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4. Describe how the inventory will be updated and/or maintained over time, including an <br /> anticipated time intervals for updating inventory data. <br /> The urban Forester will be the primary manager and user of this data set. The Urban <br /> forester has previous experience with ArcGIS, Microsoft Access and Excel. Support from <br /> 2 other GIS trained staff and a part time GiS specific student intern will be available to <br /> support with data management. <br /> Hand held GPS capable field computers are budgeted for 2016, though it may be the <br /> summer field season of 2017 before they are fully implemented into the program. <br /> Until field devices are available, paper maps and database information will be converted to <br /> MS Access for initial data analysis and work order communication. The original data will <br /> be maintained in the GiS format for mapping and seasonal data updates until field <br /> computers are available to update in real time. <br /> The data will be used to set program goals and a plan to implement them. Inventory will <br /> occur again at the end of the implementation cycle to monitor the program progress, and <br /> set new standards for the next planning cycle. The monitoring and planing cycles will <br /> parallel the parks 7 year management plan cycles (2019-2026). <br /> 5. Describe the scope of activities that may follow from the inventory results, including the <br /> applicant's obligations to DNR, if awarded. <br /> A previously approved tree inventory program is budgeted for purchase in 2016, and <br /> research into shared needs and potential uses for hand held GPS capable field devices is <br /> currently underway. <br /> li <br /> Previous data recently collected by park arborists will be entered into the new tree <br /> inventory program and park staff will continue data collection for the remaining 500 trees <br /> not covered in this proposal. <br /> After the state supported inventory is completed, it will be combined with staff data to <br /> gather a complete view of the landscape trees within the City of Everett Parks landscapes. <br /> Tree planting opportunities and open planting spaces will be mapped after assessing data <br /> efficacy, correlating data with political, economic, and landscape scale environmental <br /> variables. Maintenance priortization, budget planning, and park management plans will <br /> be developed using the data collected. in the future, Community Forestry Assistant grants <br /> may aid in natural forest area monitoring, and larger tree planting campaigns. <br /> 6. Estimated total number of trees (and planting spaces if applicable) on which data will be <br /> collected: 1600-1800 trees <br /> e <br /> 1 <br /> Revised 2015 Community Forestry Tree inventory Grant 2015 <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br />