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EV1rAETT ELECTRICAL PERMIT AFFIDAVIT <br /> wA1�IF6'Du <br /> Code Exemptions: <br /> A oroperty owner. renter or lessee may purchase a permit to do an electrical installation on his/her own or qualified leased properly unser the <br /> conditions as described in RCW 19.28.261. <br /> A nonprofit corporation with current tax exemot sta'us or a nonprofit religious organization may purchase an electrical permit as described in RCW <br /> 19.28.091(7). <br /> 1 am applying for the property owner exemption under the following conditions: <br /> You must select the option that applies to your situation: <br /> swear under penalty of perjury that: <br /> ❑ I am a registered general contractor who is installing a temporary eiectr°cal service owned by me on a project where I am the general <br /> contractor <br /> 0R <br /> I c;vrrar under penalty of perjury that I am: <br /> Ti)e owner of real property: or <br /> The renter or lessee of real property. (You must provide a srgnea letter from the owne,of tho property granting permission for you as the <br /> tenant to perform electrical work on the property): or <br /> A nonprofit corporation that holds a current tax exempt status as p,oviced under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 541(x.)(3; or a nonprofit rel lg;ous <br /> organ°.nation. and the total value of the electrical work does not exceec thirty thousand dollars (53+0.000.00). <br /> AND <br /> You must select the option that applies to your situation: <br /> ❑ A single family resicence THAT IS NOT intended for rent. sale. or lease AND I voli be personally doing the electrical worK.AND I will <br /> occupy the residence`or at least 24 months after completion of the electrical work: <br /> A NE`dl!2. 3 or»unit residential property that IS intended fo• •ent. sale. or lease AND myself andlor a regularly srhoduIed and pair. <br /> employees)wiII be doing the electr•caI work AND i will occupy ono of the units for at least 24 months after completior of the electrical <br /> work. <br /> An EXISTING 1. 2. 3. or 4 unit residential property that IS;ntended for rent. sale. or lease AND myself an a regularly scheduled and <br /> paid employeeisl will be doing the electrical work: <br /> ❑ A farm AND i. personally• andlor a regularly sneduled and paid ernoloyee(s}will be doing the electrical work: <br /> ❑ An EXISTING place of business AND I. personally. and/or a regularly schod uled aria paid amployeer.$)w 11 be doing the electrical work: <br /> ❑ A NEW place of business that is NOT intended for rent• sale. or lease AND I. personally. and:`or a regularly scheduled and paid <br /> employee(s)will be Coing the electr-cal work: or <br /> ❑ Other property that is NOT intended for rent• sale. or lease AND 1. personally. and!or a regularly scheduled and paid employeei•sj will be <br /> doing the electrical work. <br /> I am a nonprofit corporation that holds a current tax exempt status as provided urder 26 U.S.C. Sec. 5011 c.)(3)or a nonprofit religious <br /> Dorganization and the total market value of the electrical work does not exceed thirty thousand dollars (530.000.00;. and the electrical work <br /> will be performec Dy appropriately certified electricians or certified and supervised traonees who are volunteering and not being <br /> compensated for electrical work per RCW "9.28.091 i7 i. <br /> ✓� I AGREE and wish to purchase an electrical permit under the conditions described above. <br /> Jeff Harris <br /> 0wnor Name (Punt, <br /> OWne."Srgrrattlre c <br /> PERMIT# Page 3-Affidavit <br />