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GENERAL CONDITIONS <br />A. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPERVISE ALL CONSTRICTION ACTIVITIES AND VERIFY <br />COMPLIANCE WITH THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND NOTES, 2015 <br />INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC), AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CODES AND <br />STANDARDS (2015 WSEC). WRITTEN DIMENSIONS HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED <br />DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR BEFORE PROCEEDING. THE <br />DESIGNER MUST BE NOTIFIED 0 ANY VARIATIONS FROM NOTES AND DRAWINGS <br />CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF PLANS. ANY VARIATIONS FROM THERE PLANS WHICH DO <br />NOT RECEIVED THE DESIGNER'S WRITTEN APPROVAL SHALL BECOME THE <br />CONTRACTOR'S SALE RESPONSIBILITY IN ALL RESPECTS, <br />DESIGN CRITERION <br />GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTE SEE SHEET S1 <br />RESIDETIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY. WSFC.CHPTER 51-11RWAC <br />R402,2 SPECIFIC INSULATION REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF <br />SECTION R402.1 INSULATION SHALL MEET THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION <br />R402.2.1 TROUGH R402.2.11. <br />R402.2.1 CEILING WITH ATTIC SPACES. WHERE SECTION R402.1.1 WOULD REQUIRE <br />R-49 iN THE CEILING INSTALLING R-38 OVER 100 PERCENT OF THE CEILING AREA <br />REQUIREMENT FOR R-49 WHEREVER THE FULL HEIGHT OF UNCOMPRESSED R38 <br />INSULATION EXTENDS OVER THE WALL TOP PLATE AT THE EAVES. THIS REDUCTION <br />SHALL NOT APPLY TO THE U-FACTOR ALTERNATIVE APPROACH IN SECTION <br />R402.1.3 AND THE TOTAL UA ALTERNATIVE IN SECTION R402.1.4. <br />R402.2.4 Access Hatches and Doors: Access doors from conditioned <br />spaces to unconditioned spaces (e.g. attics and crawl spaces) <br />shall be Weather --stripped and insulated to a level equivalent to the <br />insulation on the surrounding surfaces. Access shall be provided <br />to all equipment which prevents damaging or compressing the <br />insulation. A wood framed or equivalent baffle or restrainer IS <br />REQUIRED TO be provided when loose fill insulation is installed, the purpose of <br />Which is to prevent the loose fill insulation from spilling into the <br />living space When the attic access is opened, and to provide a <br />permanent means OF maintaining the installed R-value of the loose <br />fill insulation <br />Exception: Vertical doors that provide access from conditioned to unconditioned <br />spaces shall be permitted to meet the fenestration requirements of Table R402.1.1. <br />LISTEDR 402.4.1.1 INSTALLATION . THE COMPONENTS OF THE BUILDING <br />THERMAL ENVELOPE AS IN THE TABLE TABLE R # <br />SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE <br />INSTRUCTIONS AND THE CRITERIA LISTED IN THE TABLE R402.1.1, X <br />APPLICABLE TO THERE METHOl OF CONSTRUCTION <br />III, CONSTRUCTION REOUIREYENTS <br />R402,2.7 FLOORS. FLOOR FRAMING CAVITY INSULATION SHALL BE <br />A. Foundations: INSTALLED TO MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH THE UNDERSIDE OF THE SUB <br />1. Footings and foundations, unless otherwise approved b the building FLOOR DECKING. INSULATION SUPPORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO <br />g PP y g <br />official, shall be constructed of masonry, concrete, or 'created wood and in SPACING IS NO MORE THAN 24" ON CENTER. FOUNDATION VENTS <br />SHALL BE PLACED S0 THAT THE TOP OF THE VENT IS BELOW THE <br />all cases shall extend below the frost line and meet the minimum depth POWER SURFACE OF THE FLOOR INSULATION. <br />as required per R403.1.4 unless another depth is recommended by a <br />foundation investiggation. section R403.1.4.1 R401.4. <br />2. Assumed allowable soir bearingvalue 1500 sf. R403.4.1] Submit report <br />P <br />if other than 1500 psf.o Foundation �footin s shall be placed upon o <br />firm, undisturbed nati�le soil. Foor►ngs s�all nOt be placed on fill. 1. AIR BARRIER shall ,ae installed on the warm side (in winter) of insulation <br />as specified in the followin cases, Exce tion: Vapor retarder installed <br />The building official may approve alternate setbacks and With not more than 1/3 of the nominal between it and the <br />clearanc <br />es: The buildingofficial may require an investigation and conditioned space, TABLE R402,4.1.1. <br />recommendation of a qualified engineer to demonstratethatthe G. Floors: Floors separating conditioned space from unconditioned <br />intent of Sec. R403.1.7.3 has beyn osatisfied. Such an investigation space shall have a vapor retarder installed (R--30).The vapor retarder <br />shall include