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Kidde Fire Systems <br /> Agent Component Datasheet or Kidde <br /> Fire Systems <br /> Fluoro-KT`" Fire Su ression Clean Agent Effective: April <br /> pp 9 K-45-0900 Revv AA <br /> FEATURES <br /> • Tested&Qualified by Kidde Fire Systems Electrically Non-Conductive <br /> • UL Listed and FM Approved Space Saving-High Suppression Efficacy Enables <br /> • Colorless, Low Odor, No Particulate, No Oily Residue Low Cylinder Count and therefore Low Floorspace <br /> Minimizes Business Disruption After Discharge Needs <br /> • Zero Ozone Depletion Potential People Safe at Concentration Levels Required to <br /> • Atmospheric Lifetime of Five Days Suppress Fire <br /> EXTINGUISHING AGENT Although the agent fluid has negligible toxicity in concentrations <br /> Fluoro-KTM is a fluorinated ketone based clean agent fire sup- needed to suppress most fires, certain safety considerations <br /> pressant. It is colorless, electrically non-conductive and has a must be observed when applying and handling the agent. For <br /> low odor. It suppresses fire primarily by physical mechanisms example,the agent fluid is a liquid at room temperature and has <br /> due to its relatively high heat capacity with minimal effect on the been superpressurized with dry nitrogen. Upon release to <br /> available oxygen. This allows people to see and breathe, per- atmospheric pressure(e.g.,from nozzles)the liquid flash evap- <br /> mitting them to leave the fire area safely. orates at a low temperature.Thus, nozzles must be located to <br /> The agent fluid is acceptable for use in occupied spaces when avoid direct impingement on personnel. <br /> used in accordance with the United States Environmental Pro- <br /> tection Agency(EPA)Significant New Alternatives Policy DECOMPOSITION <br /> (SNAP) program rules. When the agent fluid is exposed to high temperatures, such as <br /> Although the agent is considered non-toxic to humans in con- what may be expected in a flame front, hazardous products of <br /> centrations necessary to extinguish most fires, certain safety thermal decomposition (halogen acids)are produced. If the <br /> considerations should be observed when applying and handling agent fluid is discharged in 10 seconds or less,flames will be <br /> the agent.The discharge of the agent may create a hazard to extinguished rapidly and the amount of by-products produced <br /> people from the decomposition products which result when the will be minimal. <br /> agent is exposed to fire or other hot surfaces. Exposure to the <br /> agent is generally of less concern than is exposure to the CLEANLINESS <br /> decomposition products. Unnecessary exposure to the agent or The agent fluid is clean and leaves no residue, thereby elimi- <br /> the decomposition products should be avoided. nating costly after-fire clean-up and keeping expensive down- <br /> time to a minimum. Most materials such as steel, stainless <br /> TOXICITY steel, aluminum, brass and other metals as well as plastics, <br /> Unnecessary exposure to clean agents is to be avoided in rubber and electronic components are unaffected by exposure <br /> accordance with the requirements of NFPA-2001.As such, to the agent fluid. <br /> upon operation of a system pre-discharge alarm,all personnel <br /> should immediately exit the protected space. In no case shall APPROVALS <br /> personnel remain in a room in which there is a fire. In the very The agent fluid complies with the NFPA Standard 2001, Stan- <br /> unlikely instance where a clean agent system should discharge dard for Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, EPA SNAP <br /> unexpectedly into an occupied room, all personnel should pro- Program, (Significant New Alternate Policy), Underwriters Lab- <br /> ceed in a calm and orderly manner to an exit and leave the oratories, Inc. (UL) FM Approvals(FM). <br /> room. <br /> The agent fluid has been evaluated for cardiac sensitization in USE <br /> accordance with test protocols approved by the United States Kidde Fire Systems Fire Suppression Systems designed for <br /> Environmental Protection Agency(U.S. EPA).The EPA's SNAP use with the agent are designed to extinguish fires in specific <br /> Program classifies the agent fluid as acceptable for use as a hazards or equipment located where an electrically non-con- <br /> total flooding agent in occupied spaces with specific limitations. ductive agent is required,where agent cleanup creates a prob- <br /> Refer to the SNAP program rules or NFPA 2001 for more infor- lem,where extinguishing capability with low weight is a factor <br /> mation.The agent fluid has been judged acceptable by the U.S. and where the hazard is normally occupied by personnel.The <br /> EPA for use in occupied spaces when used in accordance with agent fluid is an acceptable alternative to Halon, HFC-227ea, <br /> the guidance of NFPA 2001. In accordance with NFPA 2001, HFC-123, and HFC-125 and is approved by the EPA and NFPA <br /> the agent fluid designed for use with agent vapor concentra- for use in fire suppression systems. <br /> tions up to ten volume percent in air are permitted. See NFPA <br /> 2001, Sect. 1-5, Safety. <br /> 1 <br />