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1319 RANCHO PL A 2023-06-09
Address Records
1319 RANCHO PL A 2023-06-09
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Last modified
6/9/2023 7:22:52 AM
Creation date
6/9/2023 7:10:29 AM
Address Document
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OL ELECTRICAL PERMIT AFFIDAVIT <br />Code Exemptions: <br />A nobody owner harder or lasaae may porches, a perm to do an elennralinnauatrpn on bemer own or modified based property under pa <br />aoMNona as readoRN in NOW 1926 261 <br />nonprofit composition arm culmnt tax exampt staters or a resonant mullions orgmiaatmn may purchase an ebei perms as sparamae In new <br />192a unlit <br />I am applying for the property owner exemption under the following conditions: <br />You must select the option that applies to your situation: <br />I smear under cenauy o1 oenury that <br />aaregnved general rontraoor end solution a lemponty nori raw"oared by me on a pr3ect rdrere l am the general <br />❑ Ion <br />incha^ <br />OR <br />I overseas under penalty of partwo that am <br />The omrcr of real pmpem. or <br />❑ The renter or tosses of real procedy (you must provide asigned lands from the under Of the property gMMhg cermi be yin a¢the <br />pant to random megnfJl wad on the pmcenyl. or <br />❑A nonpmfit wryoatmn That ddds a current laremmpt slim as pmndM uMer26 U 6 G Stt W 1(np3) er a nwlpmrlt relpiplq <br />ogemaaoon end the rated value or me early wort does not exceed marry, thousand dollars (330, 00360) <br />AND <br />You must select me option that applies to your situation: <br />❑A single family resmentt THAT T6 NOT intended for, or broad AND lwiu be cersonauy donne the ale l work AND l wan ovLpy <br />Me moral for at leas 24 months after completion of me announced of <br />❑ANEW 2,3, or unit resdemal pmcenY teal IS mien for dent. sate. or lease AND myself andmr a regularly schadoor and paid <br />emp mere ¢) wlr be doing the electoral vglk AND l vall occupy we of me units for at least 24 months after correction of the elevtnml weed <br />rTry An UISTNG T 2,3. or a unit mgental properly that IS intended far an $Ny Or lease AND myxn aspect a deal screduled and paid <br />J MPIW ale) fall be doing the alesneal work. <br />A farm AND 1, dernmedly. argil a regularly pon0upi and paw employees) will be doing the eleromed work. <br />An EXISTING place of Waviness AND 1, dersonally, andlor a regularly scheduled and fund enplaKe:s) wiled doing me Moral "ri <br />❑A NEW pled* of business Melia NOTmanMtM rent,sale, of leave AND I, peRonallg TNd a regularly 9CM1MuwN and paid employeaus) <br />wAl be doing the eletlnal mark, or <br />❑Otherpreary that s NOT intended For ran[,sea., or lease AND personally, endlor a dardarly stlaMuled and pad employtttsn visit To <br />doing the elMn WI vmrk <br />I am a nonpa0 waverer n that holds a anent ty prompt stew& as provided undo, 26 U 5 C Sec 501 (cp3)or nonprofit rupees <br />❑ organization and the local Markel value of the elMncaexceed <br />l Arm does not thirty lhoudnd dollarssDdIXO D]Ia and lh eli veoM roll <br />be performed by appcenatety morred eletlMams or corm and supervised barred who are aolunleenng and red being comcenseded for <br />eveonwl woe per RCW 1928091D) <br />I� I AGREE and wish ro purchase an elecWul persott under the conditions described above. <br />M1961p �eofl.:n M,t <br />owner <br />�yb <br />Omad $gMFurB Defe <br />rcAwrs Pae.aAmdem <br />
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