consideration of macereal, height of slop p shall have a one per dry cup ratin or less (i.e. tour mil <br />gradient, load intensit�y, and erosion characteristics of slope polyethylene or kraft faced materia�. <br />material. Sec. R40377.4 b. Roof%Ceiling Assemblies: Where the ventilation space above the <br />3. Individual concrete footings under bearing walls, of pier post and beam insulation is less than an average of 12 inches a vapor retarder <br />g g P P shall be provided. Faced batt insulation Where used as a vapor <br />systems and concentrated loads, shall have a minimum 8 inch edge retarder shall be face stapled. Single rafter joist vaulted ceiling <br />thickness, designed per Sec.R403.1.1 cavities shall be of sufficient depth to allow a minimum one inch <br />4. Individual concrete pier footings R403.1.3.6 vented air space above the insulation (R-®3a. <br />P g (, � C. Wall insulation: Walls .separating conditioned space from <br />e ground unless the columns or posts Which the support above exposed g o P Y PP unconditioned space shall have vapor retarder installed.. Face <br />are of approved wood of natural resistance to decay or bait insulation shall be face stapled - <br />treated wood PER R317.1(2)--IRC2015 d. Ground Cover: Ground cover of six mil. (0.006 mm thick) black <br />polyethylene or approved equal shall be laid over the ground Within crawl spaces. The ground cover shall be overlapped 12„ <br />minimum at the joints and shall extend to the foundation Wall. <br />5. POSTS SHALL BEAR ON FOOTINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R403 AND <br />FIGURE R507.8.1. FOR DECK POST. POST SHALL BE RESTRAINED TO PREVENT 2. Air Leakage Control: <br />LATERAL DISPLACEMENT AT THE BOTTOM SUPPORT. SUCH LATERAL RESTRAIN SHALL a. R403.4,3 Exterior joints around Windows and door frames, <br />BE PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURED CONNECTORS INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH openings between walls and foundation, between roof and wall panels, <br />SECTION R507 AND THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS OR A MINIMUM POST openings at penetrations of utilityservices through wall, floors and roofs, <br />EMBEDMENT OF 12" I SURROUNDING SOILS OR CONCRETE PIERS. and all other openings in the budinc� envelope shall be sealed, caulked, <br />N gasketed or weather stripped. All other openings shall include, but not be <br />INTO PUBLIC WAY OR TO A YARD OR COURT THAT OPENS TO PUBLIC WAY <br />EXCEPTION: STORM SHELTERS AND BASEMENTS USED ONLY TO HOUSE MECHANICAL <br />EQUIPMENT NOT EXCEEDING A TOTAL FLOOR ARE OF 200 sqF. <br />R310.1.1 OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINTS AND OPENING CONTROL DEVICES: <br />EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS SHALL BE OPERATIONAL FROM THE <br />INSIDE OF THE ROOM WITHOUT THE USE OF KEY, TOOLS OR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE. <br />WINDOW OPENING CONTROL DEVICES COMPLYING WITH ASTM F 2090 SHALL BE <br />PERMITTED FOR USE ON WINDOWS SERVING AS A REQUIRED EMERGENCY ESCAPE <br />AND RESCUE OPENING, <br />R310.2 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS, EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND <br />RESCUE OPENINGS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM DIMENSIONS AS SPECIFIED IN THIS <br />SECTION, <br />R310.2.1 MINIMUM OPENING AREA. ALL EMERGENCY AND ESCAPE RESCUE OPENINGS <br />SHALL HAVE A NET CLEAR OPENING OF NOT LESS THAN 5.7sgF. THE NET CLEAR <br />OPENING DIMENSIONS REQUIRED BY THIS SECTION SHALL BE OBTAINED BY THE <br />NORMAL OPERATION OF THE EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING FROM THE <br />INSIDE. THE NET CLEAR HEIGHT OPENING SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24" AND THE <br />NET CLEAR WIDTH SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 20" <br />EXCEPTION: GRADE FLOOR OR BELOW -GRADE OPENINGS SHALL HAVE A NET CLEAR <br />OPENING OF OT LESS THAN 5 sqF <br />R310.2.2 WINDOW SILL HEIGHT. WHERE A WINDOW IS PROVIDE AS THE EMERGENCY <br />ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING, IT SHALL HAVE A SILL HEIGHT OF NOT MORE THAN <br />44" ABOVE THE FLOOR; WHERE THE SILL HEIGHT IS BELOW GRADE, IT SHALL BE <br />PROVIDED WITH A WINDOW WELL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R310.2.3 <br />b. R402.4.5 Recessed light installed in contact with the buildinq envelope recessed <br />luminailfes shall be Type IC rated and certified under ASTM E83 to have <br />no more than 2.Ocfm air movement from conditioned space to the <br />ceiling cavity, BY TABLE R402.4.1.1 <br />To meet Code a recessed fixture must be IC -rated (insulation cover) and <br />installed in a waythat limit