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1319 RANCHO PL A 2023-06-09
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1319 RANCHO PL A 2023-06-09
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OL WAC 296d6B-900: ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW <br />DIRECTIONS: Read the WAC section below to demrmme If plan review is required or not required. Then select me box next 10 (a) to <br />tell City Staff if plan review Is cot repuned and select the box next to the specific reason from WAO 29fH6Bi If plan renew is <br />required, select the box next to (b) and C) to acknowledge that plan review is required and the electrical plans have been proaded <br />with this pemit application <br />If Item laEgi, III, or v) is Hleehd, the work must also comply with bcNon NIHON Sea arrow flow Chart below. <br />(3) Electrical plan review. <br />(a) Facade plan renew is not nsaulred for <br />❑ (q Law voltage systems. <br />❑ (it) Lighting specific projects that result In an all load reduction on each feeder involved in Me brolled <br />(iiij Heating and cooing spernfic retrofit projects that result In an elecbical load reduction on each existing feeder <br />involved In the project provided there Is not a Corresponding increase In Me available fault ciMent In any feeder <br />❑ five StanaaloneCarry fee services that do net exceed 250 vote, 400 amperes where the pmled'a distribution system <br />does act include <br />(A) Emergency systems other Nan listed unit equipment per NEC 70012(F). <br />On An essential electrical system befined in NEC 517 2, or <br />(C) A required fire pump system <br />bit MWind ions to extimng elemnCal installations where all of Me following mnditlms are met <br />(A) Service or distribution equipment invdved Is rated not more Man 400 amperes and does net exceed <br />250 volts or for lighting circuits not exceeding 277 volts to ground, <br />(6) Does not Involve emergency systems other than listed unit equipment per NEC 700.12(F), <br />(o) Does not Involve branch urWils or leaders of an essential elKNcal system as defined in NEC 51' 2, <br />and <br />t0) service or leader load Calculations are increased by 5%or less. <br />❑ bit EIMnc power an duciion scandal such as solar photovoltaic, fuel cell, or wend electec overacts) win a total <br />rating of WOO wane or less. <br />till) For Installations In (a)(II), full, and (v) of this subsection to be considered. Me following must be available <br />to the electrical Inspector herons the work is Impact <br />(A) A Gear and adequate dexnption of the project a scope, <br />Eg A load calculation(s), <br />(C) What the load changes are, providing both before and after panel schedules as reacted and <br />(0) proved Information showing Nat the service and feeders) supplying the panels) where Me cased is <br />taking place has adequate cap i Mr any Increased load and has rode compliant announcing Equa On <br />for that supply <br />NOTE. Eleadreal plan review Is not required for 'Medical, dental, and chiromocclm clinicof which Is a one or <br />❑ physicians abode where patents are not regularly kept as bed patients for Cventy-four hours or more, per section <br />(1)(c)(ins). <br />(b) Eleards plan review is required for all other new or after d etectndal projects In educational, Institutional, or health care <br />ocuquenues defined In this chapter. <br />(c) If a review is required, the elednWl plan must be submitted for review and approval before the electrical work is begun. <br /> .buy Or .r..,i,ne, <br />Yin <br />Wit ehy I" <br />rii all aaaamx <br />m,.+.. <br />.Iny+nm Wmmei.eenu„r <br />.a mor," Our, Fri a.aeilw mae.�m.1.mnmee.N <br />MYN <br />•» ^•o-'^^'^^ ••• F[fwra EwWk, -oo'� Pop ].plan a... <br />
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