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a <br />(lne�vH ruxas[r�o �en ^ __..._ <br />REAL7Y SPECIALTIES I <br />514 N. E. 165th CASE NO.. 561-205267-221 <br />Seattle, Washinqton 98155 � __ ___ <br />EM 4-1731 <br />1 <br />STRUCTURAL PEST INSPECTION REPOR7 <br />1.1 Proprrty Location 111 Bench St. Ev�re[t y�� ��ii�����,�,� �.��,, hovembei 9,1971 <br />titr�:Pt cnj <br />NAME OF OWNFR �• Proper y DSppQs�iqn RfiP�itl h�i__ <br />IIJf'�PECTION ORDERFD �Y S61l�S��� PIO(��Ci18B (CI I�'HONf <br />REPORT SENT 70 Selective Pronertiee 4322 Rueker fiverett• 1.Iashinat�n _ <br />H:�n�.,. � tr,-, � r.p; <br />INSPECTFD BY Forreet Wriaht SIAIC CfRTIFICAI[ N�. �+�6 <br />1.2 in order that all interested parties may be aware ol whal �ti and whnt is nol includod in IL�� scope and conlent el ih�ti <br />report, the structural pest r.on�rol stannords c` ihu WashinF;ton Sta�i� Pest Cnntinl Ati�ncr,ihun arr outlinrd nn Paq� 7 <br />01 this repOrL Picas�� r••dr �lirm oarrli�lly. If fhe addrr�ss, desrrip�inn di.���r�un nr ntlu�r infnrm��inn ,�n���n ,n th�� rr� <br />port fails �o rOn(om�, !o nr'.�iwn da�a, inlorm �he intipec�or inm,oJ�,itolq, irfr un troin u�,�n.� �'��� i���,nrt un��,� ;� i,�ll �u��,R r- <br />5tanding is r�,�rhed <br />ALL WORK PERFORfACD U�JDf�i� iHlS� �Pf�;IF�IC�A��I(1NS ;Hhl l A'I I1 1!If '.�INifl��i,b1 SiAtdfl�RDS OF 7HE <br />HOUSING CODC RJ FFFFf,T IN IIi15 ARF:A AMD IS TO COMI'LY NlI�H M I. 1 OC�I I AWti AND IJIlUINANCES. <br />TRASH AND DEBRIS FROM WORKMANSHIP MUST BE REMOVED FROM PROPERTY. <br />3.1 1�P.e-screen the �rislinG foundation vents with �:i" mesh galvanimd hard.vare clo�li. (:�nd .. J(See No. 3.�). <br />3.2 �Frame Hith brir.N mold. Apply r�ulking matori �k tn prrvent wnh�r Icaks. CaulkinE; miterials to be applied so as <br />I�i leave a cican, nrat app��arance (Mrtal "naibun" vents ai�• not aca�ptabl�). J <br />3.3 [ J Frovide r�v� cravi ;par,e vrnts sr.reened with S�" mesh �nlwinired hard�.vam �loth nrcir all unvented eomers. <br />Vents to ,e fram�d with brick mold. Apply r,�ulkin�; matenals lo prrvrnt �Nati�r Ictiks. CaulkinF; inilrri,il�; to h�� <br />applird s,i ;as lo I�ave i �lean. neat appearan;�r. (h1r�lal "nai6on" vcnt�, r�r�� not rir:c�,ptal�lol. <br />3.•1 �' Provide t�semrnt tvindoN well; ���f con��rute nr murtar tinish,concmte block fur �II c.indows lo�ated b��lo�:: gra•1r, ' <br />Repair any dama;ed or rotted ,vindow iremin�. <br />3.5 Q Provide creNl sp��ce vent wells of concrete or mortar finished concmte blor.k for ali vents locatrd below grade. <br />Repa any damated or rolted vent framing. <br />3b �� Excavate soil iroin cra�vl space lo allov� 18" r,learence betwcen soil and joist. Install novr or repair existing piers <br />and posts to maintain proper support forthe understructuro �vhere necessary. Suil to slope ac�ay from footing; <br />(approximately 3G°6 ,qrade). All support posts tn brar iip�m above grnde conuctr pii�r blocks. <br />3,7 �' P�ovidc a�ress bctwenn crav;l areas. <br />3.8 ❑ A(ter access has been made to the existing inaccessihle areas, (see diap;ram), an int�rirn inspection is nEcessory <br />to determine if additionat u�ork is nr.cessary for satisiactory complet on of all re�»irs. (Phone EM 4•1731 for in• <br />specti:�ri. <br />3.9 � Replace .