air leakage- with a Uet between fixture <br />and gypsum board g or sealant around opening g <br />IRC2015. Mechanical: <br />Duct systems must be fabricated of approved materials that <br />meet the temperature, flame --spread, and smoke developed rating of th code <br />In addition to these fire -safety requirements, code prescribes airtight <br />joints and seams and installation to adequately ensure the structural integrity of <br />a. Stud cavities and the spaces between solid floor joists <br />to be utilized as air plenums shall comply with by Sec. <br />M1601.1.1(7) <br />b. Duct Construction. All heating ducts exposed to unconditioned <br />spaces shall be insulated to a minimum of R-4. All duct Work <br />seam joints, oboth longitudinal and transverse, shall be masticated and <br />sealed. All joints shall be fastened With a minimum of three <br />fasteners. M1601,3. <br />C. Ventilation Ducts: All ducts shall terminate outside the building. <br />Exhaust ducts in systems Which are designed to operate <br />intermittently shall be equipped with back -draft dampers(M1502.3). Al <br />Dampers Requirements for automatic or manual <br />dampers are found in Chapter 15 of the Washington <br />State Residential Code (WAC 51-51). <br />the duct system <br />R314.6 POWER SOURCE: smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building Wiring Where such Wiring is served from a <br />commercial source, and Where primary power is interrupted, shall receive power from a battery. Wiring shall be permanent and without <br />a disconnecting switch other than those required for over current protection. <br />EXCEPTIONS: <br />1. Smoke alarms shall be permitted to be battery operated when installed in buildings without commercial power. <br />2. SMOKE ALARMS INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R314.2,2 SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE BATTERY POWDERED. <br />R314,7 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE USED IN LIEU OF SMOKE ALARMS AND SHALL COMPLY <br />WITH SECTION R314;7.1. <br />R314.7.1 GENERAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH THERE PROVISION OF THIS CODE AND THE HOUSEHOLD FIRE WARNING <br />EQUIPMENT PROVISIONS OF NFPA72. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UL268. <br />R314.7.2. LOCATION. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THERE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED IN SECTION R314,3. <br />R314.7,3, PERMANENT FIXTURE. WHERE A HOUSE HOLD FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS INSTALLED, IT SHALL BECOME PERMANENT FIXTURE OF <br />THE OCCUPANCY, OWNED BY HOME OWNER, <br />R314.7.4 COMBINATION. COMBINATION SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE INSTALLED IN FIRE ALARM <br />SYSTEMS IN LIEU OF SMOKE DETECTORS, PROVIDED THEY ARE LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UL268 UL2075, <br />R315.1 GENERAL CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION R315. <br />R315.1.1.LISTINGS. CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS SHALL BE LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UL2034. COMBINATION CARBON MONOXIDE/SMOKE <br />ALARMS SHALL BE LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UL2034 AND UL217. <br />R315.2.Where Required in Existing Dwellings: CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R315.2,1 <br />AND R315.2.2. <br />R315.2.2 ALTERNATION, REPAIRS,AND ADDITIONS, WHERE ALTERATIONS , REPAIR, OR ADDITIONS REQUIRING A PERMIT OCCURS, OR WHERE <br />ONE OR MORE SLEEPING ROOMS ARE ADDED OR CREATED IN EXISTING DWELLING, THERE INDIVIDUAL DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE EQUIPPED <br />WITH CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS LOCATED AS REQUIRED FOR NEW DWELLING. <br />EXEMPTIONS: <br />1. WORK INVOLVING THERE EXTERIOR SURFACES OF DWELLING ,SUCH AS THE REPLACEMENT OF ROOFING OR SIDING, OR THE ADDITION OR <br />REPLACEMENT OF WINDOWS OR DOORS OR THE ADDITION OF A PORCH OR DECK, ARE EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS <br />SECTION, <br />2. INSTALLATION ,ALTERATION, OR RPQIRS OF PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ARE EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE,VENTS OF THIS <br />SECTIONS. <br />R315.3 LOCATION. CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS IN DWELLING UNITS SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE OF EACH SEPARATE SLEEPING AREA IN <br />THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE BEDROOMS, <br />WHERE FUEL--<FURRINGS APPLIANCE IS LOCATION WITHIN A BEDROOM OR IT IS ATTACH BATHROOM A CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS SHALL <br />BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE