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r 0 <br /> SNOHOMISH � <br /> HEALTH DISTRICT g �� Oz3 <br /> WWW.SNOHD.ORG Environmental Health Division <br /> September 19, 2013 <br /> Jay Zeng <br /> 18213 168"Way SE <br /> Renton, WA 98058 <br /> Subject: Proposed Katana Sushi, 2818 Hewitt Ave, Everett <br /> Dear Mr. Zeng: <br /> Your plans have been received; however, the plans cannot be approved as submitted. The following <br /> information is needed prior to further plan review: <br /> 1. The menu submitted includes a consumer advisory. The wording of the consumer advisory is <br /> acceptable. However, no indication of which food items on the menu will be served raw and or <br /> undercooked is provided. The raw or undercooked food items must be clearly identified as raw or <br /> undercooked on the menu. A revised menu that includes both the consumer advisory and product <br /> identification must be submitted. <br /> 2. No beverages, desserts or the like were included on the proposed menu. A revised menu that <br /> includes all food and beverage items must be submitted. <br /> 3. The proposed menu indicates that raw fish and seafood with be served. Proper parasite destruction <br /> 'or fireSL la... a -r:_r: U a� _r_ r a� -r r a:- i:r_ (including IJ required U IUI I aVV II CJI I VI sallVVdlCI I II II IJI I, crustaceans IJ dl IU Ull ICI forms Is UI clgl.lcltll: IIIC l,If IGII,IUII I(�. <br /> alligator, frog, aquatic turtle, jellyfish, sea cucumber, and sea urchin and the roe of such animals) <br /> (excluding birds or mammals), and all mollusks. The parasite destruction procedures must follow <br /> the requirements as noted in the Washington State Retail Food Code, WAC 246-215 Part 3 Subpart <br /> B 03425. The specific and complete parasite destruction process, for each raw product, meeting the <br /> requirements of WAC 246-215 Part 3 Subpart B 03425 (or documentation of the compliance with <br /> the destruction process for each raw product from the supplier/suppliers) must be submitted. <br /> 4. Some of the proposed equipment on the equipment list lacks models. Other equipment on the list <br /> lack manufacturer names. A revised list of all food service equipment, including counter top <br /> equipment that includes manufacturer names and model numbers must be submitted. <br /> 5. No designated three-compartment ware washing sink is included on the floor plans. A three- <br /> compartment sink is required for all food service facilities. Dishwashers are considered optional <br /> equipment and do not take the place of a three-compartment sink. A three-compartment sink with <br /> integral drainboards at each end is required for this establishment. The location of the three- <br /> compartment sink must be shown on the floor plan. <br /> 6. No designated pre-rinse sink with spray arm is indicated on the floor plan next to the dishwasher. A <br /> pre-rinse sink with spray arm next to the dishwasher is required and must be shown on the floor <br /> plan. <br /> 7. A vent hood, Item #A2, is included on the floor plan. No cooking equipment is included on the floor <br /> plan or equipment list. What is the proposed use for this vent hood? <br /> 8. No rice cooker or warmer is included on the floor plan or equipment list. The rice cooker and or <br /> warmer and any other cooking/hot holding equipment must be shown on the floor plan. The <br /> manufacturer names and model numbers for this equipment must be submitted. <br /> 9. All food service equipment must be listed by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) or equivalent <br /> for its intended use. The Frigidaire freezer model #FGCH25M8LW1, item #A1, was not found in the <br /> current NSF or equivalent listings. Per the Frigidaire website, the proposed freezer, Model <br /> 3020 Rucker Avenue, Suite 104 0 Everett, WA 98201-3900 0 tel: 425.339.5250 0 fax: 425.339.5254 <br />