�'� s';ucturlly unsound structural matrrials to include �sub Iloors }�finish floors, rotted or damaged <br />[' beam��plates [] support;�f joists_{l re.r �.fq//t sid;■s .tq� lud _s�j�n. <br />as indicat d in diaqram. In,!a(I suificient proter.trve tlashings o�arners to p��wont rroccurance. All areas of <br />structu�al dr�mage are to be +eplated or repaired to a condition equ;il t� ad�acent ai��as where n� infestations ex- <br />ist. Broken or damaGed siding or other finish materials to be mplared r��th new m,it��rials whcn removed to f, - <br />cilitate repairs. <br />3.10 � Replace framing as ner.essary and install a nev+ crawl hol� door ard provide �i lo�H�n�� il��v�re ((Do not inst.ill <br />keyed locks or padlocks). <br />3.11 �, Install new framing and new crawl hole door (1R" x 2d") ;ind provid� ,� lo�kinp iioeicr. (Do nnt instnll F; :� �� <br />locks or padloch5). <br />3.12 :� Construct a new crewl hole ,iccr�ss wFll (3' x 7' QD.) of roncrote or cunrir.t� hlo�ti�. Inslall approximatrly :' .�t <br />pea gravr.l fr�� drainaec, NUTf: fa�tory niadr�l hnl�� wrll�, acrr,�itablo vihrn• r��� i�is ,�rc nnl rrquin d. <br />3.13 '� Conslruct r�nd in;l;dl ,in �cr.r,5s well cOv��r u( wnod vnih ro��linp or utl ��r i�nn pruol ni.i�rri�il�. 5���� ��ui��.tnr (��n rh;,- <br />gram j � rndosed '�� availablc at bmk^r,' olficr. <br />5.14 ;�' Trench soil �f c�awl arua to allow water draina�;ir to outlet Ini.atrd ,�� luulinq. S��r dia�;r:un <br />3.15 ". Install a four inch tight line from the crawl �rr�� to n��,�r��st �n�i lowest rlevatinn Ih,�t �vil� .iil��:, , i,��, �tc �I�,-i ^,iti� <br />fro�n thc �rawl ama to:— -.--- —_------ — --_------ <br />3.]G � Tn�nch soi! of cntiro crnwl arca to allnv� watcr draina�;r. ln lh�� Imw:s� point ;uul in�t:ill �i snmp v��ll (minimum ra� <br />pocity o( G �.�ib�r ir��t) ,ind p�mp �o rnrnove sub watr�r5. (Fluclrirdil s��rvin� to pump �n, ludrd). 1'unip In bc a s�il- <br />rncrsibl�^ lype {N�drorr„�tir� No. SP2hA nr bdtnr). Trst fnr piu�;rr up�.�rdtiun <br />3.17 ' �:rede soil away Rom hcuse siding �.�r �kirtmp,� tn ol�rninatc� v.�nod soil ��untd�,:t5;�nd ��x��u.�� ,i in�ni�iuim r,! d �nchi�s <br />b�dwcen �vood rind soil. f,radink; lo be periurmrd lo farilitatr dr:iinv���� ;r.vay hum �hr tii�u�.lur��. (NOTi . Narro:c <br />ironchinp is. not arcr�pfabl�)_ Rnpair rol ur rl:unai;� to sidm,: nntl fr,ir nn�� is m,iv br i��v��al,�d �:is a n��.iilt ul rradim', <br />i ii�'.,, �. � <br />1 <br />J <br />