Laserfiche WebLink
Category 2: Sensitive information <br />Hello Mr. Michael Brick, <br />I've been informed that the traffic expectation for my new optometry office is 8.3 peak hour trips. This <br />seems in line with the typical medical office of that size with 2 doctors and 15-minute exam slots (4 per <br />hour per Dr.). The business plan for this office is never expected to get that busy. This is due to the <br />concierge membership style of the practice. A practice of this style is much more time -intensive per <br />patient, such that even at the max capacity of 2 doctors, the number of exam slots will never exceed 2 <br />per hour per Doctor (30-minute slots) and will, for the foreseeable future, be 1 Doctor and 60-minute <br />slots. <br />I ask that you please take another look at how my new practice will impact the surrounding traffic. An <br />$18,000 traffic impact fee creates a significant burden for a small start-up business like mine. Thank you <br />for your consideration. <br />Dr. Ariel Lenning <br />Novel Eyes <br />Category 2: For official use only/ disclosure permissible by law. <br />