BEDROOM. <br />SECTION R308 GLAZING <br />R308.4 Hazardous locations. <br />The locations specified in Sections R308.4.1 through R308.4.7 shall be considered <br />specific hazardous locations for the purposes of glazing. <br />R308.4.2 Glazing ADJACENT TO door. <br />Glazing in IN AN INDIVIDUAL FIXED OR OPERABLE PANEL ADJACENT TO A DOOR SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE A HAZARDOUS <br />LOCATION.WHERE THE BOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLASSING IS LESS THAN 60" ABOVE THE FLOOR OR WALKING SURFACE AND IT <br />MEETS EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: <br />1. WHERE THE GLASSING IS WITHIN 24" OF EITHER SIDE OF THE DOOR IN THE PLANE OF THE IN A CLOSE POSITION. <br />2. WHERE THE GLASSING IS ON A WALL PERPENDICULAR TO THE PLANE OF THE DOOR IN A CLOSE POSITION AND WITHIN 24" OF THE <br />HINGE SIDE OF AN IN -SWINGING DOOR. <br />R308.4.3 Glazing in windows, <br />Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel that meets all of the following conditions shall <br />be considered a hazardous location: <br />1. The exposed area of an individual pane is larger than 9 square feet (0.836 m2); <br />2. The bottom edge of the glazing is less than 18 inches (457 mm) above the floor; <br />3. The top edge of the glazing is more than 36 inches (914 mm) above the floor; and <br />4, One or more walking surfaces are Within 36 inches (914 mm), measured horizontally and in a <br />straight line, of the glazing. <br />R308.4.5 Glazing and wet surfaces. <br />Glazing in Walls, enclosures or fences containing or facing hot tubs, spas, whirlpools, saunas, <br />steam rooms, bathtubs, showers and indoor or outdoor swimming pools Where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than <br />60 inches (1524 mm) measured vertically above any standing oR walking surface shall be considered a hazardous location, This <br />shall apply to single glazing and <br />all panes in multiple glazing, <br />Exception: Glazing that is more than 60 inches (1524 mm), measured horizontally and in a <br />straight line, from the water's edge of a bathtub, hot tub, spa, whirlpool, or swimming pool. <br />R308,4.6 Glazing adjacent stairs and ramps. <br />Glazing where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 36 inches (914 mm) <br />above the plane of the adjacent walking surface of stairways, landings between flights of stairs <br />and ramps shall be considered a hazardous location. <br />Exceptions: <br />1. When a rail is installed on the accessible side(s) of the glazing 34 to 38 inches (864 to 965 mm)above the walking surface.The rail <br />shall be capable of withstanding a horizontal load of 50 pounds per linear foot (730 N/m) without contacting the glass and be a <br />minimum of 11 /2 inches (38 mm) in cross sectional height. <br />2. Glazing 36 inches (914 mm) or more measured horizontally from the walking surface <br />R308.4.7 Glazing adjacent to the bottom stair landing. <br />Glazing adjacent to the landing at the bottom of a stairway Where the glazing is less than <br />36 inches (914 mm) above the landing and Within 60 inches (1524 mm) HORIZONTAL ARC LESS THAN 180 DEGREES FROM THE <br />BOTTOM THREAD NOSING SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE A HAZARDOUS LOCATION, <br />Exception: The glazing is protected by a guard complying with Section R312 and the plane <br />of the glass is more than 18 inches (457 mm) from the guard. <br />RAT PROOFING NOTES (2015 UPC WITH WASHINGTON AMENDMENTS. SECTION 313.12) <br />STRAINER PLATES ON DRAIN INLETS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED SO THAT NO OPENING IS GREATER THAN 2" IN THE LEAST <br />DIMENSIONS ( SEC.313.12.1) <br />METER BOXES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT RATS CANNOT ENTER A BUILDING BY FOLLOWING THE SERVICE PIPES <br />FROM THE BOX INTO THE BUILDING.(SEC 313.12.2) <br />IN OR ON BUILDING WHERE OPENINGS HAVE BEEN MADE IN WALLS, FLOORS OR CEILINGS FOR THE PASSAGE OF PIPE, SUCH OPENINGS <br />SHALL BE CLOSED AND PROTECTED BY THE INSTALLATION OF APPROVAL METAL COLLARS SECURELY FASTENED TO THE ADJOINING <br />STRUCTURE (SEC313,12.3) <br />TUB WASTE OPENING IN FRAMED CONSTRUCTION TO CRAWL SPACES AT OR BELOW THE FIRST FLOOR SHALL BE PROTECTED BY THE <br />INSTALLATION OF APPROVED METAL COLLARS OR METAL SCREEN SECURELY FASTENED TO THE ADJOINING STRUCTURE WITH NO OPENING <br />GREATER 2" IN THE LEAST DIMENSION (SEC 313.12,4) <br />Lj <br />U <br />CIS <br />Z <br />0 <br />W <br />�C <br />00 <br />fl-) <br />U� <br />Q < <br />Q <br />� <br />_� <br />0 <br />U <br />�> <br />b LL] <br />LL] <br />­�- <br />Ld <br />N <br />0 <br />CAI <br />Lael <br />o <br />0 <br />2020-25®HA <br />