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Kelsey Siep <br />From: Cindy Bergsma <br />Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 2:18 PM <br />To: Tyler Auriol <br />Cc: Cindy Bergsma <br />Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: FW: B2110-057 - 6902 Columbia - Tyler called <br />Tyler, <br />NO work can be done. Sorry for the typo. We don't have expedited permits. You will have to wait for review/approval. <br />Thank you for your patience. <br />— Cindy Bergsma <br />Permit Technician I Permit Services <br />425.257.8810 1 3200 Cedar Street, 2nd Floor, Everett, WA 98201 <br />EVERETT Phone Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. —12 p.m & 1 p.m. — 3 p.m. <br /> I Facebook I Twitter <br />Note: Emails and attachments sent to and from the City of Everett are public records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public <br />Records Act. <br />From: Tyler Auriol <> <br />Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 11:31 AM <br />To: Cindy Bergsma <CBergsma @eve> <br />Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: FW: B2110-057 - 6902 Columbia -Tyler called <br />CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you <br />recognize the sender and know the content is safe. <br />Good morning Cindy! <br />I'm assuming you meant "NO" work can commence on sub permits until building permit is approved? <br />:) I understand there is a process for this and I want to be completely compliant, but I was wondering <br />if there was any way or anything you could do to expedite or push the building permit along being that <br />the changes I've submit for building permit are very minimal and already complete? (enclosed 3 door <br />ways, extended a closet, and added a beam for safety). As mentioned below, I have my plumbing <br />and electrical all completed as well and ready for test. The walls are completely open for an <br />inspectors viewing pleasure, and I feel these are permits that can be quickly resolved if we can get to <br />the point of inspection. It would be very much appreciated if there is any magic you can work to get <br />this approved ahead of the 10-12 weeks lead time. It would be rather disappointing to have to have <br />the walls open through the winter. I appreciate your time and anything you can provide. I look forward <br />to your feedback. Thanks Cindy! <br />Tyler Auriol <br />425-293-8343 <br />