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Page 2 of 6State of Washington Department of Ecology <br />City of Everett <br />City of Everett Port Gardner Water Quality Program – Phase 1 Design Project <br />Agreement No. WQC-2024-EverPW-00027 <br />3.14 - Project Schedule. Submit prior to construction and when changes occur. <br />IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the AGREEMENT is amended as follows: <br />CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK <br />Task Number:3 Task Cost: $4,253,107.00 <br />Task Title:Design Plans and Specifications <br />Task Description: <br />The RECIPIENT must ensure the following items are completed and provide the associated deliverables to ECOLOGY . The <br />RECIPIENT must approve all materials prior to submitting them to ECOLOGY for acceptance . <br />The RECIPIENT will develop a stormwater project design. The design submittals must conform to the Deliverables for <br />Stormwater Projects with Ecology Funding Document. Projects must be designed in accordance with the Stormwater <br />Management Manual for Eastern Washington , Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington , or equivalent <br />manual. Refer to the ECOLOGY website for specific guidance . Project must be reviewed and accepted in writing by <br />ECOLOGY to be eligible for reimbursement. <br />The RECIPIENT will upload the design submittals listed below to EAGL for ECOLOGY review. Reduce design figures to <br />11x17 inches in size and ensure they are legible. <br />A.The RECIPIENT will submit a Design Report to ECOLOGY for review and acceptance . Allow 45 calendar days for <br />ECOLOGY review. <br />The RECIPIENT agrees to respond to ECOLOGY comments. The RECIPIENT must receive an Ecology Design Report <br />Acceptance Letter prior to proceeding to 90 Percent Design. <br />1.The RECIPIENT will calculate and submit a preliminary equivalent new/re-development area for the completed design <br />using the methods outlined in the Stormwater Deliverables Document. <br />B.The RECIPIENT will submit a 90 Percent Design Package to ECOLOGY for review and acceptance . At a minimum, this <br />package must include 90 percent plans, specifications, engineer’s opinion of cost including a schedule of eligible costs , and <br />project construction schedule. The current required bid inserts and specifications may be found on the Ecology website. Allow <br />45 calendar days for ECOLOGY review. <br />The RECIPIENT agrees to respond to ECOLOGY comments. The RECIPIENT must receive an Ecology 90 Percent Design <br />Acceptance Letter prior to proceeding to Final Bid Package. <br />Template Version 10/30/2015 <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 7E68FB31-87CC-499F-9B4D-FEBDEE9B862C