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431 104TH PL SE 2023-10-26
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431 104TH PL SE 2023-10-26
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Drew Martin <br />From: Drew Martin <br />Sent: Friday, September 17, 2021 10:52 AM <br />To: <br />Subject: City of Everett Permit Services: 431 104th Place SE (132109-020) - First Intake Building <br />Review <br />Attachments: 2018 IRC-Typical Code References_04-12-2021.docx; City of Everett - Residential <br />Drawing Preparation.pdf <br />Hello, Ms. Kagamihara. <br />Your application has been received and a permit set up. However, the submitted documents are not <br />sufficiently developed for us to perform a comprehensive review at this time. <br />Information is attached to provide guidance. Revised construction -level documents should be submitted for <br />review. Two complete sets of the revised drawings should be submitted to replace the previously submitted <br />drawing sets. Preliminary comments are provided below to assist in revising the drawings, but these are not <br />intended to provide a comprehensive review. The resubmittal documents should include an itemized <br />response letter clarifying how the review comments below have been addressed. Depending on your <br />experience with the model codes and preparing documents, we recommend consulting with a design <br />professional to assist you. <br />Review Comments: <br />1. The proposed project scope -of -work states to demolish non -bearing walls. This cannot be confirmed <br />based on the information. A framing plan for the ceiling and roof framing should be provided to <br />confirm that no load -bearing walls are being demolished. <br />2. The proposed project involves the demolition of existing walls and the construction of new walls. The <br />plans should clearly show all work being performed. Recognized drafting standards should be used to <br />delineate between new and existing walls, including delineating existing walls to be demolished. All <br />demolition should be shown on the Existing Floor Plan. All new construction should be shown on the <br />New Floor Plan. <br />3. Continuing with the previous comment, details for the construction of the new walls should be <br />included. The details should include the connections of the top and bottom framing plates to the <br />existing structure. <br />4. The proposed project includes the demolition and construction of non -wall components, including but <br />not limited to doors, sinks, showers, and toilets. All demolition and new construction should be clearly <br />shown. <br />5. Smoke and CO alarms should be provided per IRC Sections R314 and R315. The locations of all alarms <br />should be shown on the plans. The alarms should be hardwired, interconnected, and provided with <br />back-up battery power as required. <br />6. The proposed project includes relocated the gas furnace. This should be specified on both the existing <br />and new plans. The plans should specify seismic restraints. <br />7. The bathrooms and kitchen should specify exhaust fans including the required rates per IRC Table <br />M1505.4.4(1). <br />
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