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Page 2 of 2 • <br />BS105-009 (5106 So. 3rd Ave) <br />May 16, 2011 <br />• <br />8. The height calculations submitted use the elevations at the four corners of the ss�V:: ` , <br />The City of Everett requires that you use the mid-point of the four sides of the smail�,� <br />rectangle that encloses the entire structure to calculate building height. Provide <br />elevation view(s) showing that the proposed foundation will not raise the buildin� t� <br />more than 28' above the existing average grade. <br />9. Show all portions of the structure on the foundation plan (see #7 above). The <br />dimensions on the site plans do not correspond to the dimensions on the foundation <br />plan, please correct. <br />10. Please be advised that the issuance of a permit for foundation replacement in no way <br />authorizes work to be done inside of the structures. All portions of the structure are <br />under a standing "Stop Work" order that was posted on September 24, 2010 which <br />states in part: <br />WARNING - <br />The failure to stop work or the resumption of work without permission of the <br />Director of Public Works or his designee, or the removal, mutilation, destruction <br />or concealment of this order, or the failure to take and/or complete any <br />corrective actions shall constitute a violation of ordinance No. 894-82 (as it is or <br />is hereafter amended) which is punishable by a maximum fine of $500.00 and/or <br />imprisonment for six months. Each separate day, or any portion thereof, durir�g <br />which any violation occurs or continues shall be deemed to constitute a separate <br />offense. <br />At the time of the posting of the'�Stop Work", all plumbing fixtures, except the kitchen <br />sink, had been removed. Most of the walls had been exposed to the studs and most of <br />the insulation had been removed. The electrical wiring had been removed from most of <br />the structure. <br />If the structure is in the process of being: wired, plumbed, insulated, sheet-rocked, or <br />framed, you are in violation of the stop work order and your case will be referred to the <br />Code Compliance Division of the Everett Police Department. <br />Please prepare a response letter showing where each item in this correction letter is <br />addressed on the plan set. <br />Upon resubmittal of the drawings, your application will be given priority and plan review will <br />recommence. <br />All required submittals shall be of sufficient detail and contain sufficient information to ensure <br />that the proposed structure will be constructed in compliance with all adopted codes. <br />Sincerely, <br />Jeff Heilman <br />Development Technician <br />425-257-8976 <br />Email: jheilmanCc� <br />s/kcollison/Heilman/B1105-009 (5106 So. 3r° Ave) <br />ZIZ <br />