedimentation during construction assuming the basic BMPs <br />included in the SWPPP are installed and maintained properly. Refer to Figure 2 for an <br />existing basin map. <br />Moir SP Lot e . , 20-0108 <br />February 2020 <br />Revised. October 2020 Page 4